
The Unbeatable Ordinary

There are novels of MC being transferred to the world of Gods and Demons, the world of cultivation, and the world of swords and magic. But what they don't realize is the potential the mortal world has, if someone chose to explore it. This is a story of a lazy and somewhat cowardly ordinary guy, who, by an unexpectedly huge coincidence, manages to become one of the unbeatable beings in the entire Omniverse. MC is OP but only if seen from a certain perspective. -- No harem -- [A/N: So apparently, I'm writing this novel (or will at least try to) because I'm frustrated with so many cringy fanfics and stupid plots that are there in the novels which usually match my taste. This is my first novel and English is not my first language, so there may be some mistakes in it. There will be elements from all the anime and movies that are based on science (Sci-fi). Again, the updates stability will vary as I will need time to think about a good plot.]

Knot4Sail · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
3 Chs

A Wild R.O.B appears(1)

My name is Jay Conner, and I'm just a run-of-the-mill 22-year-old college student. I enjoy the simple and ordinary things in life and absolutely detest change.

[A/N: Déjà vu]

Well, there are two exceptions to this rule - my grades and my girlfriend. But let's not delve into that right now. Now, you may be wondering why I loathe change so much, it's simply because I'm just too lazy to deviate from my normal everyday routine.

As such, being an art student, my daily routine consists of everything that any ordinary art student would do, and of course, it also includes watching anime, reading novels, indulging in fan-fics and, ahem, "researching" R34 material. In my opinion, anyone who doesn't engage in at least one of these activities cannot be considered an ordinary human.

One thing that I'm proud of though, is my perfectionist streak. Although others may see me as being stubborn about every little thing, they fail to understand the all-encompassing Dao of Perfection.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and that's where my life took a drastic turn. A turn so drastic, that only my anime, novel, and R34 habits remained unchanged.


[•10th July 2023 •]

(General P.O.V)

Nerve wrecking pain and coldness was all that Jay could feel when he found himself lying on what appears to be a stretcher, surrounded by few blurry figures. Although their voice was muffled, a hint of urgency could clearly be felt.

'Fuck', was all he could think of before his vision slowly drifted into the darkness.

The next thing that he knew were the strange voices that sound eerily like his parents, which was impossible as they had already died 4 years prior, in a car accident.

The voices spoke continuously, without showing any sign of stopping.

Unable to take it any longer, Jay yelled, "Damn it! How's there? Keep your voice down and let me sleep". But of course, the voices never stopped. He tried opening his eyes, but all in vain.

"Huh?", all of a sudden, Jay felt as if he was being pulled into a vortex, the uncomfortable feeling of being constricted into a small space lasted a few seconds, before it disappeared and Jay found himself in unfamiliar darkness with twinkling dot-like lights, appearing every now and then, all around him.

"What is this place?", Jay asked nobody. Although it was complete silence, Jay felt this place weirdly…comfortable.

"How is this possible?", Out of nowhere, a bright light appeared, accompanied by a voice filled with surprise, echoing throughout the room.

The sudden voice startled Jay. "Who are you? And also, why were so hell-bent on disturbing by sleep?".

"Disturbing you? Mortal, the only one who is disturbing here is you", 'it' said with a calm voice.

"Mortal? Who are you? No, moreover, where am I? What's this place? Why are you so annoyingly flashy? The last thing I remember, is that you were buzzing everywhere while I was trying to sleep", asked Jay, as he launched his barrage of questions, feeling confused about his situation.

"Hmm, the buzzing you mentioned should be the voices of the remnant souls, which you heard while you were hanging in between life and death. As for me, I'm one the Supreme Gods who govern over all those things that exists. Although you won't be able to spell my name, you can call be Elonré or simply what you mortals say 'R.O.B'. As for the flashy thing, it's because my appearance is too powerful for your mortal brain to perceive. So, I usually, use this form to interact with the souls.", 'it' said.

Hearing this Jay's eyes widened. Life and death? Souls? Gods? What is it? Some fantasy game setting? As if being reminded of something, Jay looked at his body, only to see it in a translucent form.

"Oh shit! What the hell is this? I'm a freaking soul?". Jay felt stupid for not checking this the entire time this shit was happening.

"Does that mean that I'm dead? Come to think of it, I did got an explosive greetings by truck-kun this morning while I was having my coffee in the café. Damn! Even staying inside the building isn't safe", Jay muttered. 'But wait, what about those voices of soul thingy?', he thought.

"Those voices belong to the fragments of souls that peacefully passed away and are somehow related to the person who is hearing them. And no, you are not fully dead", R.O.B said.

"Related to person? Does that mean…", realizing this, Jay felt a subtle pain in his heart, even though he was in a soul form. He was very close to his parents and was depressed for a long time when his parents had passed away. After all, he was just 18 years old when it happened.

In today's modern times, many teenagers are still dependent on their parents even though they are almost adults. It took him all his will power to move ahead in his life and to plan about his future. To think…they were talking to him all along.

"I…Can I talk to them again?", Jay requested hopefully, but alas, the next words of the R.O.B were like cold water that doused that fire of hope.

"Sigh, no you can't. They are only the fragments of the souls, you can't talk to them, think of them as a recorded message, if you may".

"I see", although bitter, Jay can only accept it and hope that his parents are happy where ever they are now.

"But enough of this, we have to do something about your situation mortal. You are not fully dead, and somehow, due to some mistake, you ended up here, where all dead souls, worthy of being reincarnated, are brought about. And that too, to someone like me, who is only a step away from becoming one with The Unity", said R.O.B.

'I'm not dead yet? And what's this Unity?', Jay was shocked to realize that he was not fully dead.

As if sensing his thoughts, R.O.B explained, "Yes, you are not dead yet. The reason you ended up here is because the guy who was lying next to you in that shelter{Hospital), was supposed to be the one to be brought here, but while he was being brought here by the special mechanism of souls, your heart stopped for a small duration, which the mechanism considered as dead person, and well, carried you along with that guy's soul, but as it turns out, that your heart started beating again just before you could be moved here, and you managed to live.", feeling a bit helpless.

"And as for 'The Unity', it is something that can't be explained in term of mere words, in short, it's the highest form of anything that could exists. It's anywhere and everywhere. Everything…resided inside the Unity, and it applies to all those ever-expanding infinite dimensions, do you get it?", R.O.B asked, though he doubted this mortal will understand the vastness of it.

Jay was left standing there with a blank expression and his mouth curled in 'O' shape. As he came back to his senses, his expression turned serious as if deep in thought and said," Ohh…I see…hmm…No wonder…So, ultimately, that adds 'Supreme' tag to your status as a God, huh."



After an awkward silence, the R.O.B said," Never mind, what matters is what should I do with you now that you are here. It's the first time I have seen something like this. I can't exactly send you back, since the Akashic records of your world had already deemed you as dead, as soon as you came here. But, I also can't reincarnate you since you have not yet completed your previous life. As for keeping you here, that's not an option, since this is probably my last duty before I become the part of the Unity".

After a few minutes, R.O.B finally seemed to have made a decision, "Sigh…alright, I can only do this now, hmm…there is no other option after all", muttered R.O.B, seemingly deep into his thoughts.


A/N: So this one and one more chapter is all that I have written till now, no exact story yet but I know the general direction, consider this as a sample.

Now, before you guys curse me, Cliffhanger-kun resulted in me ending my chapter till here only, so I'll probably post one more chapter and after that I'll continue to start posting properly after I write 10-15 chapters in advance. I literally wrote this today after squeezing by brain for 5 hours.

Thanks for reading.


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