
The UnAwaken Become's Strongest

Zane Skyler always felt different from everyone else. In a world where everyone around him had awakened special abilities, he remained ordinary. Accepting his fate, he decided to live with this difficulty, making the best of his life despite feeling like an outsider. But one fateful day, everything changed. Faced with a life-and-death situation, Zane discovered a hidden power within himself, a power unlike anything anyone had ever seen. This revelation set him on a thrilling journey to become the strongest of them all. As Zane began to unlock and master his abilities, his life took a dramatic turn. No longer the boy left behind, he quickly rose to new heights. However, his newfound power brought with it a slew of mysteries and challenges. Why had his abilities awakened so late? What was his true potential? And most importantly, who could he trust with his secret? --------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: Hardworking Protagonist: Yes, Interesting Side Cast: Yes, World Building: Yes, Overpowered Protagonist: Yes, Romance: Yes, Harem: No --------------------------------------------------------------- (#It's my first time writing so I know the story is not going to be a perfect one QAQ. Please support me with Ps, Gt and gifts, THANK YOU!!!) (Note: The cover is not mine, found it from Pinterest. All credits go to the owner who can ring me up in the comment section if he/she wants me to remove it.)

Me_In_Mirror · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs

The Escape


The kidnappers didn't care about Zane's abilities because they used a device to detect power levels, and they got nothing.

sorry forgot to mention in previous chapter, hopefully you like this chapter


The twins left, but in the darkness, hours passed, and Zane continued to work on the ropes. His wrists were raw and bleeding, but he didn't give up. The girl beside him stirred, groaning as she regained consciousness. She had long, dark hair that framed her face, which was now bruised and swollen. Her eyes opened slowly, revealing a spark of defiance despite her condition.

"Hey, are you okay?" Zane whispered.

"Do you think I am?" she replied sarcastically, wincing as she tried to sit up. "Where are we?"

"I don't know," Zane said, trying to sound reassuring despite his own fear. "But we need to get out of here."

"No shit again" she muttered, looking around the room. Her gaze fell on Zane's raw wrists, and she narrowed her eyes. "You've been trying to get free?"

"Yeah," Zane admitted. "But these ropes are tight. I haven't had much luck."

"Move over," she said, scooting closer. "Let me try."

Zane hesitated but then shifted so she could reach his hands. She began to work on the ropes, her fingers deftly moving despite the trembling in her hands. After a few minutes, the ropes loosened, and Zane slipped his hands free.

"Thanks," Zane said, rubbing his wrists. "I'm Zane, by the way."

"Sophia," she replied shortly. "Now untie me. We need to get out of here before they come back."

Zane quickly untied her, and they both stood up, stretching their sore limbs. Sophia moved to the door, listening for any sounds outside.

"We need a plan," Zane said, looking around the room for anything that could be used as a weapon.

"No kidding," Sophia retorted. "And it looks like you're fresh out of ideas."

"Hey, I got us untied, didn't I?" Zane shot back.

"Barely," Sophia scoffed. "Now shut up and let me think."

Zane bristled at her tone but held his tongue. He could tell Sophia was scared, just like he was, and snapping at each other wouldn't help. He watched as she peered through a crack in the door, her expression tense.

"We're in some kind of warehouse," she whispered. "No one seems to be outside right now; I can't hear anyone".

"Great," Zane muttered. "What's the plan?"

"We need to take them out quietly," Sophia said. "Can you fight?"

Zane hesitated. "A little. I know some self-defense."

Sophia sighed. "Better than nothing. Look, normally I'd use my ability to get us out of here, but I think they used some kind of potion on me. I can't seem to access my power right now."

"What's your ability?" Zane asked, curious.

"Telekinesis," Sophia said.

"Telekinesis? That's amazing," Zane said, feeling a bit of awe despite their situation.

"Yeah, well, not so amazing right now," Sophia said, frustration in her voice. "And what about you? What can you do?"

"Nothing," Zane said quietly. "I'm unawakened."

Sophia's eyes widened slightly, but she didn't comment. Instead, she handed him a rusty pipe she had found. "Use this. We'll take them by surprise."

Zane thought, 'Let's hope to get out of this mess and leave. I still have some time to get home before Ameli's birthday.'

(Even in this desperate situation, Zane still thought of Ameli, showing how much he fear- or cared for his little sister.)

Zane and Sophia both slowly went out, glancing around the area and feeling relieved. Suddenly, they heard voices approaching. It was likely the twins bickering about how they would torture the boy since they couldn't do anything to the girl. Both hid in different places. Zane trembled after listening to their conversation and thought of running, but he knew they would catch him in no time. He gritted his teeth at how helpless he felt.

Sophia, hiding in a corner, saw the twins coming and noticed Zane wasn't showing any sign of moving. She thought to herself, Did he run away? Of course, he's unawakened. Why would he let a golden chance of escaping go to waste and stay here?

Sophia then attacked one twin but got blocked. She gritted her teeth and launched another attack. The twins smirked.

"Oh, looks like the potion's still working. Seeing you not using your ability," one twin said, hitting her hard.

"Hey, don't hurt her too much. Boss will get mad if she's injured badly," the other twin said.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure not to cause any lifetime injuries but I will have some fun." he said while having scary smile on his face.

This wasn't the first time this had happened to her. Sophia had been kidnapped a few times before so that they can black her family for money or anything and she knew her family would save her no matter what. Losing all hope of escape, waiting for her family to save her was her last choice she decided to give up and follow their orders. But then she saw Zane signaling her. She thought, so he didn't run away, huh, well let's give it a try, shall we?

Sophia grabbed the twins' attention by struggling and trying to free herself and she was successful both saw her struggle and smile.

"Yes, try anything you want but you are not leaving this place hahaha!".

As both of them were laughing. Zane ran and hit one twin on the head as hard as he could with the pipe. The twin went down, leaving only one left.

The remaining twin, who was restraining Sophia, noticed and said, "This trash dares attack from behind? I'll crush him into pieces!"

Sophia freed herself and attacked but was easily blocked.

"You think you can attack me? Try more. But let me deal with him first," the twin said.

She used a wind ability and sent Zane flying. He hit the ground hard, coughing up blood. Sophia grabbed the rusty pipe Zane had dropped and swung it at the twin, but it was futile.

"Hahaha, struggle more. I like it when the weak struggle in front of me."

Shit, I can't get up. It hurts like hell. The injury from earlier and now this... It's too much. But we have to leave before the others come, Zane thought, wiping blood from his mouth.

While Sophia was struggling against the twin, Zane approached the unconscious one, took his blade, and, without thinking, ran straight at the remaining twin like it was his last resort for survival. He successfully stabbed her, or so he thought, but it was just a shallow cut. She sent him flying again.

"Fuck, why is this so annoying? Fine, I'll kill you here," the twin said.

Not missing the opportunity, Sophia hit the twin hard where Zane had cut her and then at her head. But it wasn't enough. The twin attacked Sophia, maintaining some distance and creating gusts of wind to push her back. Despite this, Sophia poured all her strength into one last attack and threw the pipe at the twin. The twin barely dodged, still affected by the injuries on her abdomen and stumbled. Sophia kicked her, making her fall. To Sophia's surprise, she felt a bit of her power returning. She used telekinesis to lift the twin and slam her to the ground, finishing her off.

Zane lay on the ground, unable to get up, having used all his strength. He saw Sophia regain her ability, feeling relieved that they could now get out of this place.

Sophia turned to Zane and helped him up. "Are you okay?"

"I can't even stand," Zane said, clutching his stomach.

Sophia was amazed at the boy who had no ability but still fought bravely. Though he didn't know any fighting techniques or styles, he didn't run away. She admired his courage but kept it to herself.

"We still need to contact my family or the police and leave this place before anyone else comes."

"How about we look through their stuff?" Zane suggested, pointing to the bodies of the twins.

From the twins, Zane and Sophia found a communication device and a storage device containing a mysterious monster core, it was big, so he grabbed it with both hands, it looked shiny with many colors, but Zane studied that cores are of only one color, but this one is different.


(Info: Monsters are divided into ranks based on their power and threat levels:

E-rank: The lowest level monsters, relatively weak and can be handled by beginners.

D-rank: Slightly more powerful, posing a moderate threat. Often require basic strategic planning to defeat.

C-rank: Stronger monsters that can pose a significant threat to small groups. Usually require trained teams to handle.

B-rank: High-level monsters that can cause severe damage. Require coordinated efforts from experienced awakeners.

A-rank: Extremely dangerous monsters with high intelligence and lethal abilities. They often require elite teams to defeat.

S-rank: The most dangerous and powerful monsters, possessing extreme intelligence and devastating powers. Defeating them requires multiple S-rank awakeners and strategic planning. Awakeners are also ranked from E to S after being examined by the Association.)


Zane examined the core with curiosity, having never seen a monster core before. The pain seemed to fade as he focused on the core. Meanwhile, Sophia sent their coordinates to her family.

"It will take at least 15 minutes for them to reach us. Let's hide somewhere in the meantime," Sophia suggested.

"Okay, I'm feeling slightly better now. Let's go," Zane agreed.

Sophia nodded. As they were about to leave, they felt a chill down their spines and trembled in fear at the

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