
The UnAwaken Become's Strongest

Zane Skyler always felt different from everyone else. In a world where everyone around him had awakened special abilities, he remained ordinary. Accepting his fate, he decided to live with this difficulty, making the best of his life despite feeling like an outsider. But one fateful day, everything changed. Faced with a life-and-death situation, Zane discovered a hidden power within himself, a power unlike anything anyone had ever seen. This revelation set him on a thrilling journey to become the strongest of them all. As Zane began to unlock and master his abilities, his life took a dramatic turn. No longer the boy left behind, he quickly rose to new heights. However, his newfound power brought with it a slew of mysteries and challenges. Why had his abilities awakened so late? What was his true potential? And most importantly, who could he trust with his secret? --------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: Hardworking Protagonist: Yes, Interesting Side Cast: Yes, World Building: Yes, Overpowered Protagonist: Yes, Romance: Yes, Harem: No --------------------------------------------------------------- (#It's my first time writing so I know the story is not going to be a perfect one QAQ. Please support me with Ps, Gt and gifts, THANK YOU!!!) (Note: The cover is not mine, found it from Pinterest. All credits go to the owner who can ring me up in the comment section if he/she wants me to remove it.)

Me_In_Mirror · Fantasía
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35 Chs

A Gift

In the bustling classroom, everyone was chatting among themselves. Amid the noise sat a boy with black hair and black eyes, lost in his own world as he stared at his notebook. He was tall for his age, about 5'9", with a lean frame and a face that often wore a distant, contemplative expression. His name was Zane Skyler.

Suddenly, a loud blast outside the classroom startled him. Looking towards the sound, he saw through the window many students practicing their abilities, showing off their skills. Zane thought, 'How great it would be if I could do the same.'

Feeling sad and despairing, Zane reflected on how he hadn't awakened any abilities even after turning ten. He watched kids his age using their abilities, seeing the happy faces of their parents and feeling a pang of guilt. Zane's father had died in a blast experiment when he was just eight years old, leaving his mother to work hard to raise him and his little sister, who was two years younger. Zane felt even guiltier, believing he was a burden to his mother, as only 0.1 percent of people remained Un awakened.

Zane's father, Dr. Elias Skyler, had been a renowned scientist working on a groundbreaking project to enhance awakened abilities. He believed his research could unlock new potential in those who had already awakened and possibly awaken those who hadn't. Tragically, during one of his experiments, there was a catastrophic failure. The lab exploded, killing Dr. Skyler and several of his colleagues. The blast was so powerful that it left a massive crater where the lab once stood. Zane vividly remembered the day he lost his father; the news reports, the endless condolences, and the heavy, suffocating grief that followed.

Lost in these thoughts, Zane suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder and heard a familiar voice. He turned and saw his friend Kevin, his only friend. Kevin had blond hair that always seemed to be in a messy yet stylish state, and a cheerful personality that made him well-liked by everyone. While everyone else avoided Zane because he was not awakened, Kevin always stayed by his side, perhaps out of pity. Kevin was strong and wealthy, so Zane wasn't bullied because of him, and he was very thankful for Kevin's friendship.

"Hi Kevin, good morning," Zane greeted.

"Hello, my best and most handsome friend! You look extremely charming today!"

"Kevin," Zane said, knowing what was coming next. "What? I'm just praising my frien—"

"I will not help you with your assignment, no matter how much you butter me up," Zane interrupted.

"But I didn't say anything about the assignment! Why do you think I want to copy your work?"

"Oh, so you've completed your work?" Zane asked sarcastically, smiling. Despite being strong, Kevin was a bit dense and always tried to get help with his assignments. Zane always helped him but tried to make him do his own work.

"Hey! You know I didn't. Please help your cute friend," Kevin pleaded.

"Get rid of that face and stay away from me; everyone is watching," Zane said, pushing Kevin off.

'I can't get used to him,' Zane thought. 'He always comes up with these weird techniques to ask for help. Well, I don't mind; I just want him to do his own assignments.'

"Okay, okay. I'll give you, my work. Just stop making that face—it's irritating to watch."

"That's my friend! I knew I could rely on you, hahaha!."

"To thank you, I'll treat you today! First, we'll go to the arcade then eat and have fun."

"Sorry, not today. I have to get home early."

"Why!? We haven't gone to the arcade in three whole days! Why can't you go?"

Zane stared at him, thinking, "How can someone be so excited about the arcade?" Then he said, "Today is Ameli's birthday."

"Oh, then that's unfortunate. We'll go next time." Suddenly showing calm behavior.

"Yeah," Zane hummed.

"What?" Kevin asked.

"Nothing, It's just... I'm surprised at how easily you accepted not going to the arcade."

"Well, I remember when I took you to the arcade and you were late for her birthday. When I went with you to celebrate and congratulate her, she..." Kevin suddenly paused and shivered.

"Pfft," Zane held back his laughter.

"Hey, it's not funny! I had to wear a cap for three months to hide my hair."

"Hahaha, I remember. She blew your hair off with her wind ability because you made me late for her birthday."

"So, she turns 13 this year, right?". changing the topic because of embarrassment.

Zane nodded 

Then the teacher came into the class, and Kevin went to his seat.

"Now, everyone settle down. Class is about to begin, and today's lesson is very important."

As the class started, the day went by with lessons and note-taking. Since Zane wasn't awakened, he worked hard on his academics to secure a decent job at a research facility. Maintaining top grades was challenging, but he had no other option. His mother never complained and always encouraged him despite his lack of abilities. These thoughts haunted him daily. Shaking his head to clear his mind, Zane left the classroom with Kevin.

Chatting with Kevin, Zane suddenly remembered, "I didn't buy any gift for her yet."

"What! If you show up without a gift, she'll think it's because of me, and she'll blow me away!"

"Haha, that would be fun," Zane said softly.

"What did you say?" Kevin asked.

"Nothing. Don't worry, we'll buy the gift now. Let's go shopping."

They headed to the market, but it turned out to be a mistake. Boys aren't good at picking out gifts, and it took them three hours to buy a single present for her. They wandered from shop to shop, arguing over what Ameli would like. Kevin suggested a shiny bracelet, but Zane thought it was too flashy. Zane picked out a simple book, but Kevin deemed it too boring.

"How about this cute plush toy?" Kevin asked.

"She's turning 13, not 3," Zane replied.

They finally settled on a beautiful, hand-painted music box that played Ameli's favorite song. It was expensive, but they pooled their money together to buy it.

After purchasing the gift, they prepared to leave but heard a commotion. Curious, they went to see what was happening and saw one of their classmates, Lucas, the son of the vice president of Star Guild, bullying a girl who seemed to be a worker. She was sobbing on the floor while Lucas abused her.

Kevin, unable to stand it, clenched his fists and marched forward. "Hey, Lucas! Leave her alone!" he shouted. Lucas turned, sneering.

"Why should I? She's just a lowly worker," Lucas replied arrogantly.

Without warning, Kevin punched Lucas, sending him flying and knocking him unconscious. Zane was shocked and regretted coming. He had forgotten that Kevin loved playing the hero and still had a bit of an 8th-grade syndrome.

Lucas's friends rushed towards Kevin, but Kevin stood his ground. "Come on, let's go!" Zane grabbed Kevin's arm, dragging him away. Though Kevin was strong and could handle Lucas and his friends, Lucas's father was powerful, and Kevin couldn't compare.

"What were you thinking?" Zane shouted as they ran.

"He was bullying that worker."

"I know, but why did you have to punch him? He'll want revenge."

"Is it wrong to help someone in need? No one else was stepping in."

Zane sighed, remembering Kevin's good nature. "Okay, what's done is done. Let's think about how to resolve this."

"No need to worry. He didn't see me clearly. Even if he did, he'd be too humiliated to admit he got knocked out with one punch, hahaha."

Zane stared at him, amazed at how relaxed he was. "Let's hope you're right. You shouldn't come to school tomorrow, just in case."

Kevin nodded. "Now, let's g—"

Suddenly, Kevin's communication device rang. It was his father calling.

"Yes, but—okay, I'll come."

"Zane, sorry, something urgent came up. I have to go."

"No worries. I'll congratulate her on your behalf."

"Thanks. Bye."

Kevin left, and Zane also headed home. He didn't want to be late and face Ameli's anger.

On his way home, Zane was stopped by Lucas and his friends.

Acting normal trying to maintain composure despite the tension, Zane said, "Hi, Lucas. What are you doing here?"

"Don't play dumb. I know you were with Kevin when he hit me," Lucas retorted sharply, his voice laced with anger.

Zane felt a chill run down his spine. "He saw me?" He thought quickly, trying to defuse the situation. "Look, Lucas, I don't know where Kevin went. He left a different way after we parted."

Lucas's expression darkened. "He'll come back. And when he does, I'll be ready. If I make you a hostage, he'll come to save you, won't he?" Lucas's friends closed in around Zane, their presence intimidating.

Zane took a step back, his mind racing. "Listen, Lucas, this isn't necessary. Kevin's not looking for trouble."

One of Lucas's friends grabbed Zane's arm roughly. "You're coming with us," he growled.

Zane resisted, but the grip was firm. Panic began to rise within him. "Great, now what, looks like Kevin has to wear cap again for three months no may be four this time." He thought this while desperately searched for a way out, knowing he had to handle this carefully.



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thanks for reading My work and if you like this story then I suggest you check out my other novel Regressor's POV .

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