
2. Overlapping

Traductor: 549690339

Initially, the concept of a "world" did not exist. Only an immeasurable Void Vacuum surrounded a sleeping giant.

As time did not flow, it was impossible to gauge the duration of the long slumber. All that was certain was that the giant was killed by isolation during its endless sleep.

The moment the giant's colossal body fell, time began to flow, and the origin began to work...

The giant's brain became the Mother Goddess Mafa. From the moment she took form, Mafa started to use the giant's body to shape the world.

Flesh was transformed into terrain and mountains.

Blood became rivers and seas.

Seven eyes hung high in the sky, the largest and warmest turned into the sun that illuminates the daytime, while the six remaining eyes of different colors and with faint light became the moon.

The breath turned into the wind blowing through everything.

Body hair changed into forests and flora.

Scales evolved into Dragons.

The heart that sighed for solitude shattered into countless shards, and life—birds, beasts, and Wisdom Species were all evolved from these pieces.

The energy that maintained the giant spread over vast space, and it was called Mana.

This was the holy land blessed by God, filled with everything and nurturing all life, the blessed realm named "Welt".

The sequence in which the species born within this domain emerged determined their rank of power and destiny. For example, the position of the "Ancient Species" - Dragons was much higher than that of the Wisdom Species, Dwarves and Beast-men. They were powerless against Dragons.

After completing the creation, the tired Mother Goddess Mafa began to rest. She lay down on the soft bed made for her by the Earth and Mana and fell into sleep on Asjate Mountain, where she remains dormant to this day.

Various races began to breed in every corner of the world. The long-lived Wisdom Species with sharp ears, known as the Mimir, or to other species as the Elves, had a superior ability to use Mana compared to others, though inferior to Dragons. They led other species to build city-states on the Alfheim Plain and along the edge of the Hevagmire River, forming the earliest country—Gilmania Kingdom.

After the kingdom had flourished for nearly a thousand years, it collapsed suddenly. A Wisdom Species claiming to be humans, who had short ears and poor ability to use Mana, incited the beast men to rebel. Facing the incoming flood of troops, the Elves, who knew nothing of war strategy and were immersed in peaceful life, were dethroned, branded as "Descendants of the Evil God", and driven to the mountains and forests. The humans and beast men who stole the kingdom reignited the war for more spoils.

Kill the aliens, kill the compatriots, kill the enemies, kill friends.

The ugly twisted dance continued. The kingdom split into many countries, annexation, prosperity, destruction, birth of new countries.

The cycle stained with flesh and blood kept operating...

[Data confirmed.]

As a bystander to the cycle, the young man spoke in a business-like, monotone voice. His indifferent expression was as steady as a machine running to observe and record an insect nest.

[It is more appropriate to use a melancholic tone in this context.]

[Rejected, there's no need to waste bytes on myths in a self-willed environment.]

[It may be regarded as emotional simulation training.]

[Rejected, lack of instruments or objects to verify responses and it conflicts with the sequence of events. Preparing to enter self-memory retrieval, combined with intelligence analysis, to formulate countermeasures.]

[Understood, memory retrieval to commence in 5 seconds. 4, 3, 2, 1, Begin.]

The boy's self-muttering voice faded away, the void sea decorated by cold starlight swallowed the ancient land stained with blood, the quietly spilling water blue planet reflected a faint glow in the eternal night.

The third planet of the solar system, the home planet of the boy and over a hundred billion people—Earth(Gaia).

Before September 13, AD 2317, this planet held such serene beauty. After decisive warfare, the blue glow had become a distant memory, outdated visual and audio data stored in databases.

National disputes, resource allocation, ethnic conflicts, social division, religious conflicts... All dissatisfaction and resentment accumulated over centuries became the breaking threshold and the hellfire swept across the world. In less than a week, nearly 70% of the total population of over 30 billion on Earth, the Moon, Lagrange Points, Mars, Jupiter had died. In order to achieve victory, all warring parties recklessly used weapons of mass destruction, as a result, not only a large number of lives were lost, but the environment of Earth also changed drastically.

By the time the war that lasted for nearly a year ended, and the Earth Federal Government that barely held power emerged to clean up the mess, the mother planet that nurtured human civilization had become a post-apocalyptic scene where humans found it difficult to continue living due to climate change, geomorphological alterations, and atmospheric and oceanic pollution. After leaving some automated robots to monitor the environment, the surviving humans all moved to space.

Initially, with its strong regenerative capability and the passing of several thousand years, this planet could have completely self-healed. But humans, whose souls are always bound by gravity, could never thoroughly let go of their attachment to Earth. To satisfy public sentiment and divert dissatisfaction, the government proposed a plan for Earth's restoration and redevelopment. The core component used for improving the Earth's environment - an artificial life form modeled after humans themselves - was quickly developed with the full backing of the government.