
Chapter 258: Millennium Kill

Panxin and Li Jingang seemed a bit confused. They exchanged glances and then said in unison, "What is the Ultimate move of War?"

Gao Yuan whispered, "Don't understand? Hm, if I were to phrase it elegantly, it would be the 'Millennium Kill', which is to say, stabbing them in the butt."

Panxin felt like he was on the verge of tears. Gao Yuan whispered, "The enemy has exposed their Achilles' heel. We just need to stab it, taking out their command center and supply base directly. If that's not a 'Millennium Kill', what is?"

Li Jingang said morosely, "We call it a Decapitation Operation."

"Decapitation? Ah, decapitation means beheading, right? Beheading works too, but no matter how you think about it, what we're doing isn't exactly a Decapitation Operation. 'Millennium Kill' seems more appropriate."

Panxin whispered, "What on earth goes through your mind?"