
(Mr. Bean)

Monday came too soon, and Shia was all excited to start her big day. Dressed up in black jeans and her favorite white t-shirt accompanied with the only boots she had, she looked pretty much awesome... at least to herself and that was enough for her. Her phone started ringing, picking it up she smiled. It was Chance, her only best friend. Being an American with dirty blonde hairs and blue eyes ... Chance has broken a lot of hearts. But he's the only one who made her feel comfortable and safe. After her grandma died, Chance has always been there for her.

"Heya, Sugar boy", Shia said smiling to herself. She knew how much he hated when she called him that.

"Hello to you too munchkin", replied Chance.

"You all set for your first day?" He was always like this, worrying about her. He's the only family she has left and God forbid if something happens to him... she will never survive that.

"ugghh Chance" she groaned on the phone. "stop worrying or you'll get old even before you reach 30 and that's not gonna help you with your sugar boy title" she made her way to the door. On the way, she picked up an apple to eat for the breakfast as she didn't want to be late on her first day.

Apparently not everyone thinks the same and that's how she found herself and a bunch of students in the lecture hall where supposedly it should have been at least fifty students or that's what the lecturer said when he introduced himself. His name is Mr. Alex Bean and we can call him Mr. Bean (funny, I know 😉). Anyways, Mr. Bean will be teaching us Molecular Biology. Oh yeah, you guessed it right, I chose Biochemistry. Well it's not like something big but I would like to make a big difference one day with all the knowledge that I'll gather here. At least that's what I dream of apart from the gloomy nightmares that's been bothering since my childhood but that's a story for another day.

Mr. Bean is talking about glycoproteins when suddenly the doors to the room open with a thud.