
The Ultimate Rat In The World of Ninjas!

What would happen if a guy from Blue Star inhabited Naruto's body when he was a child? Can he tolerate their eyes full of hatred when they look at him? Can he still remain indifferent to those who isolate him from the world around him while doing nothing wrong? Can he maintain an adult mentality in the face of discrimination when he knows the truth? Follow 'Naruto' as he changes his fate from the original trajectory of his life with the help of his system and exacts revenge on those people who have wronged him! Disclaimer: The Picture above is not mine. Found it on Google-san. Ctto. Author: I Want To Fish More Translator: Ravinder Singh Editor: Novelette_Seeker

Novelette_Seeker · Cómic
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177 Chs

Chapter 88: Third Hokage Desperately Planting Death Flags.

"Third Hokage-sama, we should suspend the Chūnin exam!"

When Kakashi heard that Orochimaru's purpose might be Naruto, he immediately agreed with Guy.

He is very optimistic about Naruto, and his expectations are much higher than Sasuke, higher than anyone else.

He didn't want such a good seedling to perish before it had time to bloom the light that belonged to him.

If Orochimaru really gets his way, then he will definitely fight Orochimaru desperately!

Even if he can't beat him, he will still fight!

This is Kakashi's last hold!!

"Yes! Third Hokage-sama, we should stop the chunin exam, they are still young, we shouldn't let accidents happen!"

Guy said excitedly.


The Third Hokage didn't answer right away, but puffed out smoke rings and became thoughtful.

Nine Tails Jinchūriki must not have an accident, but the Chūnin exam cannot be stopped either.

Because the Chūnin exam is the best stage to show their Village strength to other major ninja villages, if the exam is stopped because of Orochimaru, what will other ninja villages think?

Won't they think the once glorious Konoha is completely dead?

In recent years, Konoha can be described as precarious.

In the three ninja world wars, Konoha, who was in the center, faced the battlefield on three sides and almost wiped out their village.

If it wasn't for Konoha's rich accumulation, if it wasn't for the emergence of Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Tsunade during the Second Ninja World War, and if it wasn't for Namikaze Minato the 'Golden Flash' during the Third Ninja World War, it would really be over.

Fortunately, compared with Konoha's weakness, the losses of other villages were more serious. Even like Kirigakure, Iwagakure, and Cloud Shinobi Village, several village kages died directly.

However, Konoha, which was slowly regaining its vitality, has an accident ten years ago when the Nine Tails Rebellion broke out, causing the Fourth Hokage to sacrifice his life, and the Nine Tails Jinchūriki was replaced, and a few years ago, the most powerful Uchiha Family in the village was massacred overnight.

This made Konoha suffer blows again and again.

As a result, Cloud Shinobi became the strongest among the five major ninja villages, followed by Rock Shinobi, and then Konoha. As for Sand Shinobi, because of its geographical location, it has always been very poor, and its strength is basically at the bottom. The last is Mist Shinobi, which is even worse. In the bloody mist, almost none of the Kekkei genkai users in the village were killed, and the seven Ninja Swordsmen all became traitors one after another.

It can only be said that Konoha can still maintain its mid-level strength, all thanks to its peers.

And because of this, in order to show its muscles to the other ninja villages, the Third Hokage had to continue holding the Chūnin exam even under Orochimaru's prying eyes.

At least they can't lose in terms of momentum. For the rest, since they know Orochimaru's target, just protect him. 

Then send ninjas to strengthen patrols and guard against the forest of death.

"The Chūnin exam cannot be stopped."

The Third Hokage said with determination.

"But..." Guy became anxious.

"So, for the smooth progress of the exam, you instructors will enter the forest of death tomorrow, especially you Kakashi, keep an eye on Naruto, absolutely don't give Orochimaru any chance!"

"In addition, I will send all Anbu out to find Orochimaru's whereabouts. Don't worry, as long as the exam is safe, Orochimaru won't cause any trouble!"

Kakashi nodded: "I understand."

Guy: "Yes!"

"But fath… Third Hokage-sama, you send Anbu out, what will you do if there is no one around you?"

Asuma looked at his father worriedly.

"Haha, do you really think I'm old? Even if Orochimaru does it himself, I won't lose to him in a short while, or if you find out the movement, won't you rush to help me?"

The Third Hokage laughed.

"Of course not! I, Guy, will definitely be the first to arrive! As Konoha's blue beast, I will die to protect Konoha!!

Guy slapped his chest and yelled.

"I'll keep an eye on this too." Kakashi nodded.

"Then we'll do that." Asuma said.

"Haha, with your words, I feel relieved, even if I face Orochimaru alone now, I won't be afraid anymore.

The Third Hokage desperately planted a flag on his head without realizing it.

In the original anime, although the Third Hokage was imprisoned in the Four Violet Flame Formation, there is one thing to say, none of these people were present.

Let the Third Hokage fight against the First Hokage and Second Hokage alone, and in the end, with no other choice, he can only use the Reaper Death Seal to seal them, and bring the souls of the First Hokage and Second Hokage, as well as Orochimaru's hands, to die together.

I just don't know if the storyline is repeated again, and the Third Hokage, who is fighting alone, recalls what Kakashi and the others said at this time, will he curse them in his hearts?

The next day.

Just after dawn, Naruto Shadow Clone in the Death Forest sensed something was wrong around him, 

"There seems to be more Chūnin around...and, is this Kakashi-sensei? Why is he here?"

In Naruto's perception, the area where his team is located has been surrounded by three Chūnin and one Jōnin.

And that Jōnin, was Kakashi who planned to come and watch in person.

And in order to prevent Naruto from finding out, he deliberately stayed far away, only keeping the three Chūnin examiners at an appropriate distance that would not affect Naruto and their exams.

It's just that even if Kakashi does this, he still can't hide from Naruto. This is a break through listening to everything.

"Is it because of Orochimaru? But, does the Third Hokage think so much about Sasuke? Kakashi-sensei is here too... I didn't realize it before."

Naruto was puzzled.

He guessed that Orochimaru might be in a playful mood yesterday, and deliberately showed up to meet Anko, or else, with Orochimaru's ability, could he still be discovered?

Moreover, Naruto also knows about the Third Hokage's protection of Sasuke, isn't it because of Itachi's threat? 

But what does this have to do with Kakashi? Is it because Obito and Sasuke are from the same family that he will extend his worry about Sasuke? 

"Why are you in a daze?"

Sasuke asked Naruto, who had already woken up but was sitting on the tree trunk in a daze.

"Nothing, just thinking about what to have for breakfast."

"Ah, only a food pill is left, luckily there is a water source nearby.

Sakura touched the ninja bag and said helplessly.

She really doesn't want to eat this thing, although the effect is very good.

"That can't be helped. We can only wait and see if we can meet any animals."

Sasuke sighed.

"It's okay, I have something to eat here."

As Naruto said, he took out a scroll and slapped it on the ground, and three bowls of hot and fragrant ramen immediately appeared on it.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this?!" Sakura asked in surprise.

"Is this the Summoning technique?" Sasuke said thoughtfully.

"This is what I learned from Guy-sensei… He is the thick-browed teacher. It stores things in the time and space of the scroll, so I can take them out at any time when I need them."

Naruto explained, of course, it was full of nonsense.

The theory refers to Tenten ninjutsu, but the actual operation is realized through his System.

"Great! Now we don't have to worry about food!!"

Although hearing Naruto talk about thick eyebrows, Sakura couldn't help but think of Lee's face who confessed to her, but at the moment when the delicious food is at hand, she can only forcefully ignore it!!

Sasuke also nodded in satisfaction, isn't this much more convenient than finding food by himself?

This guy Naruto is really versatile. When did he learn these things?

Could it be that when he was in school, on the surface, he slept in class and was not interested in actual combat classes, but actually worked hard secretly?

'This nasty guy! I was completely deceived by him!!"

Sasuke kept roaring inwardly.

"What are you doing?"

Naruto ate the ramen and looked at Sasuke who was staring at him with resentment.

Sasuke did not speak, but ate the noodles silently.

"Well, how about this, after this exam is over, I will take you to a place. Since you want to learn the Summoning technique, I have a good Summoning beast that I can introduce to you."

Naruto said to Sasuke.

Anyway, if he wants to go to Ryūchi Cave once, there is no problem with bringing someone along, and the compatibility between Sasuke and snake is pretty good.

By the way, let's see if Sasuke can learn Sage Art. Anyway, with him, the success rate should be quite high.

"Really!" Sasuke's eyes lit up when he heard Naruto's words!

Judging from the fruit Naruto gave him last time, which doubled his Chakra, if Naruto can say it's something good, then it must be a good thing!!

Sasuke hopes that this exam will be over as soon as possible!

"Eto... Naruto, can I go too?" Sakura asked in a low voice.

She also wants to become stronger, she doesn't want to be a drag in this team!

Especially yesterday, when she met that Kusanagi ninja, seeing that Sasuke could do nothing but let her run away, Sakura felt uncomfortable for a while, and even cried on the way to find Naruto

Now hearing that Naruto is willing to help Sasuke find a Summoning beast, Sakura also wants to try.

"This…Snakes are not suitable for you…

The Snakes from Ryūchi Cave are really not suitable for Sakura since they respect strength.

If Sakura tried to make a contract with them, they would definitely eat her. 

"This... Is that so..."

Seeing Naruto's refusal, Sakura lowered her head in disappointment, she was really too weak, and Naruto was unwilling to help her.

She wants to cry again…

Sasuke looked at Naruto suspiciously, you can't really ignore Sakura just because she is weak, right?

Although women are really troublesome.

"Sigh..." Naruto sighed slightly.

Anyway, the Summoning scroll of Wet Bone Forest is about to arrive.

Well, looking at it this way, I am short of Mount Myōboku, and Jiraiya is about to come back.

"Sakura, I said last time that you are more suitable for medical ninjutsu."

"Ah? Yes." Sakura looked up and looked at Naruto in confusion.

"Do you know Princess Tsunade, one of the [Sannin]?"

"Tsunade-sama? I know! I grew up listening to her stories! She is my idol, and I want to be a strong ninja like her!"

Sakura said excitedly.

"That's right, it's her. And as far as I know, Tsunade's Summoning beast is specialized in healing and attacking.

"The reason why I say you are not suitable to go with us is because the Snake Summoning beast is not suitable for you, but on the contrary, Tsunade's summoning beast is very suitable for you."

Naruto explained.

"But, but, Tsunade-sama hasn't come back for a long time, and even if I find her, Tsunade-sama won't teach me ninjutsu."

Sakura thought that Naruto had other ways, and why did Naruto call Tsunade-sama by her name directly?

"If you don't mind waiting, I can also take you to Tsunade's Summoning beast location and let you sign a Summoning contract."

"Really?! Naruto.....You're not comforting me, are you?"

Sakura got excited, then looked at him suspiciously.

"No, anyway, I'm definitely going there. I don't mind bringing one more person with me. If you don't want to, then forget it."

"I do, I do!!" Sakura happily agreed!

This is something that even Sasuke was looking forward to after hearing it, how could Sakura be unwilling?!

It's definitely a rare opportunity!

"Alright, when this round of exams is over, I'll find time to find you."

Naruto nodded, then realized Sasuke was staring at him again.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I warn you. Don't be greedy. "

Naruto said with black lines all over his face thinking that Sasuke also wanted to come. 

"No, I just want to know, where did you learn so many ninjutsu?"

Sasuke really wants to know the answer.

He feels that Naruto seems to have a teacher teaching him, if possible, he hopes Naruto can introduce him, he needs such a teacher

"You'll find out later."

"I see."

Sasuke nodded and didn't continue to ask, he believed that since Naruto would tell him, Naruto would definitely tell him.

After Naruto finished speaking, he took a look at them, and instantly realized that the f*cking future New Sannin slowly taking shape?

Also, they don't have a teacher yet.

Sasuke is missing Orochimaru, Sakura is missing Tsunade, and Jiraiya is missing.

However, it doesn't matter even if Orochimaru is not Sasuke's teacher. Under his guidance, Sasuke can grow faster.

As for Sakura, when Tsunade comes back, she still needs to pay homage to her master. After all, Naruto himself does not know the systematic knowledge of medical ninjutsu and cannot teach Sakura.

And there is also the learning of precise chakra control and Hundred Healings Mark, which has to be taught by Tsunade.

As for Jiraiya, there is no need to ask him to be his teacher. He only needs to get back the key of the Eight Trigrams Sealing Style and get a piece of Jiraiya's sage art Chakra, and he can master Mount Myōboku Sage Art by himself.

After the three of them finished their breakfast, they continued to set off and rushed towards the central tower.

I don't know if it was because of Naruto's warning, but the ninjas sent by Orochimaru didn't bother Sasuke all morning.

Let the Trio have fun.

The other side.

Naruto walked out of his room, looked at the good weather outside, and instantly felt refreshed physically and mentally.

"Tsk,  Tsk~ the weather is beautiful and sunny, suitable for killing people."

Naruto turned into a black vortex and disappeared in place.

In the Dark Space.

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

A thousand clones are summoned by Naruto.

"Such a large number should be enough to maintain the scene."

Naruto said.

"if not?"

"How big do you think the root base is?"

"How many root ninjas do you think there are?"

"You think we're not as strong as those Jōnin?"

"Do you think... Do you think what you think is what I think?"

"What bullshit are you talking about?"

Naruto stared speechlessly at the clone who spoke last.

"Transform, and then we'll start!"
