
The Ultimate Guide To Avians


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Avianology and Stages

The basic build structure will be that of a bird, on a large scale.


So now that that's out of the way I can show you bone placement. You'll have your double bone coming from your arm ratio, the bones will be like extra limbs almost like arm bones, coming out of your back. But they will be extended to a length that you body can hold and can hold your weight.  These bones are double jointed to a small existent in the center joint and Lower joint. While getting prepared you need to think of what type of wing soul best suit you. I am growing ventral owl patterned eagle wings, Remember the wings will take after your hair color, the feathers will grow like natural "hair" except in different shapes and forms, repurposed. If you want longer wings, continue doing wing subliminal boosters and focus on the growth after your wings are visible. The beginning will contain back aches, itchiness and your shoulder blade frame spreading out into a V shape as well as "clicking" and the feeling of dislocation in your back area. You'll hear clicks and feel twitching muscles as your body prepares the base. In the beginning there will be slight nubs and new muscle growth. Because we humans grow new cells every second and new bones every 6 months we can adapt the new set of cells and bones to change their original pattern unleashing your avian DNA pattern. Your base muscles are fully grown.

The first Stage is complete at this point.

The first things after the wing base is fully built is blood vessels and nerves grow around and inside the muscles so that you can feel and move them only slightly at this point. The bones with be rounded and you'll have a fleck on bone offing from the mainstream. Your shoulders will be slightly Forward  as your body continues to grow. At this point you should have phantom wings. Your phantom wings are the imprint and mold that your natural wings shall grow into. Visualizing is very important at this point. When you stretch stretch your phantom wings as well, when your tired or showering your wings should droop with you. Your wings should feel natural because your wings are. When you shift your wings, do it when bored as well as phantom wing flapping. Visualizing will help the muscles and bones and cells do what they are required to do. Go outside and sit in the grass, your wings should be in full span and you should flap occasionally. All of this is visualization to teach your wings muscles, muscle memory. When your cold, puff your feathers out and cocoon yourself.

The second stage is complete at this point.

The third stage begins, little nubs of muscle shall show on your back, you should start to wear baggy shirts to keep from strapping down the wings. Strapping them down at this point could cause a malformation. The bones my start popping out but still remain in the skin. The skin will expand and the beginning of the wings shall start to truly form. Your wings span will say how many years you shall grow, and then you shall say how many more. The wings on your back are your own and your wings will grow to your destined length. At this point you should have the starting point of growth. After a little period of time your baby feathers will come in. It takes 7 years roughly to grow fully but before that you'll already be able to fly, Continue to do stretches and try the visualization on your now grow nubs, the phantom wing mold should be permanent now. this will take a while to reach last  stage.

The third stage is complete at this point.

The Fourth stage begins, your baby feathers are fully in and you'll have to begin preening your wings occasionally to keep them soft and breathable. You will not be able to go to school or work, you'll have to do both at home. You should be in the habit of sleeping on your sides or stomach, so that your wings won't break or you sprain a muscle or pop a vain. Once your able to flap without hurting you can consider laying with your wings flat against your back with your wings wrapped around yourself like a cocoon. Shea or coco butter will help with Wing growth and for the pain, I suggest Icy-hot, it's a gel that relaxes knots, muscle and growth pains. Doing exercises helps a lot. Try to move your wings in the flapping pattern, together, apart, stretch, repeat. Do it at a pace that doesn't over do it. If your able to flap fast then do so, if your still handling back pains do it slow, the important thing is keeping your muscle movement in line so that you don't malform muscle growth. Continue your visualization until you don't even have to think about it, though the visualization shouldn't be visualization at this point. At this point you should actually be doing the wing stretches and movements.

The Fourth stage is Complete at this point.

The final stage begins, you should have decent sized wings as should be able to lift off for more than a few seconds, during the final stage you wings will reach full wing span, but it will take a while to get used to the full span, running down hills and flapping in a downward motion will help start lift offs, if you have wings that have adapted for specifically lifting off without a boost, then do the same thing with the wing flaps, but stand in place. You should be able to fully expand and flap as well as cocoon and hover.

The final stage is complete at this point, you are now a full fledged avian.