
The Ultimate Doomsday (Marvel/DC)

Leon creed was originally just a normal, ordinary person, but one day he passed through it and became the Doomsday in the DC universe with a splendid reputation. Doomsday does not refer to a single monster, but a terrifying legion from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not a superman. In fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon created through the dead body of the Kryptonian who got superhuman power and resurrected. Leon creed just happened to pass through and became one of the doomsday, and entered the core of the sun for 100,000 years. One day, Leon creed woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he found that this place is no longer the Earth of the DC universe. I don’t know why he seems to have come to Marvel? "Isn't this invincible? Without kryptonite, I would be akin to a God."

Rex_Zatch · Cómic
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102 Chs

Chapter 95 Infinity Stones

Chapter 95 Infinity Stones


Indeed, Leon has already embarked on the study of the Heart of the Universe and the Infinity Stones.

Previously, he appeared to be idling away his days, even going so far as to assist S.H.I.E.L.D.

However, in concealed locations, such as the mirror world, he tirelessly delves into the study and observation of the Infinity Stones and the Heart of the Universe.

These two forces are so potent and enigmatic that Leon finds it necessary to conceal himself in the mirror world for study, even at this moment.

While it may seem like Leon is sitting in his living room at home, he is, in fact, situated in the mirror world. Yet, the mirror world mirrors everything in the real world, rendering it identical except for the absence of any other observers.

Astral Leon is seated, surrounded by six crystal-clear Infinity Stones slowly revolving in front of him.

Each of the six Infinity Stones represents distinct law powers. For instance, the Time Gem symbolizes the law of time, the Space Gem represents the law of space, and so forth.

There are also the Mind Gem, Soul Gem, Power Gem, and Reality Gem.

Moreover, each gem boasts a unique color, and the color of gems varies across universes.

Originally from the main universe of the comic world, the Power Gems are red, the Time Gems are orange, and the Space Gems are purple.

However, being in the movie universe, where many are unfamiliar with comics and have only seen the movies, the color scheme is standardized with the movie universe.

Therefore, the Time Gem is green, the Space Gem is blue, the Power Gem is purple, the Soul Gem is orange, the Reality Gem is red, and the Mind Gem is yellow.

Having previously examined the Time Gem in this movie universe, Leon began to control the law of time. This ability stems from his status as a fifth-dimensional being, allowing him to manipulate the time law for a considerable period.

Subsequently, his exploration of magic led him to understand space law, and he acquired the Space Gem, deepening his comprehension of space law.

Through his study of magic, Leon entered the spiritual realm and even consumed Dormammu and the dark dimension, amassing significant spiritual power, including the Mind Gem.

Then there is the Soul Gem, allowing him to willingly manifest his own soul, aligning with its characteristics. This also bolstered the strength of his own soul. Even without his formidable physical strength, Leon's astral form remained robust.

Thus far, only the Reality Gem and the Power Gem remain unexplored.

To be frank, these last two gems are the most straightforward.

Why, you ask?

Because the Power Gem embodies pure power with minimal inherent complexity. It is synonymous with sheer force.

Claiming to possess infinite physical power, the Power Gem can render its user absolutely indestructible and invincible.

According to the official narrative in the movie universe: "This gem allows the user to master and control all the power and energy they seek to command."

Simultaneously, the Power Gem inherently holds limitless energy, capable of supporting and enhancing other gems.

In a plot within the movie universe, a colossal being from the celestial group wielded the Power Gem, applying force to the surface of a planet, resulting in the destruction of the entire civilization.

In the storyline of "Guardians of the Galaxy 1," it was mentioned that Ronan, the accuser who controlled the Power Gem, could destroy Xandar once he reached its surface.

This leads some to question why Thanos did not employ such devastating force upon arriving on Earth.

Maybe Thanos' character is too prideful; he only desires to annihilate half of life, not the entirety.

Well, if that's the case, we should be grateful to Thanos for not wiping out all life.

Thus, the Power Gem doesn't adhere to any law that requires observation or mastery. Originally, it is an endless source of power. Mastering it equates to mastering the power of a universe, or even the entire multiverse.

Furthermore, Power Gems can amplify the effects of other Infinity Stones, such as the Reality Gem, which can turn ideas, thoughts, and imagination into reality, albeit with certain limitations and time constraints. However, with the blessing of the Power Gem, the Reality Gem can genuinely alter reality.

Moreover, Leon was originally a fifth-dimensional being, the Golden Doomsday, akin to the only golden Superman of the fifth dimension. He inherently possessed the ability to rewrite reality at will. Now, with the Reality Gem, his power is even more formidable.

Changes made by Leon at home are no longer illusions; they are real. If he so desired, he could conjure a second Earth beside him with a mere thought. The power of Infinity Stones and fifth-dimensional beings is truly awe-inspiring.

Some may find this portrayal exaggerated. For example, DC's imps have altered the reality of the law multiple times, achieving even inexplicable changes like one plus one equaling a fish.

Leon sat there, eyes slowly flowing with various colors for some inexplicable reason, vibrant and mysterious. His expression appeared enigmatic, as if he had lost consciousness, sitting there in a trance.

At this moment, the six Infinity Stones began moving slowly towards Leon. First, the Soul Gem approached him, ultimately vanishing into his mind, merging with his soul. In the darkness, Leon's soul began to sublime, rapidly transforming into pure gold, emitting a sacred brilliance.

Somewhere in the universe, perhaps deep within some Marvel universe, OAA noticed all this and nodded slowly, admiration in its eyes.

At that moment, how similar Leon's soul seemed to the glittering like OAA?

Next was the Mind Gem, sinking into Leon's consciousness, instantly clearing his mind. Many things from the past suddenly became clear, and his perception of the world became more vibrant. He could discern things that ordinary people couldn't.

Following were the Reality Gem, Space Gem, and Time Gem, each entering Leon's mind in succession.

The Power Gem, however, differed. It hesitated for a moment before finding its place at Leon's heart, merging into his body and integrating with his heart. After all, the Power Gem embodies physical power, nearly limitless in its capacity. Hence, it was more fitting in this position, fortifying Leon's physical strength through his heart.

This time, Leon truly controlled the power of the Infinity Stones, no longer relying on external forces but seamlessly incorporating them into his own power.




Lao Lao Xu: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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