
The Ultimate Chance

A dark heart, tainted by pain and betrayal. He was the angel that brought color into her dull life—but also the devil who shattered heart after making it beat for him. Yet, just when she was starting to forget about him, he has the audacity to show up? ... "How dare you come back?" She regarded the man before her with eyes full of spite. "Were you waiting for me?" He smiled at her, and her glare almost made him want to run for his life. "I wait for no one. What do you want?" She asked. "To win you back." He swallowed. "You and our son." She scoffed at his response. "Giving someone a second chance is like giving them another bullet after they missed their shot the first time. Have you not heard of this saying?" _ He made a mistake, but he was willing to make up for it even if it took the rest of his life. However, time was proving that it was easier said than done

Avalorian_ · Ciudad
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176 Chs

Chapter 47

"I know you don't believe me…" he started only for her to shut him up. 

"Believe you? What exactly is your brain made of? Soil?" It was unbelievable that he even considered it something worth discussing. "When did you ever give me a reason to trust you, Damon? When you ditched me?" 

"For the last time, I did not ditch you!" He growled, and immediately realized he was getting nowhere by trying to explain the past to her. "Look, it doesn't matter what you think I did. What's important now is finding our son."

"Surprisingly, I agree with you." She was too drained for another meaningless fight with him. However, she couldn't let his words slide. "My son. That's who we are finding." 

"You cannot battle reality, Avery." 

"Neither can you." She walked away from him as fast as she could, only for him to catch up with his twisted logic