
The Ultimate Author

Yukimiya Ringo is a shy aspiring writer who have a really ambitious dream. She wanted to create a lot of stories, make manga, make games about those series, make anime, and a lot more. Though, being an untalented writer, she knows she can't really do that. She spend her days writing her fanfics, trying and failing to improve herself and feeling more and more doubtful of her future as her school days is coming to an end. One day, a week after she graduated from her highschool, she suddenly acquired a system. [Integration Complete.... Welcome Host, you are now the holder of the Ultimate Being System] With this system, her whole life will change for the better. She acquires the power to become everything she ever dreams of. The system that will put her on the limelight. This is her story on how she becomes the greatest author in the world!

1st_Destroyer · Ciudad
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2 Chs

Ultimate Being System

Yukimiya Ringo is a shy aspiring author who have a big dream. Since she was a child, she grew up watching anime and playing games. She wanted to make something like that, and make them popular.

At first, being so young, she wanted to make stories that are very similar to those games and animes that she always watches. As she grew up, her knowledge about the world expanded, and she learned more about story writing.

She also learned how hard it is to create a game from scratch, or how difficult it is to animate a scene. So when she got into middle school, she have decided to become a writer.

Her big dreams of creating anime and games turned into creating mangas. Though that fell through after learning how hard it is to create a proper manga page. Even when she tried to use her courage and submit her original manga draft on a comiket, no one even bought it.

She learned that she didn't have any talent on drawing, and is also not talented at writing stories. Regardless of how she felt something is interesting, it wasn't the case on the majority.

Later on, she turned to writing original stories. All which are barely readable to the others. It slowly degraded into fanfic writing, where all of her hopes vanishes. Her dreams turns into a hobby, and sooner or later it might be forgotten altogether.

She can't really help it. Despite trying her best to learn about proper writing and plot making, it always fell through. No one likes it. Even the fewer ones who stays only does so because they are bored.

She didn't know what is wrong. She have implemented every writing techniques she learned, every plot making techniques, but still it wasn't enough. No one likes her original stories.

Only writing fanfics makes her acquire a small fanbase. They weren't really interested on her own skills or her own ideas, moreso they are just interested at the series she is using for her story.

That's how she ended most of her teenage years, and sooner she will be starting her life as an adult. She have lost her drive when she was still so young due to always failing, and not meeting her own expectations.

She recently graduated from her highschool, and she will be preparing to get to a decent university. Her family already put her on a computer course. Knowing that it is impossible for her to actually work like them, she have accepted it and is preparing for it.

Her family is somewhat successful. Her mother is a university teacher, and her father works as an architect. Her big brother is working as a lawyer, and her big sister works as a chef. She really can't follow on their footsteps as she is really shy, and can't handle the pressure of those works.

Her future is looking dull. After finishing her course, she is sure she will be working on some call center office, or maybe become a small time programmer that takes low level contracts to get by. It was a really depressing thought, but she have already accepted that it's the only thing she can do.

As for writing, she was already planning on giving it up. She wasn't growing, and she won't have the time to focus herself on it when she started her college. It is natural she will be quitting on a career that wasn't suited for her.

Though, it seems like fate have another plan for her, as she finds herself looking at a panel that only she can see when she wakes up.

[Integration Complete.... Welcome Host, you are now the holder of the Ultimate Being System]


This is the time when her life will change forever. The System that will give her the things that she lacks, and a lot more.