
Chapter 2 The Tyrant Car

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And a little farther away from the railing, Huangfu Zheng heard but remained unmoved. His handsome face, peerless in looks, was expressionless at the moment, with only his sharp, eagle-like eyes flashing a hint of impatience, indicating that his mood was not very good.

He had only come to B City to relax a bit, thinking that he would return to Beijing tomorrow and then have to face the marriage pressure from the elders in his family, which somewhat clogged his heart.

He was only twenty-eight years old. What marriage was he to consider?

Thinking of this, Huangfu Zheng's mood became even more gloomy.

He picked up his glass and began to drink sullenly.

Perhaps because his mood was off tonight, coupled with the company of the person he trusted the most, he neglected Qin Tingjie's fleeting peculiar look.

If it had been any other time, he would have likely not missed it.

Downstairs, Tang Anzhi, taking on eight by herself, had knocked everyone to the ground, then, looking down disdainfully at these creatures, she sat back in her original spot and called out in a very cold tone, "Drinks..."

Seeing the beauty take her seat again, the bartender quickly served her the prepared Bloody Mary.

He felt that this drink couldn't be more fitting for the beauty.

Tang Anzhi took only a sip and choked. Damn it, why was this drink so awful?

She looked up and asked the bartender, "Do you have any sweet drinks?"

"Yes, miss, just a moment," replied the bartender swiftly, preparing the sweet cocktail and handing it to her, "Miss, here is your sweet drink."

Tang Anzhi tasted it and indeed, it was much more palatable than the Bloody Mary just now.

Before she knew it, she had drunk several glasses.

"Miss, this sweet drink has a strong kick to it. It's better if you drink less," the bartender couldn't help but advise. He could tell that she was not a regular drinker; otherwise, she wouldn't have found the Bloody Mary unpleasant.

Such a beautiful lady, if she got drunk, probably those whom her martial prowess had just deterred would start getting ideas again.

Those in the bar who had been watching Tang Anzhi's fierce one-against-eight had backed off, but if she really got drunk, then those men's little thoughts might well re-emerge.

After all, she was so incredibly beautiful, especially her figure; it was just perfect!

Tang Anzhi didn't heed the warning and instead kept ordering one drink after another. Tonight, she just wanted to get drunk and unwind...

After her tenth drink, Tang Anzhi's fair and radiant cheeks were flushed with color, and she began to see double, so she stood up. She wanted to leave the bar while she still had a trace of sobriety in her mind.

She understood moderation. She might want to leave her clueless past behind, but she had no intention of compromising herself for some scumbag; it wasn't worth it.

Staggering towards the exit, she was continually approached by people looking to strike up a conversation, their purpose simply to take advantage of a woman who had drunk too much, eager not to miss out.

Tang Anzhi looked at these pests, sneered, and then kicked out directly. The person who thought they could take advantage of her hadn't been born yet! Even if she were drunk, Miss here could still beat someone so that not even their mother would recognize them.

After two or three people got hit, the others reluctantly let go of their intentions.

If a drunken woman inadvertently injured a certain part of the body, then even crying would be pointless with nowhere to cry to.

That's how Tang Anzhi finally managed to leave the bar without any trouble!

The cold night breeze blew over, sobering her up momentarily, but then her head felt even more dizzy.


No, she needed to find a place to sleep, and fast.

Since she couldn't go to the school dormitory, a hotel for one night was the only option.

She staggered a bit, her head spinning, but when she spotted a car parked not far away, she quickly made her way over, yanked the door open, and plunked herself down inside.

With her bleary, drunken eyes, she addressed the driver in front, "To the nearest hotel..." After she finished speaking, she immediately closed her eyes, thinking about how unexpectedly strong the aftereffects of the alcohol were.

What Tang Anzhi didn't know was that the car she sat in wasn't a taxi at all.

Qin Tingjie, who she assumed to be the taxi driver, was initially dumbfounded by the scene, but then he couldn't help but laugh immorally. Little girl, you're the one who came knocking, haha!

He even took a deliberate glance at the other person in the back seat and immediately started the car, heading towards the most luxurious hotel in B City…

Huangfu Zheng had intended to throw the woman out as soon as she got into the car, but when he saw that stunningly beautiful face, his hand froze, and he no longer had the urge to toss her out.

He let her shut the car door, then watched her utter a single sentence before closing her eyes.

The cramped space was quickly filled with her sweet scent.

In his twenty-eight years, no woman had ever been so close to him.

Her feminine fragrance instantly filled his nostrils, and Huangfu Zheng found his hawkish eyes unable to stray from her exquisitely beautiful face.

His gaze grew deeper and slowly traveled downward,

As this thought surfaced, he realized the car was unusually hot. He had carelessly drunk the alcohol Qin Tingjie mixed in the bar earlier, and now the effects were hitting him.

He pushed away the woman Qin had sent over. Usually, a cold shower would do the trick to get over such effects.

But now, he felt he had underestimated the situation.

His breathing, heavier than usual, made Qin Tingjie and Qia Huo exchange a knowing, amused look in the front row.

After Huangfu Zheng had pushed away that temptation, they thought they had failed again. They did not expect him to be so picky.

And Tang Anzhi, who fell asleep as soon as she got in the car, could definitely not imagine that she was sitting next to a wolf eyeing her hungrily.

Huangfu Zheng closed his eyes, realizing the fire inside him was growing fiercer, burning his bones with pain.

"Bro, don't hold back! If something goes wrong, I can't explain it to the Huangfu Family," Qin Tingjie said after waiting a while without seeing any movement from the back seat. "Bro, you're not impotent, are you?"

"Shut up. I'll settle your account tomorrow," Huangfu Zheng shot a fierce glance his way, his voice as cold as ice.

Qin Tingjie shivered involuntarily and pleaded, "Bro, I was wrong, okay? I'm just worried about you. You're already twenty-eight; it's about time you experienced what it's like."

If Huangfu Zheng could be struck off the bachelor list, even being scolded would be worth it.

But looking at the situation tonight, it seemed there was no problem.

Even a fool could tell he was stirred. And, of course, it was because the girl was really pretty.

It seemed that coming here tonight was indeed the right decision. How else would they have the chance?

Qin Tingjie was quite pleased, and he exchanged a look with Qia Huo, both thinking the same thing.