
The Two Sides

One day, a poor overworked writer wakes up in the body of an international idol known across the world. Follow along their journey as they try to discover the truth, and use their unique circumstances to strike a balance between their two VERY different worlds. Along the way, they will meet various unique characters that will either help them or try to take advantage of them, discover secrets that are kept from the eyes of the public, and venture deep into the far side of our fringed world. *Note: NOT BL despite what it might sound like.

shinigami8671 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
3 Chs

Recognizable Face



"Young master?? Can you hear me?!"


"Young master?!"


Geun Tae slowly opened his eyes to the defeaning sounds of the door being broken down. Woozy and muddle-headed from the pounding headache he rolled over to the side, gathering every ounce of energy in his weak body to yell at whoever was outside.


"Ohmygod he is okay, thank the lord!" a feminine voice came through, "Um, Young Master, it's time for breakfast!"

Geun Tae rubbed his eyes while trying to get up.

"Young...master...what the hell...are you saying...whoever you are..." he mumbled weakly while wobbling back and forth. It was pretty dark but there was some light coming in from the window in the front.

"Argh, what is that smell?!"

He looked down to see patches and flakes of dried-up vomit all over his naked body.

But when his eyes fell on the six-pack of abs that had suddenly sprung up out of nowhere on his previously bulky body, he got the shock of his life, one of many to come.

"What the hell?!"

He stepped back onto a small plastic bottle that was laying around and slipped, falling onto the bed and hitting his hand on some kind of remote that opened the curtains.

A second later the lights suddenly turned on and music began playing while the curtain slowly pulled back.

Geun Tae covered his eyes when the sunlight hit him head-on. It took his eyes almost a full minute to adjust to it and when they did, he saw the magnificent room in all its glory.

It looked like something out of a fashion magazine or a brochure for a high-end furniture store, the kind he would never be caught dead in.

It was more than three times the size of his old apartment and there was still another closed door behind him leading to another room.

But perhaps what was most surprising was the scenery outside of the window. Geun Tae shuffled over, pressing against the sliding glass door to see the massive pool below. All along the sides were giant palm trees that opened up into a garden that could not be properly seen from where he was.

"What the hell...WHERE the hell is this place??"


The sound came from the bedside table. It was one of the two phones sitting on top of a wireless charger. Still confused and a little dizzy from the shock of it all, Geun Tae picked up the phone to check what it was.

It was a call from a foreign number, saved only as 'CEO-nim'.

"CEO of what? Me? This place, this body- Where is the mirror?!"

He looked around for one but couldn't find it.

"The door!" he ran towards the door in the back and pushed it open, stumbling into a bathroom that was still bigger than his apartment.

"WHO NEEDS THIS MUCH SPACE TO SHIT?!" he shouted before sprinting over to the mirror.

Geun Tae's mouth fell open looking at the somewhat familiar face staring back at him.

'Is that- I'm a guy, right?'

Dumbfounded, he pinched himself on the cheek and felt the pain run up and down.

"It's real...." he whispered.

The man in the mirror was nothing like his previous self. This person looked like he walked out of a comic book, perfect in every way.

He was muscular but not too much. Taller than he remembered which was saying something because his old self came in at a little over 6 feet.

Skin so perfect and smooth that it felt like it could fall off like a blanket and a jawline that cut glass. But what was most shocking was that he recognized the face.

"I know this person...I have seen him before somewhere- AS IF THAT MATTERS! Geun Tae you're losing your mind, this is not real, it can't be! You need to wake up!"

He splashed some cold water on his face hoping that would do the trick but nothing changed.

"Fine, something a little stronger then!"


Ten minutes later he fell on the bed with a red forehead, a bloodied tissue up his nose, and a bruised shoulder, gasping for air.

"Hah...hah...nothing's working...I'm not waking up..."

He reached back on the side table and picked up the phone again. It opened by itself after a quick scan.

There were 17 missed calls. 11 of them were from the same CEO-nim that had called before, 3 were from a 'manager' and the other three were from different people, none of which recognized.

"Who are you? How can I check? Oh right, the social media apps!"

Geun Tae quickly scrolled down to the usual culprits and opened each one of them. But the first one was enough to quickly wake him up.

"900 million followers?!" he jumped out of bed, "784 million on this one, and 860 million on this one. What the fuck?!"

Unfortunately, the about me section was empty in all of them and the usernames were more or less random.

"O-Okay, then let's see who tagged him recently..."

Geun Tae opened the notifications and felt his head start pounding again after seeing the 1000+ number.

"Jesus Christ, who has time to go through all of them?!" he threw the phone back in a fit of rage.

"Phew, deep breath, deep breath Geun Tae. It's okay, let's go step by step..." after taking a moment to calm down he picked up the phone again and sat down on the floor.

"Okay, the last thing I remember was sitting down to work. I was still in my apartment then. It was December 12th, what's the date today?"

The phone said December 13th.

"So one day has passed. Wait, do I even exist here? Is this even Earth?"

He opened the search engine and typed in his pen name and the results came up like normal. After a few minutes of constant searches on different things he came to the conclusion that this was the same planet and universe he has been living in, only one day later.

"But now I am in a stranger's body...a very RICH and famous stranger. How is that even possible?" so he asked but these last few years he had already seen enough strange things.

"Then again, there are ghosts and evil spirits roaming around so this isn't that much of a surprise."

Upon feeling an itch in his nose Geun Tae opened up the camera on his phone to check if it was bleeding again when he remembered something.

"FACIAL RECOGNITION! Oh my god, why didn't I think of that before?!"

There were features in almost every modern browser that allowed the user to backtrack an image.

'If this guy is famous then it will definitely come up!"


The selfie uploaded and in less than a second hundreds of results popped up. He scrolled down until finding a picture that led to a related Wiki page that held all the information he could ever want.

"Name is Park Hyun, 24 years old. Parents are...Occupation: Singer, songwriter, composer, actor, director- dear god, has this kid done everything in the entertainment industry?! Who has that much time or reason to do ANYTHING?!"

He kept reading and reading, going through countless achievements most of which he didn't even know existed, awards that were so foreign to him that they might as well be alien. But it was his net worth that really pushed him over the edge.

"One, two, four, six, eight- dear god how many zeroes is that?!"

Geun Tae rubbed his eyes as the headache got even worse.

"Shit, maybe running into a wall wasn't such a great idea," he locked the phone and leaned back against the bed.

"How did any of this happen? What about my real body? Is it still alive? Did this guy- Wait! What if he went into my body?!"

Geun Tae picked up the phone for the 3rd time and dialed his number.

Surprisingly it had been turned on and started ringing. He waited with bated breath until a voice he had only heard in old recordings answered-

"Hello? Is this...are you me, Geun Tae-shi?"