
The Two of us in...

Suddenly this person has been split into two people of the opposite gender! How will they navigate this strange predicament?

Muroko · Fantasía
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9 Chs

A day like any other

Kylie arrived at her next class as Calvin went to find a place to hide for a couple of hours. While she was worried about the fact they wouldn't be able to contact each other for a while, there wasn't much either of them could do. Though the next class has computers so it might be the best time to search for things that can help them. The class is usually more relaxed, so this is likely the best time to be planning things. She opened the door and Lei immediately went to hug her.

"Hey, hey! So how is your situation with your new sibling?"

Kylie tried to break away but was unfortunately too weak to do so. "Hey let me down! We are currently trying to think of how we should go about our lives continuing on."

"Ah, I see." They let go of her. "If you need any help, I can do just that."

Kylie smiled, "Thanks, Lei. You're the greatest friend anyone could ask for."

Lei patted her on the head. "I mean, of course I'll help! It's like, the bare minimum for a friend to do."

"I don't know. It's honestly more likely for other people to turn me into the government for something like money or science. Hell, I'm sure some people would just run away and avoid me with the whole situation being the way it is!"

"...Wait, that's actually a good point! I should turn you in for money!"

Kylie tried to pinch Lei's cheek but was unfortunately too short for that, "Hey! No no no! Don't do that!"

The teacher walks up behind them, "Class has started. please keep your voices at a low volume."

"Ah sorry! We'll get back to work!" Lei opens up the assignment and starts working.

Kylie couldn't say much and instead just bowed her head as a way of silently apologizing, the teacher didn't notice this as he went to check up on the other students in the class.

They start working more quietly. Kylie pulled up some other websites about to search up something related to getting new identity papers but then realized that it might be a bad idea to search that up on school wifi. In fact, anything she searches up can be suspicious. Maybe it would be better to search things up on her phone later.

Lei passed her a note. 'By the way, maybe you guys should dress up like kpop idols! Think about it, there are plenty of people who will give you lots of money for that. I'm sure everything will work out if you do.'

Kylie looked at the note, then looked at Lei, then back at the note. Lei gave her a thumbs-up. Kylie picked up the note, crumpled it, then tossed it. The paper ball falls to the ground, slightly missing the trash can.

"Soooo no kpop?"

Kylie stares at them. "No."

She gets up and properly throws the paper away.

She pulls out a small notepad and starts writing down some ideas. The first thing they need to consider is the three most basic needs: food/water, shelter, and clothing. Food and clothing are gonna be the easiest since she could get those things and give them to him. The main issue will be where he will stay. Getting his own place will be difficult considering the fact that he has no identification papers. In fact, getting a job or anything will be difficult without any identification papers. There aren't going to be many places where he can just waltz in and say, 'hey, I want to live here!' and they would accept that. And even if there was a place like that nearby, how will he get a job? Maybe something under the counter but where would they find that.

Lei turns to Kylie with the biggest grin on their face. "Hey, so I just got the greatest idea ever! What if you and your brother find a big library to hide in?"

"A library? Why?"

"I feel like it would be the easiest place to sleep in and if you ever get bored, you can just read the books! Also since it is a public place, there's likely to be restrooms and such so it could be a great place to camp out!"

Kylie smiled and patted Lei's back. The plan was obviously not that good but considering how Lei is, this is likely something they tried really hard to think of. Even if it's not a viable plan, she appreciated Lei's effort.

"Ah I know this might be a more difficult thing to pull, but maybe he can go live with me. My parents are pretty accepting, so if we explain the situation I'm sure they would be okay with it! Well, hopefully, they will be okay with it..."

"Thank you, Lei. For now, I wanna try to see if there is something I can do without involving other people."

"Alright. If there is anything I can do to help then please tell me."

Kylie smiles before turning back to her computer screen. "I will."

She knew how to drive so maybe it would be possible to have him sleep in her car, but the issue is since she just got her license, her parents aren't going to fully trust her with the car. That is not to mention there is a high likely chance that they would still use the car even if they give her the car. Maybe they'll ask her for the car before they use it, but she can't exactly say no. They probably say 'Why not? What are you hiding?' There is little success in this plan working. Maybe she could just tell them he is also their child, but would they even believe it for a second?

Maybe if she were to find that woman again, she would be able to fix this. That's not something she wants to rely on though, so it's back to the drawing board. She just realized, she has an old phone in her drawer that she could give to him so they can contact each other. Even if she can't come with ideas, maybe he'll be able to help.

She would rather find a way for them to say together. After all, how often do you get the chance to talk to your clone and such? Though, if they have the same thoughts and ideas, would they have anything interesting to talk about? What even is the point?

The class was almost over, but the assignment wasn't gonna ba due until tomorrow. Still, since she has reached a dead end, it would be better to spend her time finishing up the assignment.

The class period passed by quietly.