

(a/n): This chapter, I wanted something interesting to happen, so I just wrote whatever came to mind.

"Good morning, Yamauchi!"

"Good morning, Ike!"

The two of the perverted trio greeted each other as they entered the class. Both expressing a sloppy perverted grin. Their loud greetings woke up our favourite Y/N. He rubbed his eyes as he looked around to see who were the ones that had just shouted and woke him up.

Not surprised to see it being Ike and Yamauchi, he wondered why they were so pumped up for class.

Y/N - They've never been excited to come to lessons.

"Ah ha ha! This school is just the best! I can't believe that it's almost time for swimming! And when I say swimming, I mean girls. And when I say girls, I mean girls in school swimsuits!"

Y/N - Now that... actually makes a lot of sense.

Yawning and stretching his arms a little, Y/N stood up and approached Hirata and everyone. He mostly did this as he saw Kiyone there.

"Nice to see someone's awake." Karuizawa said.

"Good morning to you, Karuizawa. [yawns] So you guys gonna go to the swimming classes?"

"Well..." Some of the girls say.


Y/N looks at Kiyone who shrugged, confused as he is. Both of them look at Hirata who chuckles nervously while scratching his cheek and glances at the back of the class. Turning around, Y/N and everyone else looks to see a bunch of boys gathered around Ike and Yamauchi.

"Professor, can you record the girls wearing their swimsuits for us?" Ike asked.

Hearing this, Y/N gets the gist of why they don't want to swim today. Especially when he heard the girls groan in anger and annoyance behind him.

"Leave it to me. I'll pretend to be sick so that I can skip class and observe." The otaku guy answers.

"Seriously! Aren't they even a little embarrassed that everyone is listening in on them!" Karuizawa yells in anger.

Yet to Y/N and Kiyone, she seemed a little glad.

"With this, the Professor can rank the girls' breast sizes for us. If we're lucky, he'll get some pictures with his phone."

"Now I understand." Y/N says as he turns back to everyone.

Most of the girls seemed to nod as they all had decided to not go swimming. Y/N turned to Kiyone who seemed to be spacing out.

"Yo Kiyone."


Kiyone snapped out of her thoughts by Y/N who was literally snapping his finger in front of her face.

"What are you gonna do?"

"What do you mean?"

"About swimming."

"Oh... Should I not go?" Kiyone asked everyone.

They all nodded their heads and said yes. They're all convinced most pictures the perverts plan to take would be solely focused on Kiyone.

"It would be best of you not to." Y/N said.

The girl in question who was thinking back to something her friends told her 10 minutes ago, looked at Y/N and spoke;

"Do you... not want to see me in a swimsuit Y/N?"


Practically everyone in the classroom heard what Kiyone had just said and looked at her with gobsmacked expressions. Even Y/N had widened his eyes and looked at her in shock.

Seeing the look on Y/N's face, Kiyone was actually glad she said that. His teasing smirk and eyes full of continuous amusement was gone. Knowing she could do that to him made her feel good.

However, with all the stares and looks she's receiving, she's starting to regret ever saying that out loud and following their advice.

『 "What?"

"You heard us! If we want to get back at Y/N for all the sarcasm he gives us—"

"And the teasing." Satou interrupted Karuizawa.

"And the teasing, then you need to play at his own game."

"His own game? [Kiyone tilts her head] Why do I have to do it?"

"Because out of everyone, he's mostly interested in you and whatever you do will be most unexpected." Matsushita states.

"Then... What should I say?"

"Hmmm... Anything that will catch him off guard really."

"But don't mess up!" Karuizawa points at her.

"Yeah, messing it up will simply boost his ego." Satou states.

Kiyone was still confused. Don't they know that either way he won't see it as revenge but as entertainment? Whatever Kiyone says, Y/N will somehow be able to turn it back on them.』

Hearing someone chuckle, breaking the awkward silence, everyone looks to Y/N and sees him smiling.

"Wow, I can't believe you almost got me Kiyone. But... [holds his finger up] something tells me this wasn't your idea." He says with a smirk, while also taking a quick glance at Hirata's harem.

Walking towards Kiyone and passing by her, he pats her head and whispers into her ear;

"Y'know, I wouldn't mind a private showing."

His words unknowingly sent slight shivers down Kiyone's spine, but she ignores it as she watches him exit the classroom.

"Dammit! We almost had him!" Karuizawa says with a frown.

"Ehehe, it was a good effort." Satou says.

Matsushita wraps her arm around Kiyone when the latter sits down and mutters a nice try. On the other side of the classroom, Ike, Yamauchi and many others were angry. No. It would be better to say they were furious.

"How dare that Ikeman!"

"Can you believe him?!"

"To think he had the nerve to taint our HIME!" A pervert yells with tears streaming down his face.

"Seems like we need to have a chat with him." Sudo says while cupping his fist in his hands.

Normally Sudo isn't one to get involved with his friends' perverted and disgusting fantasies, but having the chance to beat up Y/N with the others, he wouldn't pass down that opportunity even if the world was ending.

Sudo wants revenge.

Back to Kiyone.

"It looked like L/N whispered something in your ear when he was leaving."

Mii-chan had spoken up after she stopped blushing immensely from what happened a few minutes ago. Seeing everyone look at her with expecting eyes for her answer, she sighed internally before answering.

"He said he 'wouldn't mind a private showing', whatever that meant."

Seeing everyone with frozen faces which were slowly becoming red. She couldn't help but sigh. She didn't know the meaning of Y/N's words but she definitely knew that he had planned for this to happen... somehow.

Kiyone - I'm definitely going to have to ask Internet-sensei for the meaning of his words.

Kiyone thought as she watched steam come out of Mii-chan's ears. While Kiyone brought out her phone, everyone that was around her had one question on their minds.

Everyone - Is she that... Dense?


Y/N currently had a drink in his hand as he was walking around the campus and slowly making his way to the swimming pool. Lunch had just ended and since he's not going to be swimming, he was going to be taking his time to class.

Looking through the glass doors, he sees no one in the pool yet except those who decided to skip out on swimming like him. Scanning through the observation deck, he sees Kiyone talking to Karuizawa.

Feeling his gaze, Kiyone turns to see him outside with a drink. Taking a sip, Y/N winks at Kiyone before continuing his walk, but stops after 20 seconds and widens his eyes at the sight in front of him.

Koenji Rokusuke is wearing a Speedo.

Just barely holding in his laugh, he looks at the blonde wearing an arrogant grin.

"K-koenji. Just what are you wearing? Pfft."

"Hmph. Enjoying the view, Assasin-boy?"

Immediately Y/N stops laughing and narrows his eyes at his fellow classmate.

"Now there's no need to look at me like that."

"...Why am I not surprised? Your father told you about me."

"That's right, he talked about you a lot. A lot about how he fears you."

Smirking, Y/N responds, "He afraid I'm gonna kill him?"

"How could one not be?" A frown appears on Koenji for a split second. "After all he had done."

"...Why are you revealing your knowledge of my identity to me Koenji?" Y/N asks as Koenji starts walking towards Y/N.

"I simply want to test you."

Without warning, Koenji does a fast jab towards Y/N's bored face. Seeing it coming, Y/N drops his carton on the ground and uses his left hand to redirect the punch to the side. Easily manoeuvring behind Koenji, Y/N kicks the back of Koenji's knee, forcing the blonde to kneel. Grabbing a fistful of Koenji hair and pulling it back, Y/N pokes his finger into Koenji's neck.

"Tell me, what's to stop me from killing you here and now." Y/N glares into Koenji's eyes, who simply continues grinning.

Y/N - To think he had the nerve to hold back on me. He could've easily avoided my kick... I should dispose of him right here and now.

"That would be me."

A third party voice appearing out of nowhere, they both look to see the Student Council President with 2 others behind him.

"My my, what appears to be going on here." The lilac haired girl with a cane speaks.

"Threatening to kill a student is immediate expulsion." The bald one spoke.

"Is that so?"

Y/N let's go of Koenji, who gets up and speaks;

"I apologise for you to see a scene such as this, unbefitting of someone such as I." Koenji states as he brings out a comb out of nowhere and starts brushing his hair.

"I don't want to see this again. And if anything happens between the two of you... [narrows his eyes] I'll know who the culprit is."

Shrugging, Y/N picks up the carton he dropped and throws it into a trash can nearby. As Y/N was walking past the three new arrivals, the SCP spoke up once more.

"You along with a few others interest me L/N Y/N. Everything about you is redacted except for Kir—!"

Before Manabu could even continue, his neck was grabbed and slammed against the wall.

"Hmm." "Oooh." Both lilac haired girl and Koenji hummed at the same time, intrigued by what the President was about to say.

The bald student was about to intervene but was stopped by the President raising his left hand.

"You continue that sentence and I'll rip your throat out. Do I make myself clear?"


Nodding his head, the President was let go who immediately coughed and rubbed his throat a little. Appearing around the corner was Manabu's secretary who immediately attended to the President.

"H-Horikita-kun! What happened?!"

"Don't worry, it was nothing."

The purple haired senpai looked at everyone and sees two individuals that weren't supposed to be with the SCP.

"Was it those two! We can—!"

"Tachibana. I'm fine." The President says coolly.

"O-of course."

Fixing his glasses, Horikita Manabu looks to Y/N who was ignoring the glare of Tachibana.

"You don't have to worry. The only ones with access to this information are me and the Director."

"The only way you have authority to see this is by being the Student Council President. What about the next President, will they see?"

"Depending on their status, influence and achievements in this school, they might. But if you become the next Student Council President, then you can get rid of it."

Y/N remains silent for a few seconds before letting out a smirk.

"So that's how it is." "Why so desperate President?" "This will be amusing." Y/N, Cane girl and Koenji say at the same time in understanding.

The President simply closes his eyes as them figuring out the reason behind his words was expected. Only Secretary-san was confused, while Bald-kun was trying his best to see what the others could but he couldn't.

"Your answer?" Manabu opens his eyes as he asks.

"...I'll think about it."

"Tell me President-kun, who's the current Vice President?" Koenji asks.

The SCP merely glances at Koenji before turning around and walking away. But a single name was uttered before he was out of sight with his secretary.

"Nagumo Miyabi."

Once they were gone, the four that were left continued staring at each other before Koenji left, saying something about showing the peasants of his class true perfection and beauty.

"I'm surprised the Student Council President let you go. If he reported you—"

"Please Katsuragi, no one cares about that."

"She's right, no one does." Y/N simply said before leaving as well.

His mood was foiled and he wasn't in the best of moods right now. Deciding to head back to the dorms, he sees Kiyone walking around.

"You okay?"

Hearing a voice behind her, she turns to see Y/N.

"Yeah, I was just looking for you."

A small smile appears on Y/N's as they both start walking together under the Sakura trees, "Now why on earth would you be looking for me?"

Shrugging, Kiyone responds, "I was simply curious as to where you were."

"Then I should be honoured, right?"

"What's there to be honoured about?"

"Well for starters, I'm walking with a pretty girl right now."

Blinking, Kiyone says, "But you've walked with me many times before."

"[sigh] There's a lot to teach you when interacting with a boy Kiyone. This walk we're having alone, can be considered a date."

"A date?" Kiyone says as she stops walking.

"Yep." Y/N says as he stops as well.

Noticing a pink leaf on Kiyone's head, Y/N moves his hand unintentionally and takes it out of her hair. Kiyone's eyes were following his hands movement and seeing him grab the leaf, she made eye contact with him. They both stared at each other for 5-10 seconds but to them, it seemed like years.

They're both broken out of their trance when Y/N asked a question;

"Sooo... How were Ike and Yamauchi's reactions."

"Oh um, they were obviously upset and seemed like they were about to cry. They were talking about whatever a boner is and—"

"[chuckles] No way. They actually said that?"

Kiyone nods in response and they both continue their walk and conversation.

Without Y/N knowing, his spirits were lifted just by simply talking to Kiyone.