
Chapter 9: Heroes Need Saving Too.

Futari was so angry, but he became calm. Aizawa saw right through the calmness and used his cloth capturing weapon to ensnare Futari to make sure he didn't leave while Aizawa called Shukuchi, the principal and Present Mic. Futari didn't even care. As long as he went with Aizawa, it didn't matter whether he was trapped or not. He continued to stand staring at the floor, his glare piercing through it. The students were extremely confused. All they saw was that Aizawa took attendance and realized Toru was absent. Then, Futari became truly furious and Aizawa wrapped him in cloth.

Deku was the first to ask the question, "Aizawa? What's going on?"

Aizawa began walking out of the class as he called Present Mic. "I'm sorry class, but Futari and I will be absent today. Present Mic will explain the situation when he gets here." Aizawa turned to Iida. "Iida! Make sure everyone stays in class."

Iida saluted Aizawa. "Yes sir!"

Aizawa walked passed the wrapped Futari and Futari turned to quickly walk out with Aizawa. Aizawa began calling Shukuchi, who was in another part of UA and continuing his investigation at the time. Shukuchi then contacted the surveillance unit and used his quirk to quickly meet up with his son and Aizawa. Shukuchi's quirk is called "Familiar Teleportation". This quirk allows him to teleport to someone he has touched or teleport that person to himself before as long as he remembers what they look like. When he teleports to someone, he can choose where he spawns, whether that'd be right in front of them or 7 meters behind them. The range of his quirk is about 30 miles. The teleportation emits a blue light in the location he or the person being teleported came from. When he was head of the Espionage Unit, he was called the "Vanisher" because he'd teleport himself and his opponent everywhere to disorient them and take them down. With the Survelliance Unit on the way and all three of them together, they all got into Shukuchi's truck and started driving towards the Hakagure's mansion, which that was on the outskirts of Tokyo.

After her conversation with Futari, Toru called her father asking to be taken out of school for the first time in her life. She always loved going to school because it took her out of her abusive household, but this time it was different. Akuma Hakagure, Toru's father, was genuinely surprised, but he listened to her and arranged for her to be picked up from the dorms late at night. Principle Nezo had no idea of Toru's situation so he had not informed Aizawa immediately, in fact, he forgot to do it this morning. It was morning. The birds were chirping and the water was flowing in the fountains outside in the courtyard of Toru's home. She was used to waking up around 7:30 for school so that's when she woke up. She knew what she came to do. Her father was getting ready for work when Toru walked into her parent's room. Her dad was in the bathroom shaving and her mom was sitting on the bed watching tv. Toru began to shiver. She was so afraid. I couldn't possibly permanently move away from him. He was powerful. He could easily just take me out of UA and force me to be homeschooled. Why do I even want to be a hero anyway? Toru's mind was swarmed with these thoughts but she remembered why she wanted to be a hero.

Toru's father was really a stressed man and one day he snapped and beat her mom so badly that she called the police. The police and heroes that arrived were paid off by her father so that they did not report what they saw. Toru was about 9 years old at this time. Since then, her father routinely beat both her and her mom as some sort of sick stress relief. Then he'd apologize and treat them like royalty. Soon after, he'd relapse and do it again. The intervals between got shorter and shorter and shorter. Eventually, her mom stopped speaking altogether. Her mother loved her dad and could not bring herself to try to and leave him. Toru blamed the police and heroes who did not help them because they allowed her father to continue his antics once he saw he could get away with it. She wanted to become a hero who could not be corrputed by money and fame. Stain's methods were not something she agreed with but he was right about one thing: there are too many fake heroes.

She then remembered what Futari said to her yesterday. "A hero that can't protect themselves can't hope to protect others," right Futari? It's time to protect myself. She looked at her father who had just finished shaving and said to him, "Dad...I'm not coming back home again."

Her father put down the razor, walked out of the bathroom, and began putting on his undershirt. "Huh? Is UA going on a field trip or something?"

"...No. I mean that I'm not coming back home ever again. Don't call the school to excuse me anymore. I'm not coming back."

Her father stopped buttoning his shirt. "Why would you do that? Won't you miss us?"

"Stop playing stupid!" Toru yelled to the top of her lungs. "All you have done for the past 6 years is abuse us! You beat mom so much that she won't even speak anymore! You are a monster!"

"I have already apologized about that Toru. I am working on changing myself. So that I can-"

"HOW MANY TIMES HAVE WE HEARD THAT?! Six years you beat us and apologized and beat us and apologized and you haven't changed one time! Mom might not be strong enough to leave you but I-"

Akuma had enough. He lunged across the room and punched Toru hard in the face. "Do you understand the stress that I go through everyday?! I have to lie and bargain and pretend to be a different person just to support you two, my family! And you dare to tell me that you won't come back home?! Who do you think you are?!"

Toru stood back up, standing proudly. "I am a hero!" Akuma was taken back. "I cannot be a good hero if I constantly let you hold me back and treat me like I'm trash. I'll become famous and then destroy your career to save mom." Akuma became enraged. "I just wanted to come home to tell you both goodbye." Toru began walking to the door but Akuma walked in front of the door and hit her again. Toru held on to her conviction, standing back up. This made Akuma angry. Usually, Toru would stay on the floor and whimper and cry, but this time she stood up. Akuma hit her. Toru stood back up. The cycle repeated a few more times. The mother watched in shock. When she had meant Akuma he was a kind, great man, but slowly over time he became more and more vicious. She didn't even consider how much it affected her daughter to live in house with this man. Now Toru was here standing up to him without help. She wouldn't fight back but she wouldn't be defeated either. Her mother began to cry. Why Toru? Why did you come alone? Why aren't you defending yourself? Why didn't you just say this over the phone? Why are you so bent on saving a woman who let you be hurt by this man for years? Her mother asked herself in vain. She knew the answers to all these questions. Toru didn't want other people to be hurt by her father. She won't fight him back because she can't bring herself to hurt her own dad. She didn't say her feelings over the phone because her father would not take her seriously and come back into her life. And of course, she wants to save her mother because she loves her.

The Survelliance team were set up in the trees, 100 meters away from the mansion. They had a clear shot of what was happening using their thermal camera. Shukuchi, Aizawa, and Futari arrived and met with some of the team on the road.

Aizawa walked up to their leader who looked distressed. "What's going on?"

The leader cleared his throat. "Well we were prepared to do a stakeout and wait for the abuse as that you said would happen later in the day but it's happening right now in the 3rd floor master bed and it's critical." Futari started trembling, even though he was still wrapped up in Aizawa's cloth.

Shukuchi assessed the situation. "So that means you recorded enough evidence, right?"

"We don't have audio set up but yes. This video clearly shows that he is beating his daughter.

Shukuchi looked at Aizawa then Futari. "Futari. You are the fastest person here. You need to get in that room so I can teleport myself and Aizawa to you and then we can detain him. Can you control your temper and do that?"

Futari looked at his dad in eye. They didn't even need to exchange words. "Aizawa it's okay. He won't be foolish." Futari's veins became a blackish green, then turned completely black. His eyes became a bit thinner. As soon as Aizawa loosened the cloth, Futari broke free, jumped into the trees and began jumping from branch to branch. Shukuchi looked at the baffled surveillance leader. "Be sure you have your guys say when when he's in there."

Toru's knees were wobbly, but she continued to stand back up. Akuma began ranting. "This stupid school corrupted you and taught you to not appreciate what you have. Don't bother going back. I'm pulling you out of the school even if I have to put the whole school under. You WILL appreciate me!" He hit her again. She began slowly getting back up. He ripped the lamp out of the wall and lifted it over his head. "I'll keep you down this time."

That's when Toru's mom lunged out of the bed predicting where his wrists were and grabbed them. She stood in between Toru and Akuma. "Stop Akuma! You are going to kill her!"

Akuma could not believe that his wife stopped him. "So, Yowai, you are going to stop me from disciplining my daughter?!!" Akuma pushed her to the right and lifted the lamp to smash it over her body.

Toru was on one knee, but seeing the lamp floating in the air about to hit her Mom gave her the adrenaline rush she needed. "Leave Mom out of this!" She lunged forward and punched Akuma in the face successfully predicting where his head was. He stumbled backwards into the bathroom, dropping the lamp and bleeding out of his nose. He was astonished. He didn't realize how strong UA made his daughter and in the back of his mind realized how easily she could defeat him. This realization made him even angrier.

He rebalanced himself. "You are going to hit your own father?! That's it. I'm going to teach both of you a lesson!"

Toru could barely stand anymore but she wouldn't let her mother be hurt. "You...aren't going...to hurt mom while I'm standing here." Akuma took two furious steps forward when suddenly he, Toru, and her mother heard something that sounded like lightning hitting a tree. Akuma started looking to his left because that's where the sound came from when Futari crashed through the window with immense speed. Futari didn't know where Akuma's head was but he saw a floating shirt and knew where his stomach was. He pulled back his right hand and punched Akuma's stomach as hard as he could. This sent Akuma into the sink, smashing it.

Toru began to cry. "Why?... why did you come Futari?!"

Futari turned to Toru with a light smile on his face. "Like I told you yesterday. Sometimes, heroes need saving too."

Toru could not believe Futari came to her home and hit her father. Futari glared at the gray button-down shirt knowing that this was Toru's abusive father. He stepped in between Toru and Akuma. "Enough." He said to Akuma in an eerily normal tone. "If you weren't Toru's father, I'd break every bone in your body and smash your teeth. So, do yourself a favor and stay on the ground. Don't give me an excuse." Futari said hauntingly.

Akuma almost threw up from the hit, coughing up a fit. "What kind of hero speaks like that?!" Akuma asked in confusion.

"I'm no hero." Futari answered quickly.

Akuma looked up at his attacker. "*cough* I know you. You are the boy who won the Tokyo Festival. Ha. *cough* *cough* Your life is over. I'll charge you for assault and make sure you spend the maximum time in prison. I'll make sure it's publicized so you can never get a job! You shouldn't have come here! You aren't even a hero! A civilian has no right trespassing on my property!"

Futari kept looking at him with a cold face. "I don't need to be a hero or have a hero license to do the right thing."

Then Shukuchi and Aizawa teleported into the bathroom shocking Akuma. Aizawa quickly ensnared Akuma with his cloth.

Akuma was in disarray. "I should have NEVER allowed Toru to live on UA's campus. Aizawa, your career is over! When my lawyers hear about-"

"Shut up. We have video of you beating your daughter and attempting to severely injure your wife. No amount of money will get a judge to agree with your case with this kind of evidence." Akuma was speechless.

Toru collapsed to the floor. "I'm...I'm sorry. I just didn't want anyone else to be affected by him."

Aizawa looked at the floor in regret. "No. This is my fault. As a teacher, I should have been more aware of your situation. As a teacher, I should have done a better job of teaching you that sometimes heroes need to be able to reach out to the others for help to solve problems. I've failed you, Toru and I apologize for it."

Toru began to have a breakdown. It wasn't that Aizawa didn't teach her these things; it was that she ignored those teachings by not applying them to her own situation. She had hurt Futari's feelings, betrayed Aizawa's trust, and almost allowed herself to die because she refused help. She weeped and hollered as she let out all ofher sadness. As she was doing this, Futari turned around with a big smile on his face and squatted to be at her level. "I didn't know that invisible people could be so loud." He said jokingly. "Sorry about the tree outside your house...I kind of destroyed it when I pushed off of it."

Toru hugged him. "No! I'm sorry, Futari. I should have listened to you. I shouldn't have said that horrible thing to you. I should have-"

Futari hugged her back. "It's fine. Just let it out." She squeezed him closer and continued to weeping.