
Chapter 6:Begin of our friendship!

(At home)

"Hey mommy ,hope you received my gifts!"

"...I don't even have words to express what I feel, I you didn't have to do this Sam! "mom never wanted anything from daddy but I had to do it.

"come on ma! Don't be that way, it's actually not even from dad, you see when I came, he opened an account for Suzy and I ,so, that's my money which is now entitled to you, "I tried explaining things to her.

"Thanks so much darling, but I don't want to be a bother to you"

"stop it! if you continue being that way I'll be stressed up and mad at you, just let me do this, please, "The last part I said it rather as a whisper.

"Okay, okay, don't be mad ,am sorry, but you've really helped me tremendously, I love you so much, take care sweetie"

"Bye mom, love you more"

(The following day at school)

"Is everything ready? I mean you and Bramwel?" Mady said that laughing.

"Stop that, don't be a nuisance, you pervert!" I was also messing around with her.

"But come on, do you think he has feelings for you? or am I seeing my own things!"

"I don't wanna know about it, most importantly I don't care but don't worry, I'll make things straight today, "I told Mady as my wicked smile was plastered on my face.

"What do you plan on doing?'' Mady was now in sixes and sevens.

''Don't worry just watch and learn!''

And with that ,our teacher came and instructed us to go the laboratory and begin everything.

''Pass me the pipe,'' Bramwel shocked me.

''Say what now! what is pipe?''

''I said pipette ,you Idiot!''

''Ooh here, didn't get that right.....or so''

I smiled at Mady who was peeping at us.

''So, Bramwel, Is there anything you want to tell me!'' I touched Bramwel's hand as I was giving him the twizzers .Immediately, he retreated his hand.

''What do you mean by that?'' He rather said shocked than as a question.

''Let's do this, no more beating around the bush, come out clean while you still got time,'' My threatening voice was on high alarm.

''I don't get you, what do you actually mean''

''Are you feeling me?''


''Am I not talking to you, don't give me that look!'' I was running out of patience.

''Nope darling, you're too classy for me'' Fuck! he said that winking at me ,how I hated it.

''Then why do you always bother me''

''.....Why don't we go out and you can ask me anything you want, Huh?''

''And what makes you think I'll do that!'' I gave him a questioning look but he replied me with a smile.

How will I ever get on his nerve if he kept on being all smily everytime!

Suddenly my phone buzzed. Mady had sent me a message 'what you talking about?'

'Nothing much, he wants to take me out, more of like a dinner I guess ,then he'll explain everything to me'

'Don't be stupid to deny it, you have two options, to go out with him or go out with him, period!'


'Yup am serious, I'll make you look gorgeous ,leave everything to me'

'What do you think it is? It's just talking ,nothing more ,I'll wear everything even if it means rugs'

''Who are you talking with while am busy sweating alone'' Bramwel took my phone but the good thing was that immediately my phone is out of my hand, it automatically locks itself so he wouldn't know what Mady and I were talking about. That was a close one.

''My dad was informing me he'll come for me,'' I told Bramwel as I peeped at Mady and found her smiling at me. ''Now give me back my phone!'' I said almost yelling.

''Fine here, but you have to help me or we'll be last, remember, two blind people crossing a highway!'' He was now laughing hard.

I took the mixtures and began mixing them like n expert I was. Brams was panicking and shocked.

''You'll blow up the lab''

''Shut up and watch!''

I had revised last night so obviously I knew what I was doing but he didn't. The teacher came to our place and was so impressed.

He went to Asher and a certain girl, they were also impressing but surprisingly Brams and I were first to finish.

''High five!'' I held my hand high and He high fived back. We were a team.

''Wanna go out or what!'' He asked me and for the first time ever, I smiled at him. We took our bags and left the laboratory. We went to blueteck hotel.

''So what will you eat today?''

''Mmmh let's see the menu, I will take fries and vanilla cream'' I told Bramwel and he also chose his favorite food.

''Here you go sir ,ma'am enjoy,'' The waiter had already landed with our orders.

''Thanks,'' I told the dude with a smile on my face.

''Excuse me.'' The waiter said and left us. We began eating before we both spoke.

''So'' ''why'' We both chuckled since we had spoken at the same time.

''You go first,'' Bramwel said looking down at his food.

''Okay so why are you ummm, I don't know if the right word is 'weird,'' Bramwel laughed then looked at me.

''So you say am weird yet you don't know how! why don't you ask me anything, let's know each other, shall we?''

''Okay sure! and be honest, why are you always on my nerve?''

''Honestly, I don't also know, I just feel like my blood likes you...hahahah but just as a friend,'' Bramwel replied

''Okay do you have a girlfriend or something like that?'' My curiosity couldn't just leave me alone.

''Nah, girls are so stubborn, it's enough my sisters are a pain in the neck, so, don't want anymore problems than that, what of you?''

''I had one but we broke up, truth of the matter is that we loved each other so much, it's just that I had to leave and we like, couldn't do long distance so we had to break up,'' This time I was almost crying but I held my tears back.

''Am sorry about that, never knew you went through that...I also had a girl but she played me with my friend, At least it could be someone else but not my friend, Argh, it's all in the past now,'' Bramwel said and we both sighed.

''Fine then, it's friendship you wanted, it's friendship you'll get,'' Brams couldn't believe his eyes.

''Thanks, shall we leave then, friend,'' The last part Bramwel said it sarcastically.