
chapter 5:The bitter past

After the previous day which my dad and I had spent together,I was woken up by an alarm and a knock at my door.

It was Abigail,my soon to be step-mom.How I hated he!!

"Hey Sam?rise and shine, here's your breakfast," Aby entered my room with a tray full of goodies.

'I won't fall for your trap you witch' I thought inwardly.

"Sorry am actually full,"I said as I stood up from bed but my little dragon said otherwise as it began to grumble.

"What were you saying!"Aby gave me a questioning look.

"Okay,fine leave it there and go,I have to get ready for school,"As I said those words I saw her wince.

"Fine I'll be on my way,but do quick ,because you are running late!"With those few remarks,she went away

I stared at the food before me and I felt my mouth become watery.

"Why not just a small bite,"I rather whispered to myself.

In no time I had devoured everything.

I got ready for school and went downstairs.

"Hey daddy?"

"Hey sweetie? why don't I take you to school today,"dad offered

"But dad, won't you be late for work?"

"Nope, don't you know where I work or who I am?"

"Let's see....I have no clue at all"

"You can't be serious Sam,okay,am the CEO of grand farm refinaries and I do own other companies outside that,"

"...."I was shocked, I tried to talk but no words came out.So was I really the daughter of a CEO? How didn't I notice.

"Sam,you okay?"Dad was now Infront of me snapping his fingers.

"You mean....so that's the story behind the stares I get at school"

"Am so sorry sweetie,I thought you knew,Aby here manages some of my companies," Dad said that as he signaled her to take his hand.

Me being disgusted was an understatement.

"Can we go daddy? I'm actually already late!" I began heading for the door without wanting to look behind for their reactions.

On our way to school,there was an awkward silence in the car.

"Do you miss mom?"I didn't know where I got the courage to ask that but I just wanted to hear his answer.

"..." Dad slightly looked at me then took his gaze back on the road.

"Am sorry,forget about it," These words came from my mouth and I regretted it so I counter-attacked "She told me to greet you and....she misses us!"

"Ooooh,greet her for me too,"were the only words dad unbelievably said.

Once again silence reigned!!

"How's Suzanna?how does she look like?bet she's taken after me,I left when she was so young and tiny,I even think she doesn't remember me,"Dad's head fell as he spoke bitterly.

"Suzanna's really fine and she's grown alot, she's the exact copy of you, stubborn,if she wants to do something she does it even without thinking it over,and she even carries your features,"

"Wow,I have missed alot but I do hope that soon, I'll get to meet her and I hope she'll understand why I had to leave"

"Dad,can I ask you something?please don't be mad"

"Okay,am all ears"

"why'd you leave us back then?"I asked curiously

"....Um, it's a long story darling!"

"Fine, am waiting,duh!" I said laughing hoping he'll tell it to me.

"It all began when I was working at Mr Fredrickson's company,the most leading company back then.I was so close to starting my own company when someone stole the company's stocks and the CCTV footage showed that I did it but I swear I didn't do it but I guessed someone had blackmailed me.I got fired but had to pay for the damages.We became poor and bankrupt yet I had to cater for my family.I told your mom I had found a job here but she told me to leave it.I had to do it or guilt would have killed me.I packed my stuff ready to leave but before I got out she said 'if you dare step your foot out of that door then we're done,and never come back' I turned,took a good look at you, your sister and your mother.I ran and forcefully hugged all of you and then I left.

When I reached here Aby was waiting for me even though I didn't know her, she took me in and few days later divorce papers were sent for me to sign.

I thought it over and thought your mom would re-marry a better off guy but I guess I was wrong.I took the papers and signed them,to tell you the truth,that is my biggest regret in life.Letting the three of you go.I wanted to come back,but she told me not to.

So,I.....I just let go,AM SORRY SAM,hope you'll all forgive me for what I did," After that,dad turned to me and found me staring at him, crying!

"Sorry daddy,never new you went through all that,but you know what, you still love each other,even if you deny it, I saw it through mom as I once found her looking at your pictures,and I've also seen it in you, whenever I speak of her you're sad. You're marrying Aby just to run away from your feelings towards mom"

"No! that's not true, I'm marrying her because I love her,just accept it honey, she'll soon be your mom too"

"Sorry but that's never gonna happen!"We were now at our school gate"Bye dad"

And with that I rushed off .

(In class)

"Psssst," Bramwel was now talking behind me.

"What you pervert, what'd you want?"I asked irritated as he has been nothing but a nuisance.

"Chill girl, I've got some news for you, there's a chemistry project we'll be having and we've been put in groups,bad news, you and I are partners,"He said grinning widely.

"What!" I shouted and all eyes were on me "sorry guys(I told the class then my head was back to Bramwel)how did that happen? could you not have done me a favor and refused!Jeez bro, you're stupid than I thought,am not gonna do this,"I was leaving before my chemistry teacher stopped me at the door.

"And where do you think you're going,young miss Samantha kings?"This teacher always sent shivers down my spine as he was always strict.

Um.....I....you see.....I was headed for the bathroom!"I was shocked at my excuse "Sir,please,can I be grouped with someone else, you see,both Bramwel and I don't understand the project you gave us, it's like two blind people holding hands and crossing a highway!"

The whole class burst into laughter and the teacher felt kinda embarrassed.

"That is not gonna happen, you and Bramwel are together, period,sit back down and everyone to your groups and arrange everything,we will officially do the project tomorrow,"The teacher instructed and left.

"That was a nice one"

"Good shot"

That teacher's boring"

Everyone was applauding me for what I did.

"You did great but sorry we're still together,hahahah"Bramwel said as we began arranging the apparatus.

Asher was eyeing on me and flushed me a quick smile which disappeared immediately.If I could not be concentrating,I could have missed the scene.