
Chapter 4:Suzanna is back home

"Hey, dad?" As I entered the house I found daddy on his laptop looking too exhausted

"Hey, sweetie? How's school, is there anything you need? tell me all about it.

Dad stood up and embraced me.

"Dad, you look tired why don't we go out tomorrow and I'll tell you all about it?" I said that but replied with a questioning look.

"Fine, I don't feel like going to school tomorrow but I just want to spend some time with you!" I told daddy smiling and he promised to inform the teacher that I won't be going to school the next day.

"Thanks, dad I'll be upstairs if you need me, "I said and shortly left.

I went and took a warm shower to freshen up my nerves since I was extremely tired from the long day I just had.

Suddenly, I remembered I had to talk to Suzanna.

"Hey, little siz?" I began

"Hey, how are you? how's dad? I really miss him and most especially you,"

"Am fine, dad's fine too and....how are you together with mom?"

"We're....kinda not fine,"

"But why! what happened?" I didn't want her to know that mom had already told me.

"Ummmm we had a small argument and you know just how I am! I do not like it when someone tries to control my life, so, I just went to this party and I lost track of time and came home late, mom even slapped me!! that's not fair,"

"It's fine Suzy, you also know mom too well, a lot has happened in her life. Dad left, we became bankrupt, I had to leave and now you just leave her alone? come on! put yourself in her shoes, how'd you feel?"

"..."Suzy had no words but I could hear her silently crying.

"There's still time Suzy, go back home and apologize to her, always be with her and please, please, just don't make her angry, remember this, mom's love to us is immeasurable."

"Huh!" she inhaled loudly as if defeated "Fine, I'll go back and apologize to mommy,....Sam, am sorry!"

"It's okay! you'll call and inform me how everything will be, okay, bye, love you so so so much, mwaaaaah, "I said to her throwing a flying kiss on air assuming it would reach her, then I hung up.

suzzy's pov


"Just a minute!"mom said rushing to open the door.

Immediately she saw my figure at the door,she jumped on me and embraced me.

"Never shock that way...ever!"mommy was now begging me.

"won't you at least let me in!"I told her amidst laughter.

"Oh come in sweetie!"she took me in and me sit down beside her.

"Look mom ,am really sorry,i didn't mean to run away, it's just that.....shit!my life is a mess.Look at me,i never felt love from one of my parents because dad just left one day,look at what am wearing, while Sam is with our rich dad enjoying herself,my friends at school just talk of they go on outings with their families,but what about me,am just.....(I was now sobbing)am just with mom and of which I feel you don't love me like Sam.Am sorry mommy,"As i said those last words, my mom hugged me stroking my hair.

One thing's for sure, I loved this feeling.

Being in my beloved mom's hands.i cried it all out.

"Am really sorry, I didn't know you were going through all that!,from today whenever you have any problem, make sure to inform me, because I'll always be here for you at all times sweetie,"mom still held me in her arms.

"Okay mommy, love you!"

We remained that way for a while before we let go and we went to sleep.

(inside mom's room )back to Sam's POV

The phone rang as I was doing my school work.

"Hey mum?"

"Hi Sam , thank you so much darling,i really appreciate what you've done because Suzanna is back home"

"Oh that's nice to hear mom.so how's she?"

"She's fine and we even had a mother-daughter talk and it ended perfectly fine"

"Mom just understand her sometimes,and you know what, dad actually misses you for real, it's just that you two can't accept it."

Mom was now chuckling on the other side of the line.

"Sometimes I wonder how you know everything about me!To say the truth I miss him too but sometimes one has to let go of somethings"

"Alright let me continue with my homework,bye mommy, love you "

"Bye sweetie"Then I hung up the phone

Before I kept my phone down it once again rung.

"Hey how've you been?I really miss you!"I began

I miss you too,it seems you forgot about me,maybe you gotta new besty or something"Alicia began throwing tantrums

"ooooh come on,how can I forget you,let alone replace you.There's nothing like that, you're my one and only,"I assured Alicia

"So any new gossip?"Alicia asked

"mmmm let's see,oh yea there's this new boy in our class,his name is Asher,my god.he's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!He just emits this aura that I just like,jeez! Immediately I get any of his pics I'll right away send them to you.He's just so perfect, everytime I see him I can't breath,I even got a new Friend,her name's Mady but don't worry no one can reach my love for you,hahahah,"I said since I know how Alicia is when she sees or hears I've got other friends than her"What about you?"

"Umm, still got nothing but as soon as I get one , you'll definitely be the first one to know!Tell me about your school"

"Can I ask you something?"from the moment I saw Alicia's call,something was barging me.

"Yeah sure, anything for you"

"H how's Trevor?Has he got a new girl?Is he happy?Is he okay?"

"Okay!hold on,how can you ask all those questions at a go? let's go one at a time, Trevor's fine,I don't know if he's got a new girl, of course he's happy and he comes to school. Any more questions?"

"So.... you mean he-he's happy without me?It seems he has long forgotten about me"

"oowww come on, don't be a child, I'll take care of him for you," Alicia tried to mean it,but wherever I was, I felt chills down my spine.