
Chapter 3: Meeting at first

As I entered the school compound all eyes were on me and my brand new baby. I majestically walked to class and found Mady eagerly waiting to hear about the good news I had told her about. I ran, hugged her, and took her hand along with her outside." guess what! there's my new convertible," I shouted. "your kidding,r-right!"Maddy stammered but before she could finish i took her and we went for a drive. On the way we sang, shouted and laughed. Later we were back in school.

Madam Gerald entered the class with a not so familiar guy."class, today we have a new student once more, please introduce yourself." madam Gerald said facing the new boy."Umm....am Asher McCole,"That sweet voice of him jolted ,e from my reverie back to reality only to turn and our eyes locked.

He had raven black hair, a very built body,plump red lips which were too attractive and distracting and what was even more alluring about him was his hazel eyes which were very deep and hypnotizing that looked like it could see through one's soul. He was told to sit beside me but on the other column.

Jeez!!there was something about this boy which was making me go nuts.Asher concentrated the whole lesson as I was admiring his beauty which was not from planet earth. Mady startled me signaling me that the bell for break had already rang.

since Maddy's locker and i's were next to each other, we went together and unpacked getting ready for the next lesson.

As days went by, I got to make new friends. Behind me, Asher and his group of boys passed us. Amongst all of them, he seemed like their leader." snap out of it," Maddy snapped her finger before my eyes.

"Hey, don't give me that look ,I didn't mean to stare!" I said to Maddy as if throwing tantrums" My eyes are at fault here not me."

"Hi ladies!!"ooh noooo, it was the voice that I hated. I turned around to face the guy with a fake smile.

"Hi, Bramwel? what do you want?" I asked him still maintaining my smile.

"Hi Bram, wassup!" Maddy followed my lead but was on high alert.

"Just wanted to ask you guys out! don't worry Maddy, Daryl here wants to go with you and I with her, so do you girls mind?" Bramwel stared at me.

Wait!! what's happening!

"If you kinda don't have work to do, better be on your way, am not in the mood," I strictly exclaimed.

"What about you Maddie?" Bramwel was now trying to convince Maddie on my behalf.

"Hey Maddie! what are you trying to do?" ooh no Maddy had always been having a crush on Daryl. SHIT!! How could I forget?

"Yeah, if it's Daryl the date's on," Maddie smiled and winked at Daryl who winked back and they left.

"Wait! Did you....," no words were escaping my mouth as I raised a brow at Maddie who was still in her world of fantasy.

we walked together to the cafeteria and sat down before my phone rang.

"H-hey sweetie?" It was mom's voice, I almost burst into tears.

"Hey mommy, how've you been since I left?" Maddie was now beside me eavesdropping.

"Am fine darling, hope you're a good girl over there!" Mother said and we both chuckled.

"Mom, are you okay? you don't sound fine!"

"Ummmm" I guessed she was trying to find an excuse.

"Mom come on, you can tell me anything,"

"Your sister ran away from home because we had a little quarrel, "mom was now crying at the other end of the line.

"Don't worry mom, you know your daughter so well, shell just be back. Just let her cool off for a while, stop crying mommy, everything will be fine,"

"Please darling pump some sense into your sister's head, she came home drunk last night and who knows which men were with her!!"

"Okay, let's do this, let me try to talk to her, then I'll pump some sense to that brain of her's. And....mom, dad told me to say 'hi' he misses you."

"Don't be silly, "I could feel mom's bitterness as she was now laughing at what I just told her" I know your father more than anyone, it doesn't work that way, I know what you're trying to do, just drop your motive sweetie," A tear fell from my cheek as I heard mom laugh-crying.

"I have to go mom, the bell has just rung, I'll call you later, bye love you so so much.

"Love you more sweetie, remember to work hard and smart." And with that I hung up.

"shhhhhh stop crying you'll make me emotional," My mad bestie was comforting me and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Come here you!!let's go," I held her neck and we went to class.

"Hey why don't we go shopping after this?" I told Maddie while the lesson was ongoing.

"Yeah, sure good idea!!but....."

"Don't worry, everything's on me," I said as I winked at her imitating what she and Bramwel did.

At the far corner of the class were some girls who looked at us with so much disgust.

Red-alert!!-number one bullies spotted.

No sooner had the bell rung than Maddie and i took our bags and left the class.

"Hey! what's with Maya and her crew? I kinda don't like how they look at us," Maddie pointed out

"Just forget about them, let's just enjoy ourselves, shop anything you want,opportunity comes once darling," I told Madison and her expression made me burst into laughter.

we spent that day just shopping and having fun.

am sorry guys for the slow writing.it's because am going to school.But I do promise to increase my speed.THANKS GUYS.LOVE YOU ALL.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Jael_Moraacreators' thoughts