
Primordial Khaos of time and space

The Khaos kin are the young borne from lady darkness and her combined primordial mates.

While the Khaos kind are the leftovers from the time before lady darkness.

They were few, but their greed had made them look away from their goals.

Who knows about what lies beyond the universe?

Who knows if us, who think we are the ultimate are not merely small glass balls used as entertainment? 

Mother had said she as the eldest has a responsibility to help protect her siblings. Not because they were in truth borne from the same mother sire and father sires but because our own primordial domain is on the verge of collapse.

The first borne alone without a pod. 

Made to see things that a small child should not but had no choice but to. 

Dragondonyai had matured fast and later understood the weight her sires carried therefore thinking to help them. 

Five thousand Khaos times later her second sibling was birth but she had missed her.