
Chapter 29: A Last Hope

“Because I desired you.”

Once again, that replica of her voice screamed from the far away reaches of her mind said this was foolish. They had known each other for days, not months, not even weeks, but mere days.

Love wasn’t something you found in a matter of days. At least…that’s what she’d believed before, but things didn’t work the same in the elven world.

Maybe the reason she felt so torn was because there were in truth two voices in her mind.

One that remembered the love she’d built with Jeremy and the aspirations they’d had, and the other that gave in to the dreams of this entirely new world.

She pulled her chin down to her chest so that his lips would meet her forehead instead.

“I want to. As much as that’s a horrible thing to say I do want to but…” she said.

He lifted his lips and brought his head back against the stone wall with a small thud. A shudder racked his chest as if he were attempting to hold back tears.