
The Truthseeker

One must first gaze upon the soul. Then, one must reach for it. To reach is to feel, and after that is to become one. Ablaze in flames, torn by loudness, and vanishing into thin air, a once prosperous land now turned into nothingness. Seeing the vision of the destruction of his kingdom, Veritas strived to sacrifice everything to prevent that outcome. As Veritas grows throughout the story, so does the mysteries around him. Seeking to determine the real truth, Veritas uses his wits and craziness to fight everything in his way. This is a tale of uncovering the truth beneath the hidden mysteries that lie in the world. A world that revolves around the Soul. A journey of ascension, fighting against the madness and questioning one's own identity. This is the story of the Almighty. The Whisperer of the Winds. The legend of the Visionshaper. Truthseeker.

DauntlessBrother · Fantasía
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83 Chs

Prelude to the Final Battle.

Veritas carried the heavy taciturn greatsword all the way towards the camp, which took him longer than usual to arrive back. Usually it would take about 3-6 minutes of walking, but with the heavy greatsword... it took him double that time. 

If he kept up his pace of running away from the Gargoyle Knight then maybe he could arrive faster at the camp. However, once he got out of the abomination's range, Veritas slowed down and preserved his stamina.

The 6 long hours of fighting was finally beginning to take effect. 

In the horizon, he saw an all-familiar mundane carriage. There were various people walking around the camp, dressed in classic black butler suits. Then, amongst those people was a butler-looking man with deep eyebags, wearing a neat tie and suit.

It was the Duke of Alfar!

It seems that they were searching for Veritas in the camp but they did not realize that he was battling against the Gargoyle Knight. 

The ruins were a bit far but it wasn't significantly that far. The Knights couldn't see the outline of the battle from deep within the camp, they would have to walk forward and get closer to the ruins itself.

Veritas, who was dragging the heavy greatsword, suddenly appeared in the bushes near the camp. He was muddied, and bruised, his armor was still durable yet it didn't look pristine, and his hair was filled with sweat and dirt..

The Knights were startled but they then realized that the bruised up and dirty figure was the Prince!

"Your Majesty!"

Veritas looked around.

'It seems that they've just arrived. Great timing..'

Amidst the many butlers, the Duke of Alfar mixed in with them and Veritas mistaked another butler for the Duke. 

Maybe it was due to his fatigue, but Veritas couldn't see properly..

"I-I'm not the Duke, your majesty.."

"Oh- Where is Lord Alfar then?"

"He's right here.."

On the side was a mundane looking man, whose appearance did not befit that of a Duke. 

"I see that you've come from a great battle. Wait.. is that perhaps the..?"

Veritas shifted his eyes towards his sword and then back to the Duke.

"It's the Gargoyle Knight's blade.."

The various butlers gasped in shock and even the Duke himself showed an amazed expression.

He understood that it had been 2 months since Veritas battled the abomination. To any normal person, the first few days or first week would've already made them give up. 

That is to say that they lived..

However, Veritas spent 2 whole months alone! Fighting and strategizing against the Gargoyle Knight! This was a great feat in their eyes..

And now... he held what seemed to be the weapon of the Gargoyle Knight.

The Duke looked dumbfounded and he asked: 

"How did you manage to obtain that..?"


Veritas pointed to the greatsword.

"I stole it."

That was partially the truth but Veritas saved the explanations for later. 

Everyone around him was surprised by the gall behavior of the Prince. To fight against the formidable Gargoyle Knight was one thing, but to steal its entire blade!

It was madness...

"I-I see."

Duke Alfar adjusted his tie and stared at Veritas with deep contemplation.

'Throughout the years, no one had even dared to challenge the abomination yet the Prince was making big progress in two months!'

If the kingdom of Elrod were to gather its best forces, then they would easily beat the Gargoyle Knight. 

However! They denied this thought due to the unimportance of the abomination. The Gargoyle Knight was not really that harmful to people. It only attacks when individuals get closer towards it. 

The curious researchers and explorers tend to be attracted to various ruins all over the land - Veritas himself was included - but the risk that the Gargoyle Knight possesses is one that should not be trifled with. 

Many Wielders have already died in trying to subjugate the Knight.

With this, it was not ideal to waste many resources just to fell a singular creature who does little to no harm to anybody that doesn't come near it. 

This was the reason why the Gargoyle Knight was still living after many years. No one dared to try and challenge the thing! Let alone to risk their lives in the name of research.

There were a few curious explorers that wanted to study the Gargoyle Knight but most of them perished in battle.

Thus, the subjugation of the Gargoyle Knight was deemed as insignificant in the eyes of the people.

As for Veritas, killing the abomination meant attaining his honor. This was a trial of power where he could prove to be worthy of belonging in the royal family!

For the past 2 months, Veritas had done something that no one ever did before..

Challenging the Gargoyle Knight with a troupe was ideal but it was still full of risks. However! Challenging the Gargoyle Knight alone could be said to be a death sentence.

Yet, Veritas was still standing...

The Duke was at awe by how the Prince managed to fight alone. Could it be due to his royal blood? Or was it the unique swordplay that he possessed? 

No, it was due to his sheer willpower alone. 

Even if a person possessed royal blood and a unique swordplay, it is not common for them to attain a willpower that could be comparable to Veritas.

He had immense courage and accepted his weaknesses to become a stepping stone for him to grow! This was what set him apart from the other nobles in the kingdom.

Those that were selfish and prideful weren't going to be carried by their genetics alone. They still had to work hard in order to attain true power!

Contrary to them, Veritas had both of these things.

When one realizes that they are weak, a path would open to infinite possibilities of becoming strong. 

With that, Veritas excused himself from the crowd and prepared his things to take a bath. 

He made his way towards his living quarters and set down the heavy blade, grabbing a towel and various hygiene products with him. 

"Excuse me, Lord Alfar. I shall rinse myself of the sweat and dirt in my body."

He bowed and made his way to the river once more. 

After taking a bath and feeling refreshed, Veritas walked to the direction of the Duke and his butlers.

Fully clothed with a white-oversized shirt, and comfortable linen pants, Veritas smiled wholely while listening to the Duke's reports.

They talked about the outside world, the politics, daily lives, and many more trivial things. The Duke then brought up a question regarding Veritas' battles.

"Your majesty, how has the progress been holding up?"

Veritas looked at the blazing campfire.

"I can feel the final stage in defeating it. It is almost within my grasp. It was as if I were on the top of an ascending stairs, one more step was all I needed to take in order to reach the top."

His face then went soft.

"But the past few weeks, it was as if the last step was a wall that loomed all over me. I felt that my progress was stagnant and I was stuck."

He looked up at the Duke and continued:

"However.. after today, I have finally climbed that wall."

The Duke looked at him with an emotionless expression.

"That's good to know.. Your battle would finally be over then..?"

"I guess so."

Veritas breathed deeply.

"These two months were really a great experience for me. It trained me, enhanced my mind, and it sharpened my senses."

"What are your plans then.. Will you finally defeat it tomorrow?"

Veritas went silent for a moment.

"...not yet."

The Duke tilted his head upon hearing Veritas' words.

"Why is that?"

Veritas looked up.

"For the next month, I would spend my time training with the heavy greatsword. As of now, it is too much for me to handle."

Veritas felt that this was his ticket to finally defeat that thing. As the volume of the greatsword complimented his heavy blows, Veritas believed that he would deal significant damage when using the greatsword. 

Thus, he needed to train.

In the end, he needed the Gargoyle Knight's blade in order to defeat the Gargoyle Knight itself.

"Lord Alfar. Next month, you may watch me battle the Gargoyle Knight. I'll defeat it for sure.."

His eyes were filled with burning flames of determination. The Duke admired the young Prince's fiery passion. His emotionless eyes gleamed lightly at his words.

"I promise to do so.."

The day passed by in a flash and the Duke had finally departed, leaving Veritas alone in the forest once more. 

Veritas did not feel the loneliness anymore. Instead, he felt a burning sensation deep within him that compelled his entire being to get stronger!

So for the next 30 days, Veritas spent his time slashing his sword endlessly. He cut trees, flowed like the winds, broke boulders, and cut water itself. 

At first, it seemed hopeless to even swing the taciturn greatsword, but with each passing day.. Veritas soon got used to it.

On the 4th day, he learned to dance.

On the 6th day, he could finally connect his moves.

On the 7th day, he could implement Elrod's swordplay to the heavy blade.

On the 11th day, he cut a large tree.

On the 17th day, he sliced a boulder in half. 

On the 25th day, he ravaged an entire sea of trees.

On the 29th day, his body became one with the taciturn blade.

And on the 30th day... he mastered the art of wielding a heavy greatsword.

Thus came the day where he would finally challenge the Gargoyle Knight..


After a long rigorous 3 -battle, Duke Alfar finally felt that the Prince's trial was coming to an end.. 

He rode in the mundane carriage, bringing supplies as per the Prince's request. He trusted his words and awaited the moment of the battle. He anticipated the growth of the Prince, his efforts would finally bear fruit on this day!

He could almost feel a sense of excitement deep within that cold heart of his. 

His usual emotionless expression was showing a deep feeling of anticipation.

'I can't wait..'

Seeing the birth of a legend was something that an individual would rarely encounter. 

So, the honor of seeing one himself made the Duke burn flames of desperation deep within him.

With that, the Duke arrived in the camp.

The blazing campfire roared violently, the silence of the camp seemed very still, and the tense presence of an upcoming battle was rampant in the air.

It was as if the Duke was feeling the calm before the storm..

He walked slowly deep within the camp in order to meet the renowned Prince.

However... the silence of the camp remained still. 

The Duke searched around the camp, hoping to find a glimpse of the Prince. 

Yet... the Prince never came out. 

He tried calling out, searching the rivers, and searched around every corner of the camp.


Worry began to fill his desperate heart.

The Duke walked towards the ruins and saw no remnants of battle. He asked his men to scurry around and search.. yet even with the eyes of many men, they could not find Veritas anywhere.

It was as if he had vanished along the winds..

Veritas, the Prince of Elrod, was gone.