
3. Meeting The girl on the horse...

I turn around and see the group didn't move from their spot.

I walk up to them.

"Hey we have to keep moving we are wasting daylight," I say to them with a blank expression.

I won't let them get close to me again.

I feel Daryl's eyes on me but I ignore him. I turn around and start walking again.

They start walking slowly behind me worrying about the gunshot.

"You still worry about it"Andrea asks Lori.

"It was a gunshot," Lori says stressing about it.

I stop walking and wait for them. I still have a duty to do and it's to protect them.

Soldiers live by a code and do what they were trained for.

Protect the civilians.

"We all heard it, we have to keep moving," I order them.

Lori starts to argue.

"Listen, This isn't helping. We have to keep moving forward. We have to focus on the task. Okay, I'm sure they are okay and that we see them on the highway." I say tired of this shit.

"Melody is right," Daryl says looking at me.

We start to walk again. Me leading the way and Daryl walking behind me.

"How much farther?"I hear Andrea ask from behind me.

"Not much... Maybe a hundred yards as the crow flies" Daryl answers her.

"Too bad we're not crows," I say amused by Daryl's answer.

"As the crow flies, my ass." I hear Andrea says far behind.

[Low growl, groaning]

Andrea screaming makes me react fast. I pull out two frowning knives while running to her.



"No-no-- Oh, no!"

I found her but a girl on a horse beat me to it.

"Lori? Lori grimes? Whoa!"

Lori walks up to her standing beside me.

Who is this chick?

"I'm Lori."

"Rick sent me-- You've got to come now. What? There's been an accident-- Carl's been shot. He's still alive but you've gotta come now. Rick needs you-- Just come!" She says quickly to Lori.

"Oh, and Melody Rick says you have to come too because you know about medical things," She says looking around while talking.

"Okay, I'll take my truck and come."

"Whoa-whoa-whoa! We don't know this girl. You can't get on that horse"Daryl tries to stop Lori.

"Rick said you had others on the highway, that big traffic snarl?"She asks

"Uh-huh," Glenn answered in shock.

"Backtrack to Fairburn road. Two miles down is our farm. You'll see the mailbox-- Name's Greene--"She says turning her horse and running back where she came from.


"Shut up," I say to the walker and throw my knife at it.

I walk to get back to the highway when Daryl grabs my wrist stopping me.

"You ain't going there"

"Why the hell not."I get into his face.

"We don't know them"

"I don't care. That little boy needs help so I'm going." I pull my wrist out is grip and walk to the highway.

He angrily walked past me.

It's sweet of him to be protective but I ain't some damsel who needs saving.

We got to the highway.

Daryl told Dale about what happened.

I sit on the hood of the nearby car listen to the conversation.

"Shot? What do ya mean shot?" Dale ask.

"I don't know, Dale. I wasn't there. All I know is this chick rode out of nowhere like Zorro on a horse and took Lori."Glenn answers Dale.

"You let her?"Dale asks looking at Daryl.

"Climbed down out of my asshole, man. Rick sent her. She knew Lori's name and Carl's." Daryl answer back getting furious walking away to cool down.

"I heard screams-- Was that you?"Dale asks Andrea worried.

"She got attacked by a walker. It was a close call." I answer hopping off the hood of the car.

"Andrea, are you all right?"Dale asks her.

She walks past him to the RV and slam the door behind her.

[Door slamming]


I walk in the direction Daryl walks off to. I see him standing in a car looking up at the sky.

He turns around when he hears me walking up to him.

"What do you want?"He asks with anger in his voice.

"Come on, Dar don't be like that."I stand beside him and look up at him.

"Why. so it's okay if you can be a total bitch. mmm?"He looks me in my brown eyes challenging me to do something.

I close my fist trying to control my anger.

I take a deep breath.

"No, but I'm not here to fight with you, "I say calmly.

"So, you admit that you are a bitch"

He is trying to make me angry but why.

I push him against the car that was beside him.

He quickly switches our position. So now I'm the one against the car.

I'm getting annoyed now.

His face is so close to my face.

"Get off me asshole."

I look in his eyes and see lust.

It happened so quickly his lips on me. He kisses me with so much hunger. My insides did flipped and butterflies were everywhere in my stomach.

I grab him by the neck pulling him deeper in the kiss. His lips feel so good against mine.

We run out of air. We pull away and look at each other, with a smirk on his face and a shocked one on mine.

"We should go back to the group". He says to me.

"Okay" I turn around and walk side by side with him.

What the hell was that. Did Daryl Dixon just fucking kiss me? I was about to beat him but his plan was better. He wanted me angry. So he can do that shit.

"I won't do it. We can't just leave." Carol says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Carol, the group is split. We're scattered and weak." Daryl says to her.

I walk to the same car as earlier and sit on the hood again playing with one of my throwing knives and listening to them.

"What if she comes back and we're not here? It could happen. If Sophia found her way back and we were gone, that would be awful." Carol asked with sadness in her voice begging us to stay.

"Okay. We gotta plan for this. I say tomorrow morning is soon enough to pull up stakes. Give us a chance to rig a big sign, leave her some supplies. I'll hold here tonight, stay with the RV. "Daryl answer her giving her some hope.

"If the RV is stayin', I am too." Dale volunteered to stay too.

"Thank you. Thank you both." Carol looks at them gratefully.

" I'm in." Andrea volunteer also to stay.

They all look at me.

"I'm sorry, I can't stay. I'm going to Lori. That little boy needs me and you guys don't need me."I hop off the hood and walk to my truck.

Daryl follow me and pull me away from any curious eyes.

He holds my face in his hand and looked at me. Oh, fuck he is so close to me and that blue eyes.

"Be careful" He captures my lips with his. This kiss is slow and soft.

"I always am" I smile at him.

He nods at me and walks away.

I feel my lips. shaking my head. I was about to get in when Glenn call me.

I walk back to them, Daryl nowhere to be seen.

"You have to find this farm, reconnect with our people and see what's going on-- But most important, you have to get t-dog there. This is not an option. That cut has gone from bad to worse."Dale order Glenn.

"Wait, what,? I told you to take care of his wound Dale" I walk to T and see he look like shit.

"I tried, I'm not a doctor or nurse," Dale says looking upset.

"He has a very serious blood infection. We have to get him to that farm. See if they have any antibiotics mine is almost finished. Because if not, t-dog will die, no joke."I say upset looking at T-dog wound.

I help Glenn get T-Dog in the back seat of my truck.

"Okay guys, good luck and be safe," Glenn says to them getting into my truck. I climb into my truck and follow the direction that the girl gave us.


Hey, my weirdos.

Oh shit, they kissed. Not just once but twice.

I'm so excited to see what this season will bring for y'all.😁

Hope you like it.

please vote.

stay safe

