
The True Wills of the Rabbit Goddess

Uzumaki Naruto, neglected by his parents & godparents for his brothers, Menma & Arashi, for holding the Kyuubi's Chakra, while he is also hated by the villagers for holding the soul. Uchiha Satsuki, her clan was massacred by her brother on the orders of the leaders of a corrupt village and viewed by the villagers as a means to boost their social & political standing. On the night of the New Moon, they both find themselves face to face with one Otsutsuki Kaguya, who gives them the tools to break free from their chains, along with the means to gain their justice on those who have wronged them.

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16 Chs

Chapter 8

*Konoha – Hokage Tower*

As a message hawk from Taki who is the Leaf's allied village left a message that someone killed various shinobis of Taki and hung them upside down under the giant tree as that the killer left a symbol of a black sun.

"Who would do something so gruesome even by our standards?" Minato asked Jiraiya.

"I don't know Minato but my Spy Network told me that someone took their Jinchuuriki. Maybe it was Kakuzu." Jiraiya said.

"If it were him then he should have taken their hearts intact." Minato answered back.

"Aside from that when will I do the three year journey with Arashi and Menma?" Jiraiya asked his former student.

"After the Chunin Exams Jiraiya." Minato told him.

"And teach them right Jiraiya! More specifically everything you know aside from them controlling the Kyuubi's Chakra. If not, I will tell Tsunade what really happened to Nawaki and Dan." Minato said threateningly with his signature kunai in hand, as Jiraiya gulped but smirked.

"Well you don't want Kushina to know what really was the cause of the Uzumaki clan wouldn't you my former student?" Jiraiya retorted at Minato smugly as he left the office unknown to them as a small snake heard the conversation and poofed out.

*Meanwhile- With Naruto*

As the group neared Suna they saw a bandit camp near the border of the desert. With Naruto wearing a mask to conceal his identity (Menma's mask from Road to Ninja) and Satsuki wearing an ornate skull mask that all but concealing her mouth (Maria Calavera's skull mask) since they are not shinobi anymore while Fuu wore a visor to cover her eyes. Naruto using Creation of All Things since it can be done by using Yin-Yang Style since Naruto has Six Paths Chakra that won't kill him due to now being an Otusuki and created all the masks except for Haku, Delta and Ada since Haku already has one and Delta and Ada wear robes to cover themselves.

"How come you two can stand the heat?" Fuu asked since she didn't see Naruto and Satsuki sweating.

"The answer to that is that we are now pureblooded Otsusuki and we can withstand any weather easily and we don't even need to breathe at all." Naruto explained to them sans Delta and Ada since they know about Isshiki.

"So where is the Jinchuuriki of Suna?" Haku asked while driking water from a canteen she brought.

"Shukaku is near. I can sense him that he is near in this very place. Strange, that he is tranquil since he always tries to threaten his Jinchuuriki to release him." Katsumi said since Shukaku is too prideful and short-tempered than her now that she is free from her seal.

As they near the bandit camp, Naruto cracks his knuckles and neck to start a killing spree until they saw sand floating towards the bandits as each one were surrounded by sand into balls.

"Sand Binding Prison!" Someone said as all the bandits that were deaf due to someone made their hears explode so they wouldn't hear the sand moving as they were crushed inside while some had their head sliced by the sound waves. One tried to escape but was tied up with a jōhyō and the girl mummified the bandit with a flaming orb.

Naruto saw three girls one who has shoulder length red hair, beautiful eyelashes, toned body with luscious curves, beautiful sea foam green eyes, a pair of low D-cup breasts, plump ass and a sand gourd on her back with her headband as a belt.

The second one has straight chin-length brown hair, dark eyes, fair skin, pair of C-cup breasts, fair ass, wearing a blue-green blouse that hung off her left shoulder, a white and pink sleeveless shirt underneath, a short yellow scarf tied around her neck, black short skirt and her headband on the neck.

The third one was peculiar who is fair-skinned girl, high D-cup breasts and plump ass with blonde hair that it is straight and reaches her thighs, which is mostly covered by the hood of her jacket. She has a large bang that partially covers her forehead protector. Has grey eyes, which are accented by red markings and she wears pink lipstick. Her attire consists of a dark red full-body suit, which is worn under a lavender jacket with a large hood as well she is wearing headphones. Her hood and jacket are worn to protect her from dust clouds and the heat. She also wears black gloves and bandages around her ankles and right thigh.

"Way to ruin the fun don't ya!" Naruto shouted as it attracted the attention of the three Suna girls as Gaia commanded her sand to attack Naruto but retreated back into the gourd.

"Why did father didn't kill him?" Gaia said surprisingly.

"Father? Since when he is a paternal figure?" Katsumi said which surprised her since Shukaku was too arrogant to be a paternal figure.

"I heard that!" Shukaku's voice was heard from Gaia's seal.

"Who the hell made this pathetic excuse of seal who should be killed, take its liver to dip it in hot oil and feed it to their family?" Naruto said since he was an Uzumaki and sealing arts is in their blood and seeing this sorry excuse of a seal pissed him off.

"Chiyo." Matsuri and Yodo blankly stated.

"She only did a glorified storage seal and gave Shukaku all the control, but I don't see her going crazy?" Naruto asked them.

"That would be us ever since when we were kids we always saw Gaia alone not even with her older siblings even we were shunned by almost everyone since they saw us as out of place too due to our bloodlines since I have Sound Style and Matsuri has Scorch Style like her aunt Pakura." Yodo said to Naruto since in Suna the higher ups hate her since she has the potential of becoming Kazekage but would never elect a female Kage to lead despite her aunt having an isolated life in the village despite being loyal to it. Yodo is a descendant of Bunpuku, something that Shukaku sensed in Yodo but she hated on becoming a priest since it's not her style.

"I understand that since a Jinchuuriki and Tailed Beasts are not weapon but beings who have feelings and ambitions. But the question is how is that Shukaku is not rampaging now?" Naruto told them as Gaia was amazed that someone could relate to her.

"Well is because we met him before inside the seal." Matsuri said since the group seem trustworthy especially Naruto.

"Come again?" Katsumi said since this surprised her since Shukaku would never do that unless he was threatening them too.

*Flashback- A few years ago*

Little Gaia was alone playing with sand in the park when a boy threw a ball near her and caught to gave it to the boy but the sand on her gourd reacted violently and scared the boy away, which saddened Gaia. Two particular girls got near her and waved their hands to say hi to her as Gaia was looking around and pointed on herself and they nodded.

"Do you wanna hang with us?" Matsuri asked Gaia who stood there and cried as they came near but Gaia's sand didn't react.

"No please don't come near me!" Gaia shouted as she shed tears while the two girls were near her unarmed.

"There, there no need to cry. What is your name?" Yodo asked Gaia while hugging her.

"Gaia." She answered back since it was foreign to her to be hugged that not even her family never hugged her at all due to something.

*Inside the seal*

"I sense someone familiar to me." Shukaku said from inside the seal as he made Gaia spit sleeping gas from her mouth.

Outside the three girls suddenly became drowsy as Shukaku cackles, as he will finally meet his jailor and her new friends just to scare them.

"Where are we?" Yodo asked as they woke up on water as it was endless and saw little rock peaks (bigger than the girls) around a giant raccoon dog made out of sand and strange marks.

"Finally my jailor as awoken eh?" Shukaku said towards Gaia as Yodo recognized Shukaku from her mother's stories about her great grandpa Bunpuku.

"You're Shukaku the One Tailed Raccoon!" Yodo said pointing at Shukaku who facefault about being called a raccoon.

"How dare you call me a raccoon? I am a tanuki you sexy monkey?!" He shouted as he tried to attack Yodo until he saw a giant flaming orb in front of both as the saw Matsuri controlling it.

"One more step and you become pure crystal. Got it!" Matsuri told him with a voice of maturity as Shukaku huffed and went back to the rock formation since even if he can be dead for a year being in crystal is like being the Ten Tails again.

"All you humans are the same with using our powers to just kill each other ever since Reto captured me with his Platinum Sand and sealed me in a tea pot when I wanted to be ALONE!" He shouted as Gaia began to cry again.

Then he looked at Yodo again as he looked at the closely (not like a pervert) as he laughs again.

"I can't believe that the old man actually has a descendant." He said to Yodo.

"Me?" Yodo asked.

"Yes you as I can smell a bit of Bunpuku within you." Shukaku said as a rule from the Kages is that the Jinchuuriki has to be someone from the same family as the Kage or a loyal friend as Bunpuku was the father of Reto, which he disowned him for being his Jinchuuriki and erased all documents of their relation but Tailed Beasts always remember. To Yodo it made sense as she always wanted to learn Sealing Arts to incorporate it on musical instruments but Suna has been low on funds ever since Konoha have been accepting more missions with cheaper prices because of Hiruzen Sarutobi.

"That's technically somehow makes us family Gaia." Yodo said as she looked at Yodo with a smile on her face as Shukaku look at his hands that formed two kanjis (accept and heart) on the palms of his hands and looked back at the three girls.

"I won't mess this up." Shukaku thought to himself.

*End of flashback*

"So you guys are lucky to have each other and I envied that before." He said as he looked at Satsuki, Katsumi, Haku, Delta, Ada and Fuu as he smiled.

Gaia even told them about her uncle killing himself because Rasa ordered him as he tried to separate her from her two best friends that Gaia nearly snapped and nearly left Shukaku gain control but he didn't and on that day they awaited the perfect moment to kill Rasa and Chiyo especially the latter for making a mockery of a seal that Yodo tried to fix her friend's seal but an Uzumaki has the expertise to make fine sealing with ease as she overheard from Gaia's older sister Temari from Suna spies that the last Uzumaki was Kushina Uzumaki that despite the Leaf being allies of Suna they didn't want to suffer the wrath of the Red Death after what she did to Kumo, Iwa, Kiri and their own village on her own as she is more dangerous than Minato Namikaze and the only one equally dangerous as her was Mikoto Uchiha also known as the Demonic Flame Princess of the Sharingan who was on the same scale as the Madara Uchiha as the was the only Uchiha to gained the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan without changing her eyes that could make even the Kyuubi obey her with a mere glance.

"If you guys need refuge you can come with us to Suna." Matsuri said and Naruto accepted it.

*Suna- Kazekage's Office*

We see the Fourth Kazekage Rasa Sabaku, user of the Gold Dust talking with the missing-nin created by a certain war hawk; Pedomaru…I mean Orochimaru and his boy toy… I mean his right hand man Kabuto Yakushi.

As they were planning to invade the Leaf during the Chunin Exams as Gaia as the secret weapon during the third round of the exams.

Unknown to them as Naruto was hovering invisible as he heard the conversation and smiled evilly as his eyes permanently turned green with black sclera as he finally embraced his darkness.

"Interesting." Naruto said while smirking as he explained to his group now dubbed Black Sun with now Gaia, Matsuri and Yodo joining as they heard about Orochimaru's plan to invade Konoha. As Satsuski saw those green eyes that send her shivers and then she feels arousal, while inside Naruto's former seal Kaguya is seen masturbating again as she felt Naruto's true power.

"Fucking yes! I want him inside now! I need that hard rod on all my holes pronto!" She shouted as she had a dildo on her pussy with one hand fondling her breast to climax as she cum on the water.

*Gaia's seal*

We see Shukaku doing the finger pyramid of evil contemplation as he heard the conversation between Naruto and the girls.

"Excellent, this could be the perfect way to get revenge on Rasa and Chiyo. Maybe I don't need to control Gaia again as she can use my Chakra now with ease so I won't hold her and she can finally sleep peacefully from now on." Shukaku said to himself from within the seal.

*Outside the Seal*

Suddenly, Gaia's eyes briefly turned into Shukaku's for a moment.

So, what did you all think, good? Naruto's group is now called Black Sun. They met the Ichibi Jinchuuriki Gaia, Matsuri of Scorch Style and Pakura's niece and only living relative and finally everyone's favorite Suna Nin: Yodo, who is a novice in Sealing Arts but wants to incorporate musical instruments to it to use with her Sound Style bloodline and she is also a descendant of Bunpuku who was Shukaku's first Jinchuuriki and Reto's father who was disowned by his own son.

The news from villages knowing that someone killed Takin nins and blamed it on Kakuzu but didn't steal anything. Minato and Jiraiya having a conversation about Menma and Arashi to train their Kyuubi Chakra after the exam on a three year trip. What was it of Jiraiya and Minato's conversation about Dan, Nawaki and Uzu that they don't want Tsunade and Kushina to learn?

We get to see Orochimaru and Rasa planning the invade Konoha during the exams with Gaia as their secret weapon but Shukaku gave her full control of his Chakra now due to Matsuri and Yodo, which the former can turn him into crystal and the latter reminds him of Bunpuku.

Naruto's eyes changed as he embraces fully his darkness and won't be anyone lap dog and will be the one in charge from now on. In addition, we get to see Kaguya being desperate for Naruto.

So comment if you liked it.

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