

In the middle of nowhere is a golden box. This box is spinning around. It wasn't going too fast or too slow it was just at the right speed.

Outside of the box was an orb. The orb was completely black. This orb represents what a cropped soul looks like. The black orb then became even darker. It would have blended in with the dark void around it. But because of the light given off by the golden box, it's still visible.

Almost at the same time, a bright white light started to shine in front of the orb. You could see someone after the light decorated. In front of the orb was now an old man. This old man has a long beard with his eyes closed.

"Hmm, It would seem that I miscalculated your awakening. Well not as if it matters anyways." Said the old man

Right after the old man said this another voice sounded in the area. This voice came from the black orb also known as a cropped soul.

"Yo old man where exactly is this place." Said the soul

"You have died and are in the afterlife. You were one of the select few people that were selected by lord truck-Kun." Said the old man

"Do you have any questions to ask before we begin?" Asked the old man

" No, let's just get this over with." Said the soul

" You get to pick five wishes."

" Hmm, My first wish will be the ability to combine my second and third wishes."

"For my second wish, I Want chrollo Lucifer's ability the skill hunter. This ability allows chrollo to use anyone's ability."

" For my third wish, I want Jack of all trades talent. This means I have a more likelihood of gaining ability. This also means that I'm going to have more of a chance to be good at what I do."

"My fourth wish I want ice manipulation.

" And lastly, I want my fifth wish to turn me into a true vampire."

After the soul listed off his wishes, he wanted the old man to say something.

"You're allowed your first wish since your second and third arent overpowered. Your new ability allows you to create a book. This book will contain all the abilities you have access to. You will also be able to learn any ability just by seeing it. But you will have to train in it to master them."

" You will also be given your fourth wish. You will be given full mastery of this ability. But how you use this ability is up to you. You will also be given your fifth wish. But since you are going to be a true vampire your world options are limited."

" What do you mean by world options?" Asked the soul

" You will be given a choice of where you get to reincarnate." Said the old man

" When do I get to choose?" Asked the soul

" Right now of course unless you want to wait a thousand years." Said the old man

" What of course I wouldn't want to wait a thousand years." Said the soul

After hearing the soul the old man listed off three different types of worlds.

" For the first option, you will reincarnate into a fantasy world. For your second option, you will reincarnate into modern daytime where it's normal. And for your third option, you will reincarnate in a modern time mixed with medieval." Said the old man

"Hmm, I'll choose the third option because it seems the most interesting." Said the soul

" And why is that one the most incredible?"

" My reasoning for that is it's most likely not going to be normal. Also, it's not something so cliche as a fantasy world. It will be a different type of environment than I'm used to."

" Well then since you picked your world I'll tell you about it. This world is known as atera. This world is just like earth. The difference is that not only did the apes evolve but so did other animals evolve." Said the old man

"Even though they didn't evolve from those apes they are still called humans. The reason for this is cause they still look and act like humans. Well at least most of them do. They are also way better than what they evolve from." Said the old man

" Also on atera, every type of human can tap into this energy called Zen. Zen allows them to access these special abilities. Zen is just Nen from hunter x hunter." Said the old man

" Oh, I almost forgot to mention that you are one of these special humans. You evolve from the giant flying golden crown fox. But you will be a mutated version. So in a sense, you will be the first of your kind. Also, there's gonna be a race similar to werewolves." Said the old man

" Oh yeah, when you wake up you won't remember this." Said the old man

When the old man finished his words the soul disappeared before he could say something.

| Middle of a Forest|

This forest is limitless, wet, and ancient. Its canopy is monopolized by poplar, redwood, and cedar, and twinkling lights bursting through their crowns allowed for colorful herbs to cultivate the branch and twig-laden ground below.

Quiet tree limbs drooped from many trees, and a range of flowers, which were common to this area only, adorned the otherwise dark backdrop. The occasional beam of light that made its way through the canopy allowed for vibrant bushes to sprout in the moss-covered grounds below.

A variation of sounds, predominantly those of prowling animals, brightened up the forest and overpowered the rustling of the leaves and branches of the tree tops in the wind. And in the middle of this, all was a sleeping boy.

He has shaggy hair awkwardly hanging over a thin, charming face. His thin pointy ears sit on each side of his average, size head, which itself is covered in soft hair. He had smooth reflective skin.

If you were to pay close attention you could notice his eyelids moving slightly. He finally opened his eyes. When he did you could notice how his red eyes, set elegantly within their sockets, watch watchfully over his surroundings.

"Shit was that all just a dream. No that was too realistic to be a dream." Said the boy

" My blood was dripping out of my body. My blood was everywhere I would look. It had drenched my clothes causing them to become sticky. Not only were they sticky but they started to become heavier as time passes. It was as if they were sucking the energy out of me." Said the boy

" I tried to get up but I end up falling on my knees. It took all my willpower to not give in. I was trying my best to push through even though my body was telling me to give in. At one point I just wanted to go to sleep." Said the boy

" But I was able to stay awake because I heard footsteps. Along with the footsteps was the laughter of a group of people. Hearing this I didn't even think twice and started shouting for help." Said the boy

" When I started to shout I could hear the laughter stop for a second. But then they started to laugh even louder than before. Hearing this I started to shout even louder." Said the boy

" But then the laughing stopped and the doorknob started to spin. Three people walked in with cocky smiles plastered on their faces."

" They were a trio of idiots that are only good at getting money out of people. No one even thought they could do much in life. That's why one paid much attention to them. But at this moment they were my savior."

" Seeing them I started to shout asking them for help. But then their cocky smile got even wider than before. It was at that moment I realized something was wrong." Said the boy

" The leader of the three then walked up to me. He then raised his foot and started to stomp on my fractured arm. After a while, he started to Smosh my arm under his foot. All the while I was screaming for him to stop." Said the boy

"Every time I would scream they would start to laugh like some maniacs." Said the boy

" Are you wondering why I'm doing this?" Asked the leader of the trio

"But when he asked me this I didn't say anything just looked at him with a glint in my eyes." Said the boy

"we're just tired of how y'all always looking down on us. So we decided we're going to show all of y'all what we can do. And we decided to start with you." Said the leader

" you might have already figured out this but we sabotaged your work. So when you went to work on it would run you over. But we didn't expect you to survive." Saud the leader

"After he said this he kicked me in the face. This sent me flying across the room. Not long after I could hear one of the trio say something."

" Personally if that was me I wouldn't let that slide." Said one of the trio

" When I heard him I smiled a bit. I think at this point I had gone crazy a little. I mustered all the strength I could to stand up. As I was standing up I grabbed a crowbar next to me." Said the boy

" I then started to run toward the trio but I couldn't even run right. They could have heard me from a mile away. When they looked at me they thought it was funny of me to even try and run." Said the boy

" They didn't even think that I would be able to swing the crowbar. But once I was in front of their leader I sent him flying a few meters. The other two looked toward their unconscious leader." Said the boy

" When they looked back toward me I was already in front of the one on the right. I then went to swing the crowbar. But before it even had time to connect he had ducked down." Said the boy

" He then tackled me down to the ground. But that was where he made his mistake. I started to bang the crowbar in my hand into his head. Blood then started to spurt out from his head. I then pushed his body off of mine. That was when I felt my life was in more danger than it already was."

"The last one tried to stump my head into the ground. But I was too quick for him. I had rolled the other way and then got back up as fast as I could. But before I could fully stand up he kicked me back down." Said the boy

" When he kicked me down it caused the crowbar to fall from my hands. Seeing this he hurriedly picked up the crowbar." Said the boy

" let's see how you like it when your hit with a crowbar." Said the last remaining one of the trio

" be then swung the crowbar down toward me like a sword. But before it could even touch me I stopped it between my feet. I then did a backflip Into the air with the crowbar between my feet. Well, at least I tried to do one." Said the boy

" When I finally got back on my feet I ran toward the boy. When I was in front of him I raises the crowbar over my head. Then I swung the crowbar toward his chest. But of course, he tried to move out the way but was too late." Said the boy

" not long after he fell to the ground. And right after he fell I also fell. And u did this all in the name of not letting it slide.

Words 2049