
The True Successor Of House Scamander (HP)

He was born a failure. his life taking away his mother's, a weakly constitution where he was a cripple by birth. a defect that won't allow him to live when he grows older and wiser. an abusive father, heart-torn by his mother's death.a pride-driven older brother, influenced by his father, all that remained was the pride of house Scamander, his grandfather. strength comes from numbers. not alone. and he will fight the world to prove that.

Heinzbeansscranner · Cómic
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24 Chs

Entrance to hogwarts

A couple of things I need to address before I continue with the story

1) This world will be a bit darker than the children's story harry potter.

2) certain characters might die that wasn't in the cannon

3) I made an effort to explain the stupid magic system. people have limited mana in this world, but in the films and books people fly spells around like no tomorrow

4) Magical beasts and potions will be explored, alongside new members of each.

5) types of new magic's

Also, I made a fuck up with the last chapter by putting Luna Lovegood in the first year alongside harry and others

just think of this as..... oc.



The train was whirling across the tracks, as the road to Hogwarts was a long one.

it was normally a 2 and half-hour-long journey, from London to the Scottish higlands. of course, the train was magically enchanted, so it went faster than a usual train.

about an hour in, a lady stopped by the door.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?"

Neville Longbottom shook his head "I don't have the money sorry..."

Luna was absorbed into the book she was reading, which was called the "Quibble" or something like that.

Handing over some galleons, he managed to get several pots of delicacies such as chocolate frogs, cauldron cakes, pumpkin juice and liquorice wands.

"Here Neville, have a few." handing over a couple of boxes of sweets over to Neville, he also said to luna

"Im good thank you, my father says that quibbles are attracted to foods such as yours, so ill make sure to protect your food."

"Thank you?...." Mylo responded in confusion, before watching Neville hesitantly eat some of the chocolate

"Are you sure it's okay?"

"Yes, it's fine." Mylo shrugged, before drinking some pumpkin juice.

it wasn't bad, but it wasn't as good as the American version his grandfather made. that one had a boatload more sugar than this one.

the train continued to whirl and wizz as the sun started to darken. they would probably get there at nightfall.


the train suddenly stopped, as by now it was nighttime.

the train had finished its journies, as everyone was beckoned off by the staff members aboard the train, including Hagrid, who had to crouch down in the train to make sure he didn't hit anything.

slowly getting off the train and feeling the cold air hit against his face, Neville and luna followed him from behind as he joined the rest of the first years.

you couldn't miss it. all you could see was a large man screaming


the first people started to climb onto the boats, which were stable even when someone nearly tripped into the water.

soon it was their turn to get on as Neville, Luna and Mylo slowly got into the same boat.

the boats, like Hagrid, said, started to row themselves as the hagrid's boat rowed to the massive building upfront.

it was beautiful. It was a medieval building style with towers and posts far enough for the naked eye to see.

the architect who designed and builder the school did a perfect job of making it look safe, but also imposing with the many spirals that surrounded the massive school.

they were currently surfing the black lake, which was known to have many creatures that Luna couldn't help herself explaining

"Well, there's a giant squid... some beautiful merpeople, who were known to be a smart race and build villages... according to my father," Luna said as she observed the beautiful lake water, even sifting her hand through the water and watching it fall through the cracks of her hand.

the boat ride was a short one, no more than 5 minutes. they quickly arrived on the ground and dispatched off the boats, before getting guided by hagrid to the castle.

many lights were on in the windows, suggesting that even in the nighttime, Hogwarts was a hearty place.

while getting out of the boat, Mylo managed to see a boy with a reversed lightning scar on his head.

it was a harried, potter.

it seemed that he was surrounded by a boy, with ginger hair and a second-hand robe and a girl with a stroppy attitude surrounding her. she seemed to be quite bossy, lamenting the ginger-haired boy that belonged to the pureblooded family, the Weasleys.

they were guided through twisting hallways.

he felt uncomfortable. he felt like he was being watched.

turning around and looking at the wall, a small ghost head popped out

"Quite a keen sense my boy!"

under the guidance of Neville, who was scared of ghosts, they walked faster.

they were guided into a hallway, with a staircase with a teacher standing on the top.

it was Professor McGonagall , who was named the sturdiest and harshest teacher in school

(AN: that will be topped in a few years by that bitch...")

But well she was the harshest, she was the fairest.

Nagi crawled around his arm for a bit, before poking out his head for a while and looking at his new surroundings.

she obviously didn't want to be here, so Mylo opened the suitcase just a crack so she could fit in before closing it once more.

he was caught, however, as Professor McGonagall looked at him with a huff, before looking away.

"Thank you hagrid, ill take it from here." She rudely dismissed the giant man, who gave a snort before walking away.

'Welcome to Hogwarts,' said Professor McGonagall. 'The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before

you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common room."

'The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rulebreaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honour. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours.'The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting."

Neville tried his best to fix his appearance, and luna simply removed her goggles. Mylo chanted a small spell , as their first appearance was everything according to his grandfather.

the sorting ceremony was to begin.

What house will he be in? speculate now!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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suggestions to the story will not be ignored, so I recommend you try your best idea's.

I want to make a novel that everyone enjoys, so please if you have complaints or a point that you think will make the story better, please comment on it. (as long as its not an assumption and you want to an asshole)

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