
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
101 Chs

The Kidnappers

Atlas POV

'Holy crap. I did it. I actually killed all the monsters without tiring myself out too much.'

I gently float back down to the ground. The group was waiting for me, excited after seeing the spells I fired off. The two other humans were especially excited.

"My dude! That was so cool! How the hell are you so strong? I can only do this." The man stands still, nothing happened but he pointed at his head. "Did you see?!" He kept pointing at his head.

"Uhm, sorry I didn't... what was I suppose to look for?"

"My hair!!" I looked at his hair, suddenly I see a small breeze pass through. He was posing as a small breeze made his hair flutter around. "That's... cool?"

That's it? He can make a breeze that makes his hair messy?! The man was smug and telling his wife that I was impressed. I see the others standing by, embarrassed by how proud he was. But then I realized something. I don't know their names.

"Sorry, my mind has been busy. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Atlas as you guys may know now."

The group took turns.

"My name is Hugh Braun! My wife's name is Scarlet Braun! We were captured and sold while living in the Beast Kingdom!" Hugh was a simple man. He had a buzz cut. What colors I could see were a very dirty brown color. He had brown eyes as well but the whites of his eyes had turned slightly yellow. Scarlet was more put together. Long brown hair that was tied into a high ponytail. She also had beautiful light brown eyes. They were both just shy of being the same height as me.

"My name is Oscar, I have no last name. I was also living in the Beast Kingdom when I was kidnapped and sold." The wolfkin introduced himself. Nothing stands out to much about him. Yellow eyes that seemed unfocused and gray fur. He does remind me of someone though…

"My name is Colin. No last name. I was born and raised in the elf kingdom. After I became a guard, I was falsely accused of a crime I didn't do." The elf introduced himself after. He was like every other elf. Handsome. He had green hair and blue eyes. He was rather short compared to other elves. He was only a little taller than me, around 6 feet.

"You know me. Valerie! I was imprisoned after I refused to serve a noble's son." I finally got a good look at Valerie. She had medium length green hair that was similar to Jennie's hair. Both were wavy. She had these soft yellow eyes that looked at you with care. She was the shortest out of the group.

"Alright then. Now that we know each other, let's make a plan. The person-."

"We know, it's the boy that calls you teacher right?" Scarlet was the one that stopped me.

"Oh? You knew?" I was actually surprised. How did she know?

"We all knew man! We all saw how you treated that boy." Hugh answered me. I thought no one was watching us? It seems I was a bit to relaxed because I thought no one was watching me.

"Ah. Well since you know then yes, I am looking for that boy. I'm not to close to him but I trained him just for a bit when he was younger." I decided not to tell them about his grandparents and brother.

"Like a true teacher. Protecting your student, I like that." Oscar gave me a strong pat on the back.

"Thank you… well then. Let's figure out what to do from here. If we rescue him then we will need to save the kids that he is with too."

"What should we do then?" Valerie hasn't taken her eyes off of me since my fight with DK. She seemed to be trying to study everything I did.

"It's hard but I think we could do it. Listen to what I have planned so far. We can make changes with your inputs."

I began explaining what my plan was so to them.




Pollux POV

After the bell rang, I was struggling. There was only 20 of us children. I was the oldest at 12. The next oldest were 10 but none of them had awakened their mana core or even practiced any form of fighting.

(I really hope I didn't say how many kids were there already, I looked up past chapters and never saw anything.)

Luckily the guards didn't separate us. But that made it more difficult.

I had the older ones watch the younger ones. Keeping them quiet. I found a house with a basement so I had them hide there. I stayed out in the open, near the house they were in, hoping teacher Atlas would find me soon.

But it was too good to be true. I was suddenly felt the mana in the air change. Someone was about to cast a spell. I jumped off the roof I was on and the explosion happened.

"Explosion Magic!!" Someone really tried to kill me… thankfully teacher Atlas helped me rest. I was in good shape.

I tried to figure out where the attack came from. I moved up to check the area but the moment I did I felt something pass from my left to my right, my neck had a small cut.

It was small ice spear! I looked to my left and saw two elves on the ground. Both had nasty smiles on their face.

"Look at that, he seems to be super lucky. Just a moment earlier and I would of gotten my first catch!" The two began laughing. I however didn't let them react. I unleashed all of my [Death's Aura] onto the two elves. I created multiple mana spears. I aimed and threw them at the two before the effects of [Death's Aura] wore off.

They flew through the air. I aimed for all of their vitals. One of the elves dodged every single one but the other one couldn't. A hole suddenly appeared in the middle of his forehead and chest. He slumped over, no longer alive.

"Nooo! You trash hu-." I was already within reach of him. When he turned around , I had already threw my mana spear from a distance that he couldn't dodge. It blasted through his chest, the elf laid a small distance away, coughing and trying to breath.

"You didn't even use magic…"

"I don't need to, weak trash like you should stay as trash." I ended his miserable life there.

I thought I was done but I suddenly heard a booming sound. I realized that the sky had darkened, lighting was striking the ground. One landed not even that far from me.

I used my wind spell to move quickly. I moved closer to the building everyone else was hiding in. That was when I saw them. Three more elves, all wearing royal armor.

"I see you boy. Keep us entertained for a bit will you? The dear prince left us behind. I need to take out some of my anger."

'Shit!!! They're royal guards for the prince?!' One of the three came down on me. He instantly kicked my chest. I didn't hear anything crack but I was winded. Even so I raised my hand up.

[Inferno Nature]

I read books about how the Elf Sage created animals and used them to remotely attack his enemies with precision. As long as he could see his enemy, he could attack them from any distance.

I used half of the mana I saved and created 10 flying phoenixes. They were small, about the size of a crow but they were effective. They flew at the elf, he quickly put up a water wall.

But that didn't matter, thanks to teacher's teachings, I've mastered how to change my mana's shape and even the direction. I maneuvered the birds to fly around the wall. Soon after, a scream could be heard, the water wall vanished.

The elf that was there was now on the ground, burnt to a complete crisp.

"He just killed… no!" One of the elves seemed distraught. "You killed my brother!" And that would explain why.

He jumped down and rushed at me.

"AHHHHH!" He was shooting water spells at me. None of them hit as he seemed to be running on his emotions.

"Sorry. You guys started this." I had hidden my remaining phoenixes and turned them into snakes.

I had the snakes come out from underground and attack his legs. He soon caught on fire, his body laid still next to his brothers'.

The last elf looked at me. "Tch. So useless. First the prince ignores us and now those two are dead. At least you can keep me entertained." The last elf hopped down and faced me. I knew he was the strongest of the three. I was running low on mana. I needed to recover but I don't think he would be okay with that.

He looked like an older elf. Even though most elves looked youthful, this one had a bit of wrinkles. He really looked like a warrior.

"Stay alive so I can continue to take my anger out on you." The elf ran towards me, I jumped back, hoping to use a wind spell to create more distance between us.

But I suddenly heard two voices. One belonging to a man and another to a woman. The man said, "Great job boy. You fought a strong battle but I would like to take over from here." The woman said, "Get some rest sweetie. We both have some issues with this elf." A strong wind picked me up and placed me on the roof of the house that everyone was in.

The elf and I looked around, trying to find the owners of the voice. It took me a moment to realize that they were both on the roof with me.

The man had a full set of armor on. He had a giant shield and even a giant sword. He had no helmet on, so I could see his manly face. He had a thick full beard that was green just like his hair. He had the yellow eyes of a predator.

The woman was wearing a strapless dress. She looked amazing with her white hair and blue eyes. She winked at me and then looked over at the elf.

"I don't know your name and don't want to know it. But your face. You're the one that kidnapped Atlas when he was 10 right?!"

I gasped, that person was one of the people that took Atlas away?

Before I could ask the lady how she knew Atlas, I suddenly felt a nasty and heavy pressure. It quickly disappeared. The man helped me up.

"Sorry about that boy. I lost my cool for a moment."

"It's okay sir." I looked at the elf but he was on the ground. He slowly got up and I could see a heavy flow of blood coming from his mouth and nose.

What monsters! Was that pressure from the man alone? Will the pretty lady also fight?



I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! I’m still not the best writer but I hope I can keep you entertained or even distract you from any struggles you’re currently dealing with. Much love!

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