
The True Alpha ( Born to rule)

Derek Walker grew up as a werewolf in the midst of humans. He kept away his abilities from everyone close to him including his mother. He met and fell in love with Jocelyn, a reporter and together they will overcome the challenges and mysteries that comes with discovering his true identity. He is The True Alpha.

Queen_Daniel · Fantasía
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14 Chs

chapter 8

"How are you doing Derek? I have been trying to call you all week but you were not responding. Is anything the matter?" his mom asked worried and that bothered him a lot. His mom had always been over protective of him right from childhood and he did not understand why. He knew mothers were always overprotective of their young ones but his mom was acting too weird, and he felt like she was hiding something from him.

"I am fine Mom, I am a grown man and I do not need you to worry about me. I can take good care of myself," Derek responded, frowning his face.

"I am going to continue worrying about you until you get a wife that will take good care of you and then my mind can finally be at rest," his mom said and he could not help but frown more.

"Mom, just stop all these talks on marriage. I have a business to tend to and I am going to give it my all, so stop it mom," Derek replied, slightly annoyed by her words.

"Okay dear, just make sure you eat and rest my dear," his mom responded sadly.

"I will do that mom, can I go now?," He asked tired of speaking to her.

"Yes you can dear, Goodnight my sweet boy," his mom said before hanging up.

"Finally, my mom is a case and I don't know when she will stop all these marriage talks. I need to know who I am and where I came from, I cannot fall in love with any human because I do not know of the outcome of it and besides love is for the weak and not for people like me," Derek said to himself as he removed his clothes revealing his well built chest. He took a towel and went into the bathroom to take his bath.


"Emily, He is a grown man and I think it is high time you tell him everything," Emily's sister, Amanda said to her. Amanda was the only person aware of how she found Derek and she had been a great support to her since then.

"It is not that easy sister, how am I going to tell him that I did not give birth to him? how will I tell him that he was given to me by an almost dead woman who deteriorated right before my very eyes? I do not know how I am going to tell my son all of this," Emily said as she broke out in tears.

"You will need to find a way Emily. The woman that gave him to you told you that he has a mission to accomplish right? How is he going to do that if he does not even know anything about himself?," Amanda said as she consoled her sister.

"Oh Amanda, I know you are right but I cannot bring myself to tell him all these. What if he does not forgive me for hiding all these from him, we both know how bad his temper can get. I know he is special in a different way but I have watched him for years and I have discovered nothing unusual about him, so Amanda please let's leave it like that,"Emily replied to her sister,who shook her head in disapproval.

"The truth is going to be out very soon Emily, whether you like it or not so it is better you start telling him now," Amanda spoke with worry as she watched her sister.

"I am going to do my very best to prevent that Amanda," Emily responded nodding her head.

"Okay sister, I will support any decision you make," Amanda said as she hugged her.


Derek got out of the bathroom already dressed up and ready to go to bed. He laid down on the bed and thought of what his mother told him. He knew she was keeping something away from him but he could not figure out what it was. He heaved in a deep breath and his mind went back to a place he did not want it to go. He thought of the pretty human girl he had saved earlier and he still could not understand why he was drawn to her.

"Why can't I get this girl off my mind?,"he shouted aloud hitting his forehead.

"She is a stranger that I have never met before, so why do I feel this way towards her? Love is something I am never going to experience. Love is for the weak and faint hearted so I do not understand why I am feeling this way. I need to get her out of my mind, the earlier the better," Derek said as he closed his eyes to sleep.

As he slept, he had another dream. In his dream, he saw himself kneeling down and begging for the life of someone to be spared. He looked at himself begging and wondered who he was begging for, he turned to the direction his dream self was facing and was surprised to see the lady he had met earlier. A man had a knife against her neck and was about to kill her. He could feel his blood boil and at that moment he wanted to tear the man's head from his body.

"Please, don't hurt me," he heard Jocelyn said as tears dropped from her eyes.

"You think you are smart Derek, I asked you not to mess with me but you were too stubborn to listen, so now you are going to watch the love of your life die," The man said and without waiting for Derek to reply, he stabbed her stomach and she fell to the ground.

"Nooo, what have you done?,"both Derek and his dream self screamed and  he woke up from his dream. He was sweating and still feeling hurt from the terrible nightmare he just had.

"What was that all about and why do I feel like a huge part of me is about to leave me?,"he said to himself still trying to comprehend everything that he saw in his dream. His face was horrified and his heart kept racing for reasons unknown to him and that terrified him.