
The Sent Letter

Aster sat at her cousin's bed and was twirling the letter in her hand. "Is this everything you want to say?"

Fia nodded. "I don't think writing anything more would help. A bit of suspense should hopefully allow him to get curious," she added.

"Right. I'll have it sent anonymously and very secretly tonight." Aster giggled but then sighed afterwards. "Human greed is really something else. The Garches family treat their vassals well but Count Lestrange, Count Ursula, Viscount Fawksner, and Baron Buckelham had been embezzling years ago and accumulating illegal wealth. Perhaps, because the Garches family trusts them and rarely think bad of the people that had worked for them for a long time that they had adopted snakes in their midst," she said to which Fia agreed.

"They do not deserve such ending, but we can all learn from this. Being vigilant and keen in handling affairs should be a good practice."

Aster chuckled. "Unfortunately dear cousin, you will never really know when a person's heart will change." Aster stood up from the bed and walked over to the door. "One of the permanent things in life is change. Humans are beings who change depending on many variables. Don't get me wrong, change is good. But it depends on whether the change you have is for good, or the change you formed into will lead you straight to hell," she commented. "There is no one who will not change. Some people may not see it, or think a person is unchanging but there is definitely a change in some levels the human eye can't perceive yet."

Fia's forehead creased. (There is no one who will not change, huh?) she mentally noted this. "Then big cousin, if by any chance, Ezmeralda turns away from her greed, then she will live?"

Aster smiled. "Yes. As the Most High said, everyone has been given chances to change for the better. But every action has its consequence. If she has done something against the law, then she must pay for it. Turning away from her greed and paying for her actions are things that would essentially happen out of her own will, if she ever does turn a new leaf."

"Fia, always remember, the sight that was given has not yet happened. It can still be changed if you do something about it. One person's decision can lead to many situations and consequences different from the other possible scenarios that may occur. Only the Most High knows each and every one of it. Also, do not be confined by your anger." Aster said while looking at Fia with loving eyes. "Because the moment that you let that anger control you, you will lose your everything. Keep in mind to value the present."

Fia looked at Aster...A look that says -I'm trying my best-.

"A word of advise, if you want to complete this seamlessly, process your anger properly. Do not let it blind you. Feeling anger is not bad in itself," she said. "I will go back to my quarters now and will have this letter sent secretly," she winked and went out of Fia's room without waiting for her reply.

Fia bowed her head...(does she mean I should forgive Ezmeralda? Can I do that? Will I ever do that?). These words made her contemplate more. Right now, she cannot forgive Ezmeralda. Some may argue that it has not happened yet but to her who had the most realistic experience for several weeks, it was torture for her. Maybe in time, she can. But for now, difficult. Then again, she will remember her cousin's words, and also dwell more on the Most High's words. She knows this is for her own good.


Right after Aster came back to her quarters, she immediately asked for a bath to calm her troubled heart. She knows Fia will take time to forgive. And also, she somehow she really felt sorry for her as she is her family, the Garches family, and as well as the innocent families who got hurt in the process of Ezmeralda's greed. Unlike Fia, she was told of Ezmeralda's ending. And it was gruesome.

As someone who was also informed of Fia's vision, she knew of what would happen to her family. As human as she is, she also got angry but moreso than that, her heart felt greatly troubled. She went to her garden and meditated and prayed day and night for this to not come to pass but if this is something that needs to happen, at least spare the lives of her family. And that was indeed God's intention. To not let those things happen in the first place.

As for Marquess Garches, he is a competent and good marquess, unfortunately, he trusted the wrong people who were very good at concealment. Especially his adopted daughter. But he was also an astute man when he needed to as far as Aster knows. When she was still living in the palace as the Eldest princess of the kingdom, she had several encounters with several nobles during banquets and parties. When she became the saint, she had lesser encounters with them as she would take be busy with her saint duties. Her hope is that once this incident gets known to the Marquess through the little marquess, the Marquess would start investigating the people around him. Not abruptly, but in a way that would assure near accurate information. She would do that if she were him. She wouldn't want a repeat of such shameful crime in her circle.

But this is not her path. It is the Marquess' path. She can help point the direction but she can never decide for anyone unless she was given the authority to do so.

When she learned that her cousin was given a sight, and when she learned what it was, she was greatly troubled. She asked the messenger what she should do and she was warned to only help when needed. This trial is for her cousin to accomplish and those directly involved in the plot. She can only give pointers, give some assistance but not finish it for anyone else as this would defeat the purpose of giving the warning. The people involved will not have any change or growth.

Humans needed tests, whatever form it may be, to grow. Hardships, if taken with the right perspective, produces endurance and strength of character. And these events that will happen, will do just that. Depending on who it will be, it will also produce humility and gratefulness. To Aster, this is a test for her trust in the Most High as some people involved in this trial are her family members. She knows she can only warn them only if the time is right to do so. But she believes her little cousin will be able to do it. She wouldn't be given this task if she was not capable.

Aster went out from her bath and dressed up and went to her table.

Aster sighed and looked at the letter. She manipulated some light and made the letter disappear from her hands, appearing in the hands of the messenger who is semi transparent that suddenly appeared

"Thank you for taking the time to send the letter," Aster said while nodding gratefully to the messenger beside her. The messenger nodded and disappeared immediately, leaving some light particles as a sign that the messenger had been there.