
The Trillionaire Mafia And His Contract Girlfriend

"She fell first, but he fell harder" Grace Chen’s life changed from being an illegitimate daughter of the Chen family to the top mafia’s girlfriend when she was offered a contract she couldn't refuse. “Once you sign the contract to be my girlfriend, then this house, the car, maids, and an entourage will be yours.” These were Raymond’s exact words before he handed the contract to her. She had been a punching bag to her stepmother and needed some excitement before her terminal disease finally killed her. Curious as to why he had chosen her of all people, she came to realize that he was fulfilling a promise he made to her mother. How was he related to her mother? She had to find out, no matter what it took. And being with Raymond meant being at risk; his enemies were more than his friends, and they all came for her, but he was always there to protect her. "Remember, Grace, you are there for the money; don't let yourself fall in love, and don't let him love you,” she reminded herself every day. She needed the money and power to avenge her stepfamily, who treated her like a slave.  What happens when Raymond finds out that the woman he vowed to protect has been mistreated all her life? And then he comes across her bucket list: B1: Get out of this hell of a house. B2: Let my stepmother beg me for mercy. B3: Make my dad choose me over Nora. “Boring,” he sneered, and he decided to rewrite her bucket list. B1: Get married to Raymond. B2: Have a baby with Raymond. B3: And, finally, let Raymond make your stepmother beg for mercy. Since he had vowed to protect her, he was going to help punish every person she planned to, and he made sure to protect her at all costs. But he soon finds himself drawn to her. That’s not the case for Grace; she believes she will die soon. Will he succeed in taming her and making her enemies pay, as he had promised Grace’s mom? or will she succeed in pushing him away and living her lonely life till the heavens call her? And what happens when Raymond finds out about her illness? Will there be a way? When Grace finds out about her mother’s connection with Raymond, things change direction. How could her mother have such a relationship with Raymond XU? Short reel scenes of this novel is found on TikTok, watch it and fantasize with me TikTok username: introvert4452

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145 Chs

You Won

Grace smiled at him. Though it was hard to believe that he didn't go to school, she had to accept it.

"You were lucky; school is torture," she said, trying to make him feel better.

"And mathematics is tough; it cracks the brain, but I can teach you how to use a laptop. I am good with that," she added, and he placed his hand on her head.

"I am a slow learner; I need a good teacher."

"I am the perfect teacher. Oh, and how about prom? Did you ever attend prom?" He asked, and he was confused. "What is prom?"

An idea popped into her little brain. "There is a prom in my school; you should come with me."

He took out his phone and went to the internet to search for the meaning of prom. "A formal dance at your school?" he asked, and she nodded.

"It's a fun night for all students."

Then he sipped his wine without replying, "You should have dinner."

Grace nodded. "Let's have dinner together."

"I already ate," he lied. He just didn't like food that much; he ate just a little to survive.

Grace walked to the dining table, filled the bowl with rice and some vegetables, and then walked back to him.

"Can I also have a drink?"

He looked at the bottle, then picked a glass and half filled it. "In the future, don't drink more than half."

"I know I will get drunk if I do."

Then she took a sip before she ate, then suddenly dropped her sticks. "You know, I went to school today because Steph told me there was a woman looking for me, Mrs. Xu."

Raymond didn't answer, "I thought you had a wife."

How couldn't she think that way? She thought, she had never been to his place, and he was always in a hurry to leave when he came here, and he had never spent the night here.

"You don't have a girlfriend, right?"

"I do, you are my girlfriend"

She chuckled and decided not to be distracted and went further with her questions.

"A wife? Or a betrothed?"

"Eat," he ordered, and she pouted while eating.

Then she stared at him from the corner of her eyes; he was typing a message, and she was happy he could read and spell; that was the most important basic of education.

"Oh, Mr. Xu, how did you find me at my parents' place?" She asked. Her parents will never let him into the house, so how did he save her?

"I asked nicely," he replied.

"Asked nicely?" 

"Yes, they let me take you after I asked nicely."

His words were hard to believe; she knew her stepmother so well. That woman would rather burn her hand in a fire than let someone see her in such a bruised state; she loved her decent woman identity.

But she didn't ask further; she kept eating and drinking her wine. His gaze was stuck on her. "When is your birthday?"

"Hmm," she counted with her fingers. "In a month."

He nodded and stood up when she jumped down from the stool and stood in front of him. "Mr. Xu, is it okay if I come to your place after writing the exams?"

"There is no need." She felt bad that he wasn't letting her come to her place. "You aren't married, right? So why don't you want me to come to your place?"

He stood up and closed the space between them, and pulled her in for a hug. She froze on the spot. "My arms; that's my home, and if I were married, then there would have been another woman there and not you."

Then he broke the hug and walked out of the mansion. She ran after him as he got into his car.

She waved at him as he drove away, and Jen and Nel leaned by the kitchen door as they watched her run after him.

"Did she really fall in love with Mr. Xu?" Jen asked in disbelief.

"Who wouldn't? He is so hot."

"Who wouldn't?" Jen asked in awe, "An eighteen-year-old innocent girl wouldn't; that man is something."

"Are you going to badmouth your employer?" Nel frowned at her.

"Grace is about the same age as my younger sister; I wish I could direct her to the right path and advise her not to fall in love with that man."

Nel jogged her. "There is a woman for every man; just because you don't like him doesn't mean someone else won't like him."

"You got me wrong. Nel, of course I like him, but as my boss," Jen left as Nel stared at Grace.

"She will be fine," she smiled.


The next morning, Grace took her pills and also used an ointment given to her by the doctor before she got into the car.

"Good morning, Mr. Li," she greeted, and he smiled at her before he drove out.

"Mr. Li, do you know Nathalie Xu?"

Since the driver knew Ancaan and Raymond so well, she assumed that he must know the girl as well.

"Of course,"


She stopped herself from asking further, took out a book, and decided to study on the way.

Minutes later, the car parked in front of the school, and she walked down. "Thanks."

Her gaze moved to Ken, who seemed to be waiting for her "Grace."


"Why were you avoiding me yesterday?" He asked, and she didn't let him approach her. It was because she didn't want him to know her stepmom hurt her; it would make him feel guilty for persuading her to go there.

"I am not avoiding you; let's go in."

"You didn't tell me what happened at your parents."

"We talked…"

He stared at her, anticipating more details, but that's all she had to offer.

"Talking of avoiding, you and Steph aren't in talking terms. Why?"

Ken shrugged his shoulders. "She won't talk to me."

"Did you apologize?" Grace asked, and Ken snorted, "For?"

"For the same reason you apologized to me,"

"I need to use the restroom now. Let's meet in class," she said, turned and left for the restroom.

Nora passed by Ken while following Grace hastily; he got worried and followed Nora as well.

"Grace," Nora called when they arrived at the small corridor leading to the restrooms; by this time, it was empty.

"Nora," Grace called back. Ken hid behind the walls and decided not to butt in.

"Are you excited now? You won, right?"

"Won?" Grace was confused.

"You brought those men to kill my mom; do you hate my mom that much? Why did my mom have to end up in that state?" Nora scolded as she burst out in tears.

"What are you saying?"

"That man who took you—did he have to stab mother with a knife? What type of person is he?"

Grace's eyes widened in shock. "It can't be," she stuttered.