

"What happened?" John asked as the lifeguards rushed out there but could not see him. 

"I don't know, he was surfing perfectly fine" Raiden responded then Emcia folded her cuffs in frustration. 

"Oh no" John said as Emica took off her shirt and Raiden and the guys left staring at her body as she dove down in the water. 

"Of anything happens to Jack," John said then Snow held onto his hand and smiled, 

'I am sure he is fine" she said then he sighed. 

"Jack where are you?" Emica sked herself as her eyes glowed red so that she could see under the water but still could not find him, so she back up for oxygen then after she got enough she went back down then she saw him laying on the ocean floor with his body going green, the girl went to him and pulled him up then his body stopped glowing. 

"Help" she shouted then the rescue team came to her and collected Jack and they all came out of the water then placed him on the sand.