
A scary prince

The next morning, after a well rested night, the girl woke up only to find that the prince was not in the room, she wondered where he went so she took a bath, got dressed, had breakfast and went down to meet the queen.

"Good morning Octavia" Caria said,

"Good morning your highness" she replied,

"Well we are having a harvest festival today that is why everyone is so busy and the kingdom is well decorated" the queen said,

"Wow everything does look pretty, uh do you know where prince Cassius is?" she asked,

"Oh I think he is with the king, not sure you can check in the armory or in the field they are probably out riding " she said.

"Okay thank you Caria" she replied as she left to find the prince whom she wanted to talk to about a few things. She checked the armory but they were not there so she went to the field and saw him racing the king.

His horse was far faster than the King's horse, not only was it fast, it was strong too. After winning the king, they stopped to relax and have some refreshments.

He looked by the gate and saw Octavia, he wondered what she could be doing there but did not call on her, when the king saw the girl standing there in the hot sun, he called her and she went.

" Good Morning what are you doing here Octavia? " he asked,

"I came to see the prince your Highness" she responded,

"What about? " Cassius asked,

"It can wait till after you are finish, nothing that important" she said,

"Hmm I wonder what she wants this time, damn this is such a drag and she is such a pin" he mumbled to himself.

The king smiled at her "join us" he said,

"Okay is that okay with you Cassius? " she asked.

He smiled gently "I have no problem with that darling" he replied,

She smiled and sat down with them, they talked and laughed while having some dessert, the girl then caught on to a strong dark feeling, she looked away and her eyes started to glow.

"Damn what is this feeling not only is it strong it is very dark too, something is coming, something really bad" she said to herself.

The prince wondered why the girl was acting so strange and decided to get an answer from her himself even of it is by force. "Hey you okay? " he asked,

"Yeah I am fine" she responded,

"Guys I have some business to take care of now, I will catch up with you later Cassius" the king said,

"Okay be careful out there" Cassius replied as the king left.

After he left Cassius turned and looked at the girl, he hit his hand on the table, she jumped,

"What do you want Octavia? " he asked,

"Uh.. I just wanted to talk to you about a few things sire, you know about our fake relationship" she responded,

"Now seriously, learn to have better timing and for God sake stop being a pest" he said rudely,

"Phew it is a really good thing i came up with a perfect lie fast, I have to find another time to talk with him, he is getting more scary everyday that comes, I hope I can control my powers better too", she said to herself.

The prince then got up, took his horse to the stable and started to groom him , Octavia followed him there for she felt that it will be better if she stay by his side just in case he loses his temper completely.

"Octavia will you follow me around all day?" he asked,

"If i have to then yes" she replied,

He laughed and placed his hands on her shoulder, at that moment she sensed darkness coming from him, her eyes widened in fear of the prince for now she was sure that there is something that she does not know about the prince, he removed his hand only to see a mark on the shoulder.

It was in the shaper of a lily, "is that a tattoo?" he asked,

"No it is just my birth mark" she replied,

"Hmm leave me alone Octavia, i do not need you around right now, get lost" he said.

She left and went up to the mountains, there she called out to the black wolf, a few minutes later he appeared, it growled at her, "you have a lot of guts summoning me sweetheart" he said,

She looked at him and her eyes started to glow, she closed her eyes trying to sense the powers around her, when she tried to sense his all she saw was pure darkness, the wolf was not normal he was mixed with some other creature,

"What are you?" she asked,

"Ah.. you finally figured it out, i am the end of you" he replied,

"Answer my question" she said,

"I am a breed you'd wish you never knew about dear" he replied, he saw that she is afraid of him and wanted to take advantage of that.

"One last question, do i know you in your human form?" she asked,

"Ha if you did you would not be standing here, i see you have changed, no longer a human" he said,

"I will be leaving now" she replied,

"Not so fast missy" he said as he jumped in front of her blocking her path.

The white wolf appeared out of no where, he jumped on the black one and they started to fight, with them fighting the earth rumbled, her friend was getting was losing the fight and she just could not stand by and watch that happen, her body heathen up, her eyes glowed her hands started to change, her nails grew longer and she transformed into her wolf form.

She was bigger than the white wolf and close to the black wolf, she growled at the black wolf and hit him off of Liam, seeing her transform was exactly what the black wolf wanted, for he now got her scent as a wolf and wanted to see how strong she is as a new born wolf.