

They live in a village surrounded by a unknown world, where they search for an answer of who they are...

Wedo_TheMangaka · Real
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5 Chs


Chapter 1

6am in the morning

Birds sounds coming out of the window as the golden sunlight sneaks into the house Harper and her family gathered around the dining table to eat breakfast

Harper in an annoyed voice "Pancakes again huh"

Harper's father said :It's the best i can make."

Jeremy said joining "we eat pancakes almost everyday" then he sighed.

"Me and your mom are going out soon remember to stay safe and don't go around the village we don't know what's out there" the father said.

Harper said while looking at her father"it's gonna be fine don't worry dad"

Then she reached for the maple syrup and poured it over the fluffy golden pancakes in front of her

"You want me to get you anything?" The mother said while drinking her tea,

Jeremy"bring something delicious this time" said then winked to Harper

Harper smiled and nod to her mother

"sure I will see what I can find" the mother said smiling to her kids

"We should get going Anna" the father said calling his wife

Anna got up and reached for her coat that is hanging near the front door while her husband took the dirty plates and put it in the sink

"Bye Harper,Jeremy" said the father waving to his kids who are stuffing pancakes into their mouths.

as the moment the parents left Harper pat Jeremy's hand said "watch the kids I will be back" then she walked heading to the watchtower leaving Jeremy no other choice

"wait.....huh..great you wouldn't listen" Jeremy  shout at Harper then let out a sigh while watching her leaving

"Louis...Louis..hey is everything okay?" Harper calling for Louis

"oh hi harp...yeah everything is fine" Louis said while wiping his eyes

"why're you crying?" Harper said while getting closer to Louis to check on him

"crying?..ohh it's the onion" Louis said while pushing Harper's hand away

"oh didn't see that coming haha."said Harper

Harper reached a chair and sat on. Looked at Louis's back while he is chopping veggies

"so the plan still up?"Louis said while turning back to Harper

"of course it's...omg again ?" Said Harper while jumping out of the chair

"it's gonna be..fine i will be fine" said Louis and then turned his face

"how many times i told to stop it !!" Harper said walking up to Louis

"just couple more days and I'll quit i swear." Louis said focusing on his veggies

Harper walked back the chair and grabbed an apple "just two days more" said while eating her apple

"okay okay" said Louis while letting out a sigh

"I'm gonna check on the others" said Harper while leaving Louis

"if you need anything i will be here" Louis said turning his face to Harper

Harper smiled at him and continued walking to the other side towards Wade.

"and..they're dead" Harper pat on Wade's shoulder surprising him while Wade missed his shot

"Oh hi harp" said Wade looking at Harper

"Hey I'm sorry for what happen to your sister" Harper said patting Wade's back and Looking into his eyes

Wade turns his head to the other side and he claimed silence 

"i....." a child screaming Cut Harper off

"I gotta see what's happening" Harper said in a serious tone then she runs to where the voice is coming from

"I'm coming with you" Wade said running after her

Harper saw a girl on her knees crying in the field "what happened ?" She said

"jerry... h..he wanted get some herbs for me i told him not to" the crying girl said in a shaking voice while looking at Harper

"but now he's gone... he's gone....." the girl continued while wiping her tears

She reached for Harper hands and begged her to find him

"calm down don't you worry me and wade will search for him will find him in no time" Harper said while getting down to Cora who starts crying again

"Please hurry I don't want to lose him" Cora said and her tears fell on Harper's hand

Harper held Cora's face smiled at her the said

"no one is losing anybody" she wiped Cora's tears and helped her to get up

She turns back to Wade who is standing behind her

"wade let's go" she said

Wade nodded and followed Harper to look for Jerry.