
The Travelling Emperor

Alaric, a simple person from Earth who loved to travel, is reincarnated in Elaria, a magical world with elves, dwarves, demons, and other mythical creatures. Driven by his passion for exploration, he becomes an adventurer and sets out to see all of Elaria. One day, he discovers a mysterious stone that sets him on a path to becoming the Traveling Emperor, a leader destined to unite the diverse realms and reign over the mightiest empire ever known. ================== Weekly Chapters:7 Chapters Word Counts: 800-1000 ================== First time writing

LittlePengeru · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter 5 -The Slave Market(1)

After hours of trekking through dense forests and winding pathways, I arrived at a medieval-themed kingdom—the familiar hustle and bustle of the outpost of Maleria. I found myself standing at the entrance, a towering gate welcoming me into the vibrant sounds and smells of the market all around me.

First things first, I made my way to the guild hall to turn in my quest. As I walked through the streets, the weight of my new power and mission filled me with a sense of purpose. The Eyes of Aletheia allowed me to see through the facades of the bustling market, giving me an edge I'd never had before.

"Alaric, you're back!" the receptionist exclaimed as I entered the hall. "Did you succeed in your quest?"

"Yes, I took down the Velocihorn," I replied, handing over the proof of my kill. The receptionist inspected it and nodded approvingly.

"Well done! Here's your reward," he said, handing me a pouch of coins.

"Thank you," I said, pocketing the money. "Now, I need to use the teleportation device. I have urgent business at the outpost of Lizra."

The receptionist raised an eyebrow but didn't question me further. "Of course. The teleportation device is in the next room. Safe travels, Alaric."

I made my way to the teleportation chamber, a small, dimly lit room with a large, glowing circle inscribed on the floor. I stepped into the circle and took a deep breath.

"Where to?" the mage worker asked.

"Outpost of Lizra," I replied firmly.

The world around me shimmered and blurred, and I felt the familiar sensation of being pulled through space. When the world came back into focus, I was standing in the outpost of Lizra

The atmosphere here was markedly different. The air was thick with tension, and the people moved with a wariness that spoke of hard lives and harsh realities. In this place, survival depended on having power and control.

I took a moment to gather my bearings, then set off towards the slave market. It was time to put my plan into action and acquire the subjects I needed.

As I arrived at the slave market, I was met with a diverse array of races—elves, dwarves, demons, devils, beastmen, and many more. Each one bore the weight of their circumstances, their eyes reflecting tales of hardship and longing.

I walked among them, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling market until I reached the largest establishment in the area—Salvadors House. The Salvadors were notorious for their involvement in the slave trade, with a reputation so formidable that there was even a saying: "If the Salvadors are attacking your land, then you're destined to be a slave."

Entering the building, I was greeted by a tall, imposing figure—a beastman with the features of a wolf. Despite his intimidating appearance, he wore the attire of a butler and exuded an air of calmness. However, as my gaze focused on him, a screen suddenly popped up before me.

Name: Leet Salvador(Chris)

Job: Slave Trader

Race: Wolfman

Bloodline: None

Talent: Eloquent

Power: 34

Agility: 31

Mind: 15

Description: The slave trader of Salvadors, the branch manager in Maleria. He is in disguise as a receptionist as a hobby.

"Huh, what's this? Is this part of my bloodline power?" I wondered as I processed the information displayed before me. It seemed that I could see through the details of individuals, granting me insight into their information. This will help pick the slaves that will be useful to my empire.

"Hi adventurer, what can I help you with?" the beastman said.

"Hi, I need to buy 40 slaves, but first, can I ask your name?" I inquired.

"I am Chris, dear adventurer. Do you have any races in mind?" he responded.

It seemed the information from my skill was accurate. Now, I needed to focus on purchasing the slaves.

"Not really," I replied.

"Well, we have a catalog of races that can help you in your choosing. Let me lead you into a room so you can choose peacefully," Chris offered.

He led me into a room and left to get the catalog. I couldn't help but acknowledge that, despite their devious business, they knew how to treat their customers.

"Here's the catalog. I'll leave you here. Just press this button right here, and I'll get to you shortly," Chris said as he handed me the catalog.

"Okay, thank you," I replied, preparing to peruse the catalog and make my selections.

As I skimmed through the catalog, I thought about what was crucial for building an empire. I remembered a TV show back on Earth where they discussed the essentials: food, military, and infrastructure.

"Alright, let's focus on those three," I muttered to myself.

For food, I needed farmers who could handle both crops and livestock. For infrastructure, I needed builders and laborers to construct and maintain the necessary buildings and roads. And for the military, I needed infantry for basic defense, which I could upgrade over time.

I turned the pages of the catalog, searching for suitable candidates. The catalog was extensive, listing various races with their skills and abilities.

There were options I hadn't even considered before, like the Legxy, a race of legs with brains and faces. Even undead skeletons were available as slaves, which surprised me. I always thought they were mindless creatures only controlled by powerful beings like liches.

After a little bit of thinking, I finally chose my first 40 slaves.