
The Transcendent-Mage

Harry is born into a world of magic, a world where magic is the pinnacle of every creatures being. He is first year student of the School Of Magicals where magical creatures Elf, Fairies, Humans, Demihumans and Dwarves learn about magic and how to use magic. He and his group of friends are in for a ride of their school life Transcends ordinary.

GodlyAsura · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Thief Tryouts

The gloomy hallways of the senior dorm are home to numerous bats and tiny critters, which lurk in the shadows and cause the young man to flinch repeatedly with each step.

He walks through the darkness for what seems like an eternity before he finally reaches Room 14B, where he calls out

"It's me." The elf said sheepishly his voice echoing in the near near empty room.

"Come in" A thunderous voice ordered.

He slowly opened the door as he was immediately greeted with a gust of wind an eerie stench following suite as he walked in. Darkness engulfing the room hiding the face of the figure, but he could feel the gaze of others pierce him

"B...Big bro, I need your help with something"

"I don't have all day what is it you want"

"I need help with a first year he disgraced me Infront of the school and I want you to help me teach him a lesson" The elf said his voice barely above a whisper.

A loud silence surrounded the room, the silence was not long lived being replaced by footsteps as they stopped Infront of the elf giving him a slight view of the figure.

In one swift movement the figures hand collided with the elf's cheek leaving him staring in awe.

"How did you allow a first year defeat you, you're a disgrace to the family" the figure's voice became intense his aura spreading throughout the room sending the elf to his knees

The elf in shock as he held his cheek, feeling a wave of embarrassment.

"It's not my fault big bro, he caught me off guard" The elf lied hoping to justify his actions.

The figure stepped forward eyes locked on the elf on the floor as he heaved a sigh "I'll help you this time, but next time you're on your own" The figure said as he walked back into the darkness.

"I forgot to ask, what's the name of the first year"

"Harry...Harry Vestura"


A bustling crowd of students gathered in the training field, each anticipating on the Thief tryouts. The muffled sound of conversation and light stretching echoed around the field.

"Mia, why are we so much"

"Thief tryouts is a big deal, every first year wants that tittle.The fame is one thing but the power it grants is another. Only the best can become thieves" Mia said smiling at me as she contorted her body into variety of positions.

I feel a tap on my back, as I turned around greeted by a large Sun elf.The large elf's threatening demeanor, paired with his large stature and intimidating scar, was enough to send a chill down my spine as soon as I turned to face him.

"If I might ask," the elf said, his voice low and dangerous, "Are you Harry Vestura?"

"Yeah?, Do I know you?"

"So you're the vermin that humiliated my brother " he said, advancing towards me his eyes giving a faint glow.

"I don't think I humiliated any elf though you must be mistaken" I lied, an attempt to irritate him and it worked his eyes twitched as he folded his fists.

Suddenly, Mia sprung into action, getting up from her stretching position and walking towards the elf with an air of confidence and authority. She didn't waste any time in confronting him, her voice laced with anger and mana oozing out of her as she spoke.

"You're the brother of the boy that bullied my friend," Mia snapped "You should thank your stars he met Harry and not me."

Mia and the elf stood face to face, their gaze intensifying both not showing any sign of giving up.

Just then the Thief captain's voice boomed over the field, starting the beginning of the thief tryouts "All of you will be divided into two teams blue and red you will be given flags to represent your teams. All you have to do is steal your opponents flag or knock them out and they'll be teleported out of the arena."

"Note that the terrain will also shift and you'll have to utilize your environment. That's all the tryout will soon begin" the captain said resulting in an uproar.

"We'll meet on the field Harry Vestura" The elf walked away his gangs following close behind.

The game began immediately, the terrain shifted a dessert unfolded as students scattered running in every direction, stealing each others flag while defending their own.

There was little to no shelter which was a disadvantage cause you were in constant danger, at the corner of my eye I noticed a shelter.

I retreated to a shelter hiding from the chaos, but a fairy dived straight for my flag, her wings fluttering as she made a dash towards me. I was quick, diving out of the way sending her towards a shelf.

Her face filled with fear she attempted to run away but I was faster, controlling the sand I sent a lasso towards her dragging her down towards the large pull of sand.

I dashed towards her taking her flag as she turned into dust, disappearing from sight.

The terrain shifted once more, this time to a swamp trapping some students in the mud giving others the opportunity to snatch their flag.

Thinking quickly I jumped towards a vine as I heaved a sigh of relief, but it wasn't long lived as I notice a huge root coming straight for me prompting me to leave as I landed on another vine.

The unknown attack continued as I swinged from vine to vine looking for the attacker distracted for a little bit the vine wrapped around me almost taking my flag from my belt.

Summoning all my strength I send an air wave destroying the vine and blasting the mud away revealing the attacker who quickly attempted to run away.

But I was quicker manipulating the earth below him trapping him in place as I watch him struggle to get out. I walked up to him as I bent down taking his flag as I saw the disappointment in his face before he slowly disappeared.

One by one students were teleported out of the arena, reducing the large crowd only to a handful the tryout almost coming to an end.

I explored the snowy terrain, I suddenly noticed a blast directed at me as I jumped out of the way, narrowly missing the attack. I turned around as I noticed the elf from earlier.

"You thought I'll let you go just like that after disgracing my brother?"His voice proof of his killing intent.

In a brief moment, he was right in front of me, fists raised, ready to strike me down. But I reacted swiftly, dodging his attack and sending a powerful kick to his ribs, sending him stumbling backwards into the snow.

He didn't seem to have time to recover before he raised his palm, summoning the power of the sun to launch a blast at me. I was quick, however, and managed to dodge the attack and move out of the blast's path, but he wasn't finished yet. He instantly reappeared before me, smiling like a fiend, lunging at me with a punch aimed at my midsection.

He hit me squarely, but I stayed standing, managing to shake off the pain of the blow. In that moment, I reached out with my mind, summoning the icy power of the snow around us and turning it into a barrage of deadly ice daggers, which quickly formed and launched themselves directly at the elf.

He equally created a heat wave melting the ice into nothing more than steam.

"Why not fight sun with fire" I conjured a bright flame which immediately wrapped my hands

He smiled as we both dashed foward trading blows a battle of endurance as we both went all creating a massive wave of heat melting the snow around us.

In that moment he sent a powerful attack a blast at midpoint range sending me flying crashing into the ground as I struggled to get up my anger boiling as I dashed forwards faster than before.

As I sent a punch directly at his face as I continued with the barrage, the elf giving off an equal attack. The fight gradually turning into a battle it endurance, as we both trade attacks with equal ferocity.

A loud noise blasted signalling the end of the tryouts the terrain dissolving sending us back to the field, the captain clapping energetically signalling us to stop.

"Congratulations! You are the last ten standing and are now officially Thieves," he cheerfully announced, sparking a chorus of joyous roars from the crowd as the rest of the thieves cheered in celebration.

I cast my gaze back to the spot where the elf had been standing, but he had vanished. My searching eyes swept this way and that with frantic intensity, but I could not find him anywhere. His very presence was gone, and the field was now empty.

In mid-thought I was suddenly thrown of balance as Mia jumped onto me her curvy features resting in subtle places.

"Harry we made it we're official Thieves now" Mia exclaimed "I kinda knew I'll make it but still" Mia said sarcastically as she flipped her hair her hands resting on her hips.

"You're full of yourself aren't you" I said letting out a subtle chuckle as I forgot all about the elf.

"Congratulations to the ten of you, the Phoenix team accepts you as Thief players, you've all made it this far and you're now among the elites, the journey doesn't end here you'll have to prove your worth in the competitions ahead"

"But for now take pride in your uniform and be happy enjoy this accomplishment you're all dismissed" The captain announced signalling for us to leave as we all marched out celebrating.

"Hey Harry" Azure greeted with a wide grin as she approached from behind.

"What do you want?" I inquired with an air of disdain, my expression showing my indifference towards Azure

"Oh hey Azure, it's been ages we last saw each other" Mia chortled, giving Azure a friendly hug smiling enthusiastically.

"I missed you too Mia, I haven't seen you since when we were toddlers" Azure moaned, sending me a dirty look but I responded with a casual roll of my eyes.

"Oh yeah, we're celebrating with our friends and it'll be nice if you came"


I protested but Mia squeezed my hand sending a message to keep my mouth shut.

"I'll be happy to attend, see you there Harry" Azure agreed before striding away, slightly nudging me pushing me backward.

I heaved a sigh before we both continued her journey back to our dorm. As I told Mia everything that happened in the field with the elf


We walked for minutes both conversing our dorm already in sight. The calm and soothing aura instantly shifted into a dark and eerie feel.

Mia and I stopped in our tracks, a sinking feeling in our stomachs as we noticed the ominous atmosphere around us. Something felt wrong, and we couldn't help but tense up.

Our stance shifted as we prepared for the worst, as a figure slowly emerged his face slowly coming in view as we both heaved a sigh knowing it was just the elf.

"What do you want" Mia said furiously as she walked towards him bringing herself to her full height.

"Move girl I didn't come her for you" The elf said dismissing Mia as he turned his gaze back to me.

"I literally thought your brother a lesson and I thought you one too what else do you want" I said my gaze determined.

"I know now you know nothing of who I am and I'll go show you" The elf said a dark aura oozing from his body.

Mia dashed foward as she prepared to strike but in an instant he noticed her a dark energy slamming her into a tree falling down unconscious.

"Mia!"I shouted as my eyes widened, the sudden rush of anger and adrenaline the rush of blood pumping through my veins as I blasted forward.

With a flick of his wrist he sent me flying and crashing into the ground, the pain so intense that I felt my consciousness

slowly fading away. I was barely able to see him and was miles away anauseous feeling fell over me, and I couldn't help but gag out saliva.

I gathered the last ounce of strength putting back to my feet as I struggled to stay standing.

"Down" The elf said as the darkness enveloped me, I could feel the terror building in my chest. I was paralyzed; unable to move or speak, only to watch helplessly as the elf approached.

His presence was overwhelming, and I felt utterly powerless against him. The power he weld was the definition of darkness, a power of dread that I've neve seen before.

"Let this be a reminder to you, don't ever interfere with my business" He said before slowly walking away leaving me and Mia as I slowly fell unconscious watching him dive into the darkness.