It is a rare privilege for me to talk about my experience and I do not take this privilege of grace for granted at all. I know it is a rare divine opportunity to speak what I am inspired to communicate and I will communicate to reveal deep truth even as led, and have impulses released into my heart. I will not try to paint a picture from my imagination or what I think should be, but I will depend to reveal the mind of the good one, even at this perilous time.
Today been 27th March 2017, I was completely lost in thought of my marriage, which is barely a month from now, to have me joined in Holy matrimony with my fiancée on the 16th of April 2017. After I had done my house chores, took my bath, it was some minutes after 8:00 am and it dawn on, the reality of divine enlightenment. I was not thinking in the direction of what came flooding my heart, but the inspiration kept on flowing in. What you will be reading is the concentrated content straight from eternity to time, but before I take you further into the heart of reality, let us catch the light from the Scripture to picture the future, not as in the principles of the idea, but as in the reality of divine revelation insight that spans beyond the godly idea.
In the beginning, the heavens and the earth were created. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the life force of Supernatural being was hovering over the face of the waters. Then Supernatural being said, “Let there be light” and there was light.
There are three notable things to catch when considering divine realities and these are
1. Darkness in the face of the DEEP
2. The LIFE-FORCE of Supernatural being hovering over the ace of the WATERS
3. The LIGHT that Supernatural being spoke
From the above, you can see that deep secret associated with darkness, which had void and formless as evidence, pointing to the fact that there was clear distortion. We need to defile the secret of the word “DEEP” using MIDST as a pointer to the spirit, considering the SERPENT, which is associated with darkness, defined as “Without light” or “The absence of light”. We need to understand the word “DEEP” is connected to light, which implies, we must dive little into the principle of electricity.
Something drew deeper my attention the moment I read the words “Darkness in the face of the waters” and “The Life force of Supernatural being hovering over the face of the waters”. What came to my mind was the existence of a charged matter in the DEEP and “Hovering” calls my attention to the turbine, used for rotating or spinning wind to make electricity from the water current, by turning the blades, which spins a shaft connected to a generator that makes electricity. Now I understand why and how the Supernatural being called light forth.
The principle of electricity has been right from the recorded beginning, even beyond, because it started with Divinity and it is not a scientific discovery at all. Science was only able to explore the idea of this reality and that, formulate by using the opportunity to make again. However, this does not reveal the very knowledge about the Supernatural being’s very intention. Everything created came into existence in the presence of the generated light from the Divine ray field of Supernatural being.
The principle of electricity is just but minute microcosm fragment compared to what is happening in a milky way beyond our galaxy. Beyond electricity, is divine illumination of which electricity is an insignificant model of the spark of divine illumination, revealing the glory of Divinity! When there is a perfect relationship between men, and the person of Supernatural being in the face of light, where the mind is enlightened. Moreover, this process is what gives birth to Divine revelation. Since the principle that generates electricity in our physical world is current, which is made up of the negative and positive charge of which we cannot even see, but it sure exists in abstraction and we cannot resist their impact when they are united, they generate energy. It then implies it exists as an abstract signal of charged electron which when united generates power and the generated power will now generate light, which we see as illumine. But the truth is all happened amid a Divine container called Spiritual Tree (S-T), which is the pole that distributes the current in the form of the Vine (1) which is an eye, such that when united with its reflection, it becomes Divine Appearance (DA), which is what we call LIGHT. I mean, the Vine is the current life represented with an eye (1), while Divine is the current charges or the reflection of the life, which is the current light, that shines in the dark and darkness could not comprehend it.
I will be considering the Divine illumination principle, which is the right eye of electricity. Electricity is only but the idea of the reality of Divine insight of illumination, when the current charges of the spirit i.e. the two eyes reacts, it generates Divine light which becomes the operating system that drives life in our mind, controlling our will power. Therefore, our thoughts now become the container of the charged current of divinity, encapsulating the process-taking place to unite humanity and Divinity in the face of light. So man will now become the function of his thought, which is the real body, but what unites a man with Divinity is the IN, in the mind and this defines the way (Genesis 3: 9 and John 14: 6) or access into the reality. I further make known that M typifies man, IN typifies WAY or ACCESS, while D typify Divinity or Display, which defines Shekinah glory or the manifest presence of God in the face of light, which we will be digging into the reality even as we advance further.
The Divine impulsive charges come from eternity to time from the ray field of the Father’s love to be accommodated in the Divine container which has the first and the last point of the spirit to be S-T with the power eye incidence ray and the reflected eye. The power eye or incidence ray is the current eye called life, while the reflected eye called light which manifests in the form of grace and truth.
There is this fateful morning between 3:00 am while I was still sleeping on the same bed with my wife by my side also sleeping. I was having a strange dream, very strange as if I was fighting and right in that dream, I was trying to resist something I could not exactly place what that is. However, when I woke up, I could not even understand or recall the dream, I was worried after I had woken up and I saw my wife kind of struggling from sleep. I was amazed while I watch her until she woke up with a strange look on her face, but before she woke up I was already praying, which was actually in the spirit and I woke up with that consciousness still praying even in the physical. My wife started telling me that she had a strange dream. What a coincidence? She said, “In my dream, I was given an object like a clay pot which I was seriously protecting because I was told, it is a precious gift. However, right in my dream, you protested that I should drop that object, but I refused to drop it initially. You persisted until I asked you “why would I drop it?” I told you “You said to me in my dream, “That it was madness meant for an old man”. Immediately she drops the clay-like pot, hearing, it was madness meant for an old man and when she did, she started experiencing a strange headache, which causes her to wake up with that strange look, literally feeling much more terrible the headache as if her head wants to drop from her neck. That was when I swiftly reacted in prayers. My prompt response having understood that it was a demonic attack from the pit of hell help calm the situation because she was already shouting, while I was praying with my hands on her head resisting every strange vibration, returning it to whatever foundation it was coming from. Immediately, I concluded the prayers and said Amen! I received a call from my elder sister, the one that use to take care of my aged Dad. The call came in at about 4: 50 am that my Dad just breathe his last breath and gave up. This happened on 26 October and it points to the manipulation from my foundation trying to transfer the spirit of insanity that Lifeforce through me terminated the portal, so my Dad who was already aged 86 closed the portal of ancestral grip on my family.