

Synopsis “The Tra Grade S” is a book illustrating a story of the experience of a young boy, named Divine who grew up as a cypher and mystery solver. Divine was born in a family of twelve siblings. As the eleventh born, he has a supernatural endowment, which reflects in his gifts and talents. His endowment gives him the rare ability to decipher things and events even before they occur. The rare ability of Divine works in a way of aligning letters from words to form acronyms that communicate deeper thoughts. He does this by fetching out the encrypted thoughts to reveal deep secrets. The deciphering of Divine's inspiration often paints the bigger picture of knowledge hidden from the ordinary eye and the revelation of Divine will make him the most sought after. Dive in, as I take you on a swift trip into the heart of Divine’s world of unconventional knowledge. His experiences started as a dream that never looks like a dream... DISCLAIMER: This book is a work of Fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, happenings, locations, and occurrences either are the products of the writer’s mind's eye or used in a made-up manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or definite events is only coincidental. I have tried recreating events, locales and conversations from my memories of them. To maintain their anonymity in some instances, I have changed the names of individual and places, I may have changed some identifying characteristics and details such as physical properties, occupations and places of residence. discord link: Licensed by AnD entertainment. #TAG# #sci-fi#,#mystery solver#,#cipher#,#supernatural#,#faith-base#,#Anti-religion#,#system#,#mind control#,#AI and Robotic#,#Alien# This novel is ongoing....you will not regret reading this book. It will open your eyes to deep and alien knowledge of our present-day world. I solicit your supports. Your power stone votes, gifts and leave review feedback.Thanks

Pattyegah Ikwue · Ciencia ficción
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170 Chs


Divine never knew, amongst the audience, he was talking to were great philosophers, sages and scientists. They were amazed at Divine’s knowledge and revelation, after which, they approach him by introducing themselves, telling Divine that they intend to organize a worldwide awareness of the unknown, and they would want him to take an unconventional topic of proving the current of a unit eye. This was an opportunity for Divine to establish a vital truth, but he could not believe that what he started while from the cradle, with the children that were playing and raising dust, will land him at this point of addressing the world with knowledge unconventional.

It was a brilliant day, I heard my phone ringing, rushed to the room, picked up my phone and saw a strange number, 999 and was amazed. I did not pick the call at first, because the number was strange to me. After a while, the call went off and my phone started ringing again. This time around, I picked the call and heard a weird voice, said, “Hi, Divine, it is the Grandmaster; you have been chosen to speak in the worldwide council of Great minds, made up of the world greatest philosophers, sages and scientists. I have heard about your unconventional knowledge and as the master of all, I want you to see me face to face, even in my facelessness.” My heart stopped beating, when I heard, “face to face, even in my facelessness”. I chuckled and wanted to respond, however, the call went off. I tried calling back the number, but the response I got was, “The number does not exist.” After some minutes, I got a beep on my email notification, it was a message sent with a form of encryption. When I tap the notification to open the message, the instruction states, “type the word “eye” in capital letters”. I did as instructed and the message opened, but I could not understand the message because the writing is in codes. I was very worried, trying to figure out the meaning of the message. While I was still lost in thoughts, I slept into a trance and saw, a man whose hair was completely white as snow, not talking literally to me, but I could hear his thought. I saw the message I received displayed on a screen and each code, was interpreted, immediately, I woke up and ran to my drawer, took out my pen and writing pad and immediately, wrote the interpretations, which reads, “You will be led to a device somewhere and left between truth, fiction and conspiracy theories, choose for yourself what you want.” My heart pounds, as my mind started travelling very fast, the things I saw, are indiscernible; I was lost in the unimaginable, however, stopped by light. Underneath the coded message sent me, I was able to decipher a hidden text, which reads, “THE EYE SEES YOU AND DRIVES ALL”.

After I have been able to decipher the hidden message sent me through email, instantly, my phone rang again, it was the same number 999 that spoke with me. I picked, and the voice spoke, “All arrangement has been made for your movement, do not worry how, by 9:00 pm, you will be picked up.” It was 7:00 am, while I had this conversation with this strange personality. It came to my thought again, how he introduced himself using the word “facelessness”. Nevertheless, what amazed me, was what he said, “I want you to see me face to face, in my facelessness”, these words could not leave my memory, they just kept recurring at every interval and became like a bug in my mind, as it keeps flashing and interrupting my thoughts.

After I had taken a shower, went into the room, and straight to bed, because I was very exhausted, having worked all through the night. I was writing some thoughts of inspiration that would not allow me to sleep, and before I could know it, it is already, 5:30 am, but the call that interrupted me came in few minutes to 6:00 am. My bed was waiting to receive me into her embrace, immediately I launched in like a log of wood, I was off. The world I found myself in, I cannot explain, it was the rattling of the blades of a helicopter over my roof, producing a very disturbing horrendous sound that woke me up. When I look at the time, it was 9:00 pm. I could not believe it, I slept from around 7:00 am to 9:00 pm, I could believe I slept for fourteen hours, this is not normal at all, I told myself. I realized, the call I received, that strange personality told me that my pick up time is by 9:00 pm. I could not understand what was happening in my mind as my head rattles and aches severely, because my thoughts were racing. How did this strange personality, knew my very location, if the thrumming and chopping sound of the helicopter I heard, swish-swash, to-co-to-co-to-co! cuppa-cuppa, whop-whop-whop, whump-whump-whump-whump, whup-whup-whup, which-that-this is coming from the people assigned to come and pick me up? As I noticed, the helicopter dropped dead in my compound, I asked myself, could this be the people coming to pick me up as told me by this strange personality? Several questions kept flooding my mind at once, and left in a state of uncertainty, I wondered what next. Nevertheless, I remembered, the message of the hidden text “THE EYE SEES YOU AND DRIVES ALL” hmmm! I muttered God helps me!

How would I sleep for fourteen hours? I asked myself. This is not normal, am I under an influence? While I was asking myself, I heard knocks on my door. Who is there? I asked while I headed toward my door. I heard a voice that resonates from afar despite right in front of my door, echoing in response, “THE EYE AGENTS. We have come to pick you up” when I opened the door, my heart dropped in fear at what I saw, they were two men, all dressed in black from head to toe, with hoods. The only thing I could see of them is their eyes is like a burning furnace. I summoned courage and asked them, why have you come to me? They spoke at once telepathically, as if they are one, we are messengers and have come to do the master’s bidding to take you to see him face to face, in his facelessness. Hmmm! Here they come again, now face to face, facing these strange figures, who want to take me on a rollercoaster ride to a destination I know nothing about, to meet with a personality face to face in his facelessness, all because I have something to prove the unknown.

I ask the two men in hoods to give me a minute to pack up my things but was told by them that I do not need to carry anything because the master had provided all needed for me. I protested, and they told me, their time is running out, seeing their reaction, I followed them, as I was led up to climb the chopper. Immediately, I entered the chopper, I passed out and did not know where I am anymore. The only thing that was alive was my mind, as I saw myself travelling in darkness as if I was in a tunnel, and there was no single sign of light. My heart, desiring light, but it was a journey in my thoughts that I could not explain at all. I did not know how long the journey took, I just found myself awake in the front of a being, very massive, with its face covered in total darkness, seated on a golden throne. When I became conscious, I asked myself, not aloud, but in my heart, where I am. To my greatest surprise, I heard a voice echoed, from this strange being, from a distance away from me, said, “You are before the faceless” and I have summoned you here, to know your stand, fiction, conspiracy or truth. His voice resounds like thunder, very hoax, as he steals every of my thought to answer the questions I was asking in my mind. He had asked to know my stand, but I was blank, and could not respond because I was frightened. Suddenly, like a flash of light in my eyes, I stood up and said, I am of the truth and the truth is my light and in the light, I will stand. The moment, I said, light! This strange being that appears facelessly varnished, and was nowhere to be found and I found myself somewhere in the middle of nowhere, but with strange men, innumerable, with massive candles and ancient lantern. Everywhere was very bright, as seats were arranged in rows and arrays uncountable. When I looked, I saw a banner with a very bold inscription “THE COUNCIL OF THE GREAT”. I had nothing with me, except the cloth I am putting on and my thoughts, with my mind driving my will. After some minutes, I heard a sound from the loudspeaker, this program has begun, and today, we have only but one speaker to speak to us on the topic “THE CURRENT UNIT EYE” and it is nobody other than Divine. The massive audience cheered in heraldic roars, like the roaring of the sea. I waited for a second to see, if there was anyone who will appear on the stage as Divine, but did not see anyone. I could not believe the coordinator is referring to me. While I was lost in thought, I saw some men walking toward me and when they got close, they prostrate and said, “Sir, we have come to usher you up to the stage” and I followed them up, while I was climbing the stage, I did not notice that the stage was driving me up, like a lift. Immediately, there was a stop, and a motor like a device was right in front of me, and I heard a voice, please, take your seat. I sat, and the device drove me to the podium where I am to speak to the audience. Reaching the podium, I saw massive screens and in each of the screens was my image on the podium, standing on the pyramid-like structure, all for me to realize the podium, was an eye. It now dawns on me, my dream, while I was growing as a child, how I puncture the eye on the pyramid. What could this mean? Does it mean the revelation of the knowledge I will be sharing will open the eyes of people? Alternatively, could it be that it will shut down the system promoting false knowledge as the truth? I do not know and would not want to think further, as my mind is flooded with irresistible thoughts and I do not even know what I am thinking anymore. Why am I experiencing all of these? What is happening to me? Oh, God help me!