

Synopsis “The Tra Grade S” is a book illustrating a story of the experience of a young boy, named Divine who grew up as a cypher and mystery solver. Divine was born in a family of twelve siblings. As the eleventh born, he has a supernatural endowment, which reflects in his gifts and talents. His endowment gives him the rare ability to decipher things and events even before they occur. The rare ability of Divine works in a way of aligning letters from words to form acronyms that communicate deeper thoughts. He does this by fetching out the encrypted thoughts to reveal deep secrets. The deciphering of Divine's inspiration often paints the bigger picture of knowledge hidden from the ordinary eye and the revelation of Divine will make him the most sought after. Dive in, as I take you on a swift trip into the heart of Divine’s world of unconventional knowledge. His experiences started as a dream that never looks like a dream... DISCLAIMER: This book is a work of Fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, happenings, locations, and occurrences either are the products of the writer’s mind's eye or used in a made-up manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or definite events is only coincidental. I have tried recreating events, locales and conversations from my memories of them. To maintain their anonymity in some instances, I have changed the names of individual and places, I may have changed some identifying characteristics and details such as physical properties, occupations and places of residence. discord link: Licensed by AnD entertainment. #TAG# #sci-fi#,#mystery solver#,#cipher#,#supernatural#,#faith-base#,#Anti-religion#,#system#,#mind control#,#AI and Robotic#,#Alien# This novel is ongoing....you will not regret reading this book. It will open your eyes to deep and alien knowledge of our present-day world. I solicit your supports. Your power stone votes, gifts and leave review feedback.Thanks

Pattyegah Ikwue · Ciencia ficción
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170 Chs


Therefore, I was able to access divinely another code; It is called code 3 because her target is the three eyes typifying the SPIRIT and the MIND to possess your body and destroy your soul into her current evil (IE), CURRENT EVIL? This means, she just finished destroying someone, and she is ever current. Does this ring a bell in your heart? However, the truth is whoever this present Jennifer is, she has met with DIVINE like JENNIFER my X met with me to kill not me. Nevertheless, the SNAKE in me (Snake here typifies SELF) by crucifying it on my new life of which she had become my X (cross standing on its two bases (grace and truth)) meaning dead history. Therefore, from JENNIFER’S CODE 3, I was able to get, two other codes that sound alike, nevertheless, differentiated by what they connect you to...

JENNIFER CODE S connects you to CODE T, which typifies the serpent’s tail where the poison is been released to cause destruction, destroying the heart of the eye of your spirit (Y), leaving you with a double electron, which is simply defined as die. Therefore, the implication of JENNIFER’S CODE S is DEATH.

While JENNIFER CODE X connects to CODE Y, which typifies you surrendering to the good one, after nailing the S from your previous life on the Cross (X) that cancels your carnal lifestyles and activate your spiritual life in Tsirhc. You will now stand on the two bases of the cross, evident as grace and truth of which the grace is the chi that gives life, even when what you deserve is death. Nevertheless, the truth is simply the knowledge of the Word that sets you free and lifts you far above your fears and limitations to know nothing other than life essence, who is Yahweh. As you intimately relate with the person of the good force in our hearts, He will make you strong and strengthen you beyond your weakness and you will now do great exploit.

JENNIFER CODE X is the death code, to JENNIFER CODE S (Self) because if you remain in the JENNIFER CODE S, you will experience the implication of Proverbs 14: 12 and 16: 25…

Do you notice something with the two chapters and verses of the references? Close observation reveals the character of Jennifer under the devil’s eye, which implies both references are the same. By this I mean, for 14: 12 we will be able to get the true character as Deception and Lies (1 x 4: 2 x 6= 4: 12, where 4 is D typifying deception and 12 is L typifying lies), which is simply the nature of the serpent. This explains the reality of the nature of self that would always manifest subtly and cunningly (serpent). This is also the same with 16: 25, which has to do with creating false impressions and transferring the current (lusts passion) through sex to destroy your soul. 4 x 4: 5 x 5 = DD: EE, which gives us DID = DIE that explains the assignment of his character is to steal, to kill and to destroy and for him to do this, he will have to strip the heart of the eye with the power generator (electricity: lies).

Therefore, you can see that the true meaning of scriptures is not in your attachment of what you think based on your understanding. The revelation is in the understanding of the code because everything about the Word of the good essence is coded, which must be revealed for us to access truly life. It is the numbers that communicate the reality, not the letters, and the number is simply the time in our physical world and that is why the good essence admonishes that we should walk circumspectly not as fools, but wise, understanding the time, because the days are evil (Ephesians 5: 15, 16). God will help us and give us the wisdom to understand the reality of the revelation, which has nothing to do with my knowledge but divinely breathed.


By Divine Revelation, I define JENNIFER CODE X as the crucifixion or dying to SELF, by embracing the CROSS. However, deep down within me, I sensed that there is a depth beyond my experiences with Jennifer that the good essence is about to take me into, and that I am yet to know when He takes me, even as I go through. Why is my journey to fulfilling purpose all about going through experiences that leave me wanting to give up on hope?

When you embrace the standing cross, as it falls to the ground (Water baptism), it falls with you (i.e. former life).

When you rise with a cross, it rises with you and as it stands, no longer on one base, but two bases that cross you over from the dimension of the satanic sea (S) of life, with the Divine bridge (X) of which grace takes you through and truly teaches you the way through to stay focus...

When the cross is your focus, you cannot be distracted by the stormy winds or raging storms of life… the cross reconnects you to Y (Yahweh) whom we look up to on the real Cartesian plane, not like what we were been taught in school with thoughts that are encrypted. However, the reality of what we were taught, despite beyond our thoughts, aims at connecting us to the other side of the river, having been drown to death from the world, you will now alive to live a new life in the Word. You no longer see darkness, but all you see is the glory from the RAY FIELD OF THE FATHER’S LOVE.