
003 The Marshall Estate

The maids scattered as Eden finished the last of the household ledger's review, she sat back with a satisfied huff just as the head maid came toward her to collect the large leather bound book. 

Eden sipped her tea knowing that as the woman flipped through today's pages she would find everything neatly signed.

"Thank you so much for your service Gertrude, you and Cole keep this place running," Eden said after drinking from her hot mug of tea.

"Me? We have you to thank Miss Eden, if not for you this place would run with the speed of a snail. Your father is rarely home and Miss Lily, I must say is a rose in a glass case," Gertrude said.

Eden understood what she meant, to most of them Lily was simply beautiful but she was cruel as well, no one wanted to ask her for anything and she sure wasn't going to step up and run the household.

Once again it fell to Eden, the one whom they thought was worth nothing, to run the house. She couldn't even get so much as a 'thank you' from her father.

"Thank you Gertrude," Eden said as she finished the last of her breakfast.

"I must say, I overheard everything this morning and Miss Lily was certainly out of line with her comments, I just want you to know that the rest of us think you're quite swell and kind even though it seems kindness counts for nothing these days," the head maid said.

Eden was touched by the woman's words, her face drew into a grin at the compliment.

Gertrude had been employed at her family's estate for the longest time, she had known Eden's mother right up until the time of death and had comforted Eden when her father could not stand to look at her.

"I'm so glad your father decided to give you the company, I know you'll do amazing running it. You're so bright my girl and you have so many ideas. I know children far and wide will love whatever it is you propose," Gertrude said patting Eden on her back.

"I just hope so, Dad didn't even give my prototype a chance,"

"Some people are just stuck in their ways my dear, all you can do is show him you're up to the task," Gertrude said.

Unbeknownst to them a figure lurked in the hallway listening.

Lily had forgotten her purse at the estate and had come in to hear Gertrude's happy wishes for Eden's inheritance. The beautiful brunette frowned, holding a hand to her chin as she stood in thought.

She didn't care about the stupid toy company, who cared what rotten brats wailed, flailed about, and pulled their parents into stores for? She couldn't even remember the last time she set foot in the company.

But if it made Eden happy she just had to have other plans for it.

A cruel grin crossed Lily's face. She had some plans for her father's event.




Eden noticed her phone ringing in the pocket of her overalls, she picked up the outdated, dingy little cell phone noticing the caller ID was her cherished fiancee Daniel.

Daniel Abbott was from another wealthy family in Meadowlark. He was tall and handsome with striking blue eyes and light chestnut hair that was soft to touch. He had a kind face and Eden often found herself staring into his eyes when they were together.

They were the only pair that seemed to see her as shining a brilliant.

They had met at a workshop Eden was exploring for materials to craft toys with, Daniel had bumped into her and immediately apologized. They struck up a conversation and the rest was history. 

She smiled fondly before picking up the call.

"Hi my love, how's your day going?" she asked sweetly as she took some measurements for a new prototype she was thinking about creating, it would be a doll this time. Hand made too, but the dress would be something special.

A fond chuckle resounded from over the phone. Eden loved the way her fiancee laughed. It was so jovial and carefree. Once she heard it, it always put her at ease, speaking to someone who genuinely loved her was the highlight of her life.

"Better now that I've heard your voice," he responded lovingly. "What about you?"

"Awww, if you make me blush this hard, it'll change the temperature of the room,"

"Then I better continue, I've always wanted to know if you could fry eggs on a human face," he laughed.

Eden joined in giggling.

"How's the prototype coming?"

"I finished it at 3 am last night, but Dad hated it this morning, he threw it in my face," Eden said with her voice breaking. She gave a dejected sigh before scribbled some measurements on a piece of paper and got out a ruler to compare the height of her bear and the new doll.

Daniel's tone turned sympathetic.

"God damn that man! Don't worry Eden when its our company we'll make what ever toys you want, dragons, bears, snakes!"

"Do any children like snakes?"

"We'll find em!" Daniel said passionately.

Eden laughed again, happy to hear someone cheer her on so enthusiastically. Daniel, the love of her life. She couldn't wait to get married to him.

All her life, boys had merely asked her out as a joke with her being the large and obvious punchline. It only caused her to spiral further. She ate more, food was her only friend and it would never betray her.

"I'm so sorry this happened Eden," Daniel said in a somber tone. "I love you and your perseverance, you'll turn that company around so fast he'll be begging to know what you did right," 

"Thanks, babe, you're the best,"

They talked for a bit longer, laughing at each other's jokes and making plans to go out after the event tomorrow.

Eden couldn't wait for it to all pass so the house would return to it's neutral state. She hung up on Daniel after showering him with audio kisses and promising to call a bit later.

"I've gotta get to work on this," she said facing her workshop table with a serious expression. What fabric would she be using for the dress?