
The Touch of Hades

[Mature Content] Aurora opened her mouth to say something but only a shaky breath left her lips. Sure she knew she had a sad life, the worse actually. But did fate really have to pair her… With HADES?! Standing before her was the god of death and the underworld. Every picture she had seen of the gods had not depicted Hades’ beauty. The god seated before her was not an old man with a white beard that reached his foot, he was the true definition of glamour. “Well, you beat my expectations. I expected a slim figured sad child.” Hades spoke, his voice sending tingles down Aurora's spine. “And I expected an old man with wonky tooth holding a stick to support his remaining lifeline.” Hades opened his mouth to say something about her outburst, while Aurora mentally faced Palmed herself wishing she hadn't said that to the god of the underworld. She stared at him expecting him to cast her into the darkest hell cell as punishment, but his lips only pulled up a grin. “Well, well… I guess I had expected little from my human mate.” AN-:) IF YOU WANT TO REACH OUT TO THE AUTHOR OR TALK ABOUT THE BOOK (give ideas and whatnot) HERE’S MY DISCORD SERVER NAME ryia6993 LITTLE SPOILER ALERT AS YOU CONTINUE READING I'm going to drop a few hints. Maybe it will help maybe it won't. 1. Before Aurora met Hades she didn't give a fuck about anyone. 2. She did (started caring ) when she met Hades and it made her look somewhat ‘cliche’ wanting his attention and whatnot. 3. Apparently, it was a way to tame her. The bond. 4. She recollects herself but in Hades enemy's hands. 5. There happens to be a ‘Reverse Harem’ Hope this helps when you start reading.

Ty_sonm · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
133 Chs

Meeting him 2

I gulped as I stared at the god before me with wide eyes. The man I had followed to this place was now standing behind Hades. At this point I wasn't even certain if the man was a man. My eyes widened as my gaze slowly went to his. Was that why he seemed so upset earlier? That I called his bluff and referred to him as a man? My eyes widened even more on realizing I had offended a god, and also disrespected this god, my gaze returned to Hades, since I matched in here calling him stupid.

"If your eyes widen even further, I'm afraid you'd be needing a healer to help put them back to their normal state. Didn't know that was possible for humans. Doesn't really sit well in your face. Makes you look…ahh, what was it you said?" He momentarily made a thinking face and then suddenly turned to me. I could see the invisible bulb light on his head. "Ugly."

I don't mind his rude outburst. I was still stuck in trying to comprehend the fire from the ground, and this insane beauty of a man, claiming to be a god.

"She is here and all yours." The man from earlier spoke.

"Indeed," Hades said quietly, his eccentric blue eyes shining curiously as they roamed around, analyzing my body.

"Y-you.." I stuttered "you a-are… are you really.."

The god before me rolled his eyes, waving his hand impatiently and said. "Hades. Come on, say it with me. Ha-des"

"Hades." I breathed out, still not believing the sight before me. I wasn't expecting to meet or see a god. That thought superseded my expectations. I was going to ask him 'if he was real?' even when he was standing in front me. Right before my eyes. 'Was this normal? Am I dead? I mean I must be if I'm here with Hades?' was another question I really wanted to know. But with what has been going on with me, things I've seen and experienced, it only made sense. The weird figure I see when someone's about to die, my hands, the portal… Those creatures. It was starting to make sense.

"Yes, that's more like it." He grimaced "Hades, the God of Death and Riches; that's me." I nodded taking the information into account. "And you, Darling" He continued, his grimace turning sour "will be staying with me for quite some time."

I gulped slowly, biting my lips now staring at him. Too intensely I didn't capture the last words he uttered. I wasn't one to be swiftly moved by looks, nor did I give a man a second glance. Madison had often told me I was either Bi, or Asexual but I haven't realized it yet. The beauty of the god was so overwhelming all I could do was gaze at him longingly.

His hair was black with small curls around the end, settling on his neck. They look extremely soft. I badly wanted to twirl my fingers around them. His jaw was so defined and muscular my fingers itched to trace them. White facial whiskers embellished his face making him look rugged and completely dangerous. His soft pink lips were slowly turning upward in a smirk as my eyes traveled lower. He was dressed in black silk robes, long enough to cover his entire body, but the neckline was low enough to give away to the imagination.

I have never touched a man nor talked more of romance with him, or felt someone touch me in a way only lovers would. The way I wanted Hades to touch me… Was unfathomable.

Even through the dark expensive looking robe, one could notice the muscles protruding underneath. His collarbones were strong and his shoulders broad, making me bite my lips even harder to keep myself from falling at his feet to beg him to bed me.

"Are you done staring?" Hades sneered, his facial features not changing whatsoever. Even though he scrounged up his face in disgust, he seemed gorgeous.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." I quickly apologized.

But he simply shrugged it off, now clasping his hands behind him giving me his side profile. "I'd stare at myself too if I were in your place, I'm just so handsome, am I not?"

I frowned, looking up at him in confusion.

He spoke words of boast, but yet he sounded like he was testing me. As if he wanted to hear my response and then humiliate me in return. His voice was so cold and unnerving.

"I spoke to you," He whispered menacingly, stepping closer to me. "You should give me an answer."

My eyebrows slowly rose and I scowled at him. "You spoke but not to me. You spoke like you were being rhetoric, but it didn't seem like you wanted an answer. But if you insist on one then I'll give you one. Surely I've seen prettier men that gave me goosebumps. You don't look like Hades without your stick. I am fascinated by your looks because you don't fit into the description of the Hades I've known… and you look completely different from the drawings I've seen of you"

Hades stared at me, his eyes expressionless as they scrutinized my face slowly. While my eyebrows perked up quizzically, giving him the look of 'who's staring at who now?' . He turned away from me abruptly and began walking away.

I frowned, turning around on the same spot to see if I had missed something.

"Are you coming or not?" he snapped, sounding quite impatient.

I gritted my teeth as I started following him from behind. My bare feet making soft padding noises as I try to catch up to him.

Even though the God of the Underworld was colder than the freezing temperatures of Antarctica, his palace was surprisingly warm.

Seeing he wasn't about to brief me on where we are going to, I spoke quietly "Are you going to tell me why I'm here with you or where we're going?"

Hades clenched his jaw, eyeing me through the corner of his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. Maybe he had done it thoughtlessly or maybe he had done it on purpose, but when he crossed his arms over his chest, his muscles seemed to tighten and look more mouthwatering than before.

I gulped once more, tearing my gaze away from his muscular arms and instead, ran my fingers through my hair nervously. I looked up to catch Hades looking at my hands with interest.

"Why do you wear those?"

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms on my chest as I walked beside him defensively and said, "You just answered my question with another one. I'm not a fan of that. And if you are a god, how come you don't know why I am wearing these?"

Hades opened his mouth and closed them momentarily. His eyes glazed with such ferocious anger she could feel it emanating from his skin.

"You dare question a god?!"