
The Touch of Hades

[Mature Content] Aurora opened her mouth to say something but only a shaky breath left her lips. Sure she knew she had a sad life, the worse actually. But did fate really have to pair her… With HADES?! Standing before her was the god of death and the underworld. Every picture she had seen of the gods had not depicted Hades’ beauty. The god seated before her was not an old man with a white beard that reached his foot, he was the true definition of glamour. “Well, you beat my expectations. I expected a slim figured sad child.” Hades spoke, his voice sending tingles down Aurora's spine. “And I expected an old man with wonky tooth holding a stick to support his remaining lifeline.” Hades opened his mouth to say something about her outburst, while Aurora mentally faced Palmed herself wishing she hadn't said that to the god of the underworld. She stared at him expecting him to cast her into the darkest hell cell as punishment, but his lips only pulled up a grin. “Well, well… I guess I had expected little from my human mate.” AN-:) IF YOU WANT TO REACH OUT TO THE AUTHOR OR TALK ABOUT THE BOOK (give ideas and whatnot) HERE’S MY DISCORD SERVER NAME ryia6993 LITTLE SPOILER ALERT AS YOU CONTINUE READING I'm going to drop a few hints. Maybe it will help maybe it won't. 1. Before Aurora met Hades she didn't give a fuck about anyone. 2. She did (started caring ) when she met Hades and it made her look somewhat ‘cliche’ wanting his attention and whatnot. 3. Apparently, it was a way to tame her. The bond. 4. She recollects herself but in Hades enemy's hands. 5. There happens to be a ‘Reverse Harem’ Hope this helps when you start reading.

Ty_sonm · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
133 Chs

An asshole

"Here you are human, this is your room."

I rolled my eyes at him before turning to look at the door curiously. "This is my room?" I blurt out the question. It wasn't one of excitement but rather of uncertainty. It didn't look like my room from back home, or does he mean a place I would be resting my head till I have found answers and dealt with the problem at hand… which just happen to be my hands.

Hades sighs exasperatedly before he responded, "Do I really need to repeat myself so many times to you? Because if that's going to become a thing, we won't have many conversations."

"It's not like I actually want to have conversations with you or anything so that would be a good thing" I scoffed before walking ahead and pushed the doors open.

I hear him gave a small laugh from behind before saying "The feeling is mutual."

As I pushed the door opened they squeaked in protest a bit and light dust flew behind, making me sneeze. Yet again, the beauty of the place left me almost breathless.

My parents were quite wealthy so I was privileged to have come across wealthy and well designed houses. But I have never seen a room like this. It was set with a strange decor, but it was beautiful nonetheless. A black dresser stood tall against the wall, different colored gemstones adorned the sleek piece of wood.

Red curtains hung on the wall, dancing with the soft wind that entered from the oval-shaped windows. A grand queen sized bed, much bigger from the usual, back on earth sat in the middle of the room with a transparent black laced canopy, beautifying it.

Expensive looking pieces adorned the bed with golden colored pillows were scattered evenly at the top. I gasped as I entered the room fully but slowly, the exquitsiteness of it all was more than she could handle at a time.

"This is beautiful," I breathed out In a whisper as I slowly turned to hades who had his hands crossed on his chest with his brows raised.

"Of course it is, I made it"

"You gave me a room that carries your essence? That's so sweet! And here I thought you hated me." I teased with a smirk, squealing inwardly the thought alone sent more shivers down my spine.

The god sighed, running his fingers through his hair uncomfortably and spoke, "Before you get comfortable, there are few rules that need to be established."

I frowned at him with a sour expression and waited for him to continue.

"You cannot leave this room without an escort.

Wherever you wish to go, I must be notified of.

You cannot wander around without supervision because even though my kingdom is extremely hard to get in, rats still manage to steal the cheese from traps." He stopped for a moment and turned to look at me with a condescending smile. "Which means if enemies try really hard, they can slither in. I had to elaborate so your tiny little human brain can understand" I frowned at his strange comparison and petty insults, but waited until he finished making me his prisoner.

"You cannot go to any of the rooms without my permission, when you're hungry, let one of the servants know and they'll bring whatever you want up to you. Do not talk to anyone other than Martha."

"Are you done?" I raised my eyebrows, standing in the middle of the room. Hades glowered at me but nodded.

"Well first of all I understood your use of literary terms just fine and apparently, I'm not a guest here, am I? I'm just a fancy prisoner."

"That can be arranged," Hades spoke so quickly as if he had considered that if it were to be an option. His mischievous smirk only broadned on his delectable lips.

I try not to let it fool me, instead I scowled at him in response. "Who's Martha?"

As if on cue, a blonde girl I hadn't seen before when I came in, walked in. Bowing her head in respect at Hades and muttered something softly I couldn't catch. Hades turned to me his hands mentioned at the girl as he spoke, "This is Martha, whatever you need she will get you."

"Milady." Martha curtsied at me, making my face heat up in embarrassment. Martha smiled softly awaiting further instructions from hades.

"Call me Aurora" I mumbled curtsying a little not sure of what to do, making Hades click his tongue in displeasure.

My eyes traveled to the girl who looked about 16 or younger. She wore a nice apron that looked like some kind of outfit on her. There was something about her that made her look like someone I know… What was it? I wondered. My eyes fixated on her face trying to determine what it could be.

"Oh I almost forgot," Hades spoke now gaining my attention. "Your friend will be residing with Zues. Be rest assured she is in safe hands. The decision was made so as to keep you under watch and for your own betterment and as well, her safety."

That was it! My gaze went back to the girl, Martha. Her blonde hair made her look a lot like Madison, made me miss her a little.

Before I could retort an answer back to Hades, he had disappeared, leaving behind a black mist, which made me roll my eyes at how cliché it all seemed. Then again, it wasn't every day that a girl got taken to the Underworld by a portal because she was a threat to all mankind.

"Do you wish for anything, mi -Aurora?" Martha spoke so quietly, that I barely heard her.

I shook my head saying no, walking towards the bed as I yawned, suddenly feeling more tired than I had ever felt in my life.

"Tomorrow you can tell me why the hell the god of the dead is such an asshole."