

The day of inheritance:

"I, Josh Jackson, Announces that my older son , Noah Jackson will inherit my company, Libnonce while my younger son, Alex Jackson will inherit my mafia and be the next leader of mafia after I die" Everyone starts clapping. There were approximately 10,000 people in the hall everyone clapping while Noah and Alex were just sitting as they knew what they were gonna get. Everyone was still clapping when suddenly, The eyes of Mr.Josh went fully open and in just matter of seconds he fell. "DAD!!!" Both the sons shouted so loudly that everyone in the hall can hear. Noah and Alex ran on their fulliest speed and while Noah was checking his pulse and heart beat Alex was screaming for him to wake up.

2hours later:

"Sir!, i-is my dad gonna be okay" Alex asked the docter in a rushed and sad voice. "Well, You see he is not dead yet but he got a heart attack and as it's his second heart attack he is still in critical position, well we did the surgery but it depends on the patient when he will wake up and its also possible that he get another heart attack soon because his heart is a bit sensitive and it takes a lot of care so nothing happens so to prevent another heart attack we need to get another heart but because he have a rare heart it would be hard so I can't help, if you could do something please tell me". They both looked at each other with sad faces and the docter just went and they both sat with sadness on their face. "Don't worry Alex, dad is gonna be fine" Noah said with a smile.

"I-I know" He also tried to smile. "I'll go and contact someone for a immediate heart, don't worry Alex" And Noah leaves.

Alex was just sitting on the seat while a strange girl came and sat next to her. Alex looked at her and tried to wipe his tears and the girl said " Hey, I heart you need a heart for your father" She said with a smile. " H-how do you know" " Well you see" She said with a smirk then she went closer to his hear and whispered "Because I know everything about you and your family" She went a little back from him and smiled "Listen I don't know who you are and I don't care, All I care about is that can you help me finding a heart" " Why not, One of my friend have lots of hearts and I can give it to you, But what will I get in return" " I'll give you 10 million dollars, how about that" " Ooh that's not a bad deal, but I want something else" " Just tell me what u want' " I want to you to save me from police, I am the top most wanted criminal in America". " Sounds interesting, I'll help you". " Is it a deal" She said with a smile " Yup it is" They shake their hands. " Btw my name is Sam, Sam Smith" " I am Alex , Alex Jackson" Noah comes and see them together, he says with raised eyebrows and confused face " Uhh may I know who you are" Asked Noah " Hi, I am Sam , Sam Smith and I will help your dad get a heart" " and why will you do it" " Why do you care Noah, she is just trying to help" Alex Intrups. " Are you sure we can trust her" " yes yes I am sure" Alex says with a smiling face. " Okay then I will bring the heart tomorrow" " Okay" Alex says with a bright smile. Noah leaves " Hey you seem very cool, btw what did you do to get in the top most wanted criminal list and why did you do it" Asked Alex with excitement " Lol, I have never seen someone so excited to see me, well you see I do robbery for fun, Life is Soo boring without adventures, Well it all started when I was young only 10 years old, some guys came and murdered my parents , well after that I wanted to take revenge, I joined some gangs but many of them rejected me because I was so young but one them accepted me because I wanted to take revenge, well then I learned guns and killed those guys, Seriously it was really fun so I did more of them and then I did a big heist in the bank of America and got on the top List. and you know every police officer on the Country is finding me and I am chatting with you" She told Alex her story. " Well you know.. " he was about to say something when a voice came "THERE SHE IS" It was the police officer "Crap!!, Man I got to go I'll see you later" She ran while police officers were chasing her, she took her guns out and shooted one of the police officer, Alex's mouth was all opened as he was confused how is she doing this while Sam shooted some bullets and ran away. while one of the officer was shot on the arm. " Wooh she is good with guns" said Alex. Suddenly he got a call from a unknown number, he picked up " Hey Alex, did you like the trailer of the movie" it was Sam " Wait how did you get my number" " I just did not got your number but also your ring" he checked his finger furiously and his ring was missing " How did you..." " well you see I called the police officers to show you a trailer of what am I capable of" She smiled " Wooh, I am out of words right now" " I know it's normal to react like that" " well hope you consider making me at a good position in your mafia and protecting me from police" "Ye-... What the she hung up, Nevermind SHE WAS SO FREAKING COOL, I HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH HER ACTIONS!! WOOH" he gets a text from Sam it says " I know u have fallen in love with my actions but please controll it because I know how cool I am :) and remember it was just a trailer don't forget to watch the whole movie ;)"

To Be Continued....