
Chapter 6 Reunion Seven Years Later

Rubina looked up. Through the misty windshield, she saw a person standing not far away. Although she couldn't see his appearance clearly, his posture was exactly the same as what she remembered!

She called out, "Worton."

She couldn't believe her eyes. Tears of grievance welled up in her eyes. Her vision gradually blurred, and the figure in the distance gradually became unreal.

She thought, "Is he... really Worton York?

"Could it be an illusion?"

She wiped away the tears in her eyes and looked over again. The figure had approached, standing only a few feet away from her.

The mist on the windshield gradually dissipated, and the figure became clearer.

She then saw his brilliant smile that had appeared in her dreams countless times, his exquisite facial features, and his gentle look!

She thought, "It's him!

"It is really him!"