
The Timid Gangster With Time Power

Hello authur here. As of 02/12/2020, I am going on hiatus. It might be a short while, maybe long, maybe this message here does not even matter as no one really cares yet but I just wanna tell yall bout it. Reason being that I have some offline priorities. I do no thave much time and I have started getting busy in life. So yeah... I'll still try to write here and there. Peace out Whatchu you looking at?! Look at me again and I'll beat your ass up! Ahh!! Whatever, I'll let you go for now cause you're a hottie. My name is, Papi Bugsy. I know right?! It's soo Gangster. Well since you're hot, ill let you in a little secret. To be honest, I'm was a damn pussy... But that was before and now I'm the damn boss of this school. Sitting on top of this one of a kind throne, made from all the bullies that had bullied me before. Kneeling before me, everyone I look down upon, are worshiping me like I'm the king. How did I came to sit on this throne when I was only a pussy two years ago? That's because at that time, I realise I had a power. The power to control time. What? Speak louder if you wanna ask something!! Ohh... You wanna know how I got this power when I was 15? Fine, I'll tell you the secret... The secret............ Can be found if you continue reading this novel... K fine. I accidentally found out whenever I made someone fear of me to its peak, I can go back in time. If you want to know more, just read.

Living_Otter · Real
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19 Chs

Hot And Steamy...

Staring at where Amy had been, Papi remained silent. Currently, his head just had a short circuit and it does not seemed like it would get better anytime soon. Asking himself, did he just fucked up and let Amy get taken away? I mean he did say that Marco must have planned to rape...or fuck her with the consent as Amy's boyfriend, but now, he really hoped that he was wrong.

What should I do... What should I do!

Despair had striked him hard like a Mallet to a bell and his head started aching and he felt dizzy. He struggled to think of a way to save Amy, but luckily that didn't last long as the circuit in his head had started functioning. A light bulb brightened up on his head as a thought came to him. There was a reason why Bella was called the emergency escape route and not Bella Iza.

Without hesitating anymore, Papi dash at the speed of light and headed to the direction of the class. It didn't took long for Papi to reach the class and when he did, there he could see his target...

His target. The beauty with a dark brown hair that was so sleek, even Tesla would feel ashamed if ever compared to it. She was so pale that one would think that she looked like an actual human size doll. Her bangs that sways a little when she tilted her head, looked so perfect...as if just waiting there to be dehumanise.

When Papi arrived at the door way, it was only then that Bella had realised that he was there. With her cherry cute voice, she called out to Papi.

"Ohh Papi. Are you okay? Me and Harry were so worried about you-"

Without replying to her, Papi just continued on striding towards her. When Bella had called Papi out, Harry too stood up from his seat, wanting to go to them. But then he stopped... He stopped only after turning and taking a few step, with his jaw dropped. What was presented to him was so shocking that he could only stare, and it was the same with everyone else as the class queit down slowly.


Some of the students that saw what happened were also stunned with their mouth dropped open. When the other students noticed them doing so, they too started looking to where ever the others were looking and the same thing happened. Jaws were dropped harder then anyone could drop a mic.

When Papi had reached right in front of Bella, he extended his right hand, and swiftly but gently shove his hand through her soft hair and touched her face. As if it was in slow motion, he could be seen as the Prince of a children story kissing the poor yet beautiful princess. His gentle lip touching here pink cute tip(top lip) ...all he had in his mind was admiration on how soft her lip was as he slowly dug into the gap in between...

It was the perfect love story... At least it was until Papi started going in for a deep kiss. He went in like a wave did to a wharve. Going in he spread her lips and resch out his tongue into them. But which living thing doesn't face any problem in life? For Papi's tongue though, his obstacle was Bella's wharves. She was struggling hard, not willing to let Papi's tongue in her mouth. But still, Papi didn't care as he started slithering around the teeth.

When he started doing so, Bella lifted her hands, wanting to push him away. But right as she was about to do so, she suddenly remembered that she had promised that she would help him as long as she was able to. So with that she stopped what she was doing and decided to let Papi do whatever he wanted. She was still afraid and not willing, but she had to do it for Papi as she knew that he would only do it when he was in trouble, time leaping.

Papi kept on going in hard for a few seconds until a point where he was starting to feel anxious...

Why is she not scared yet?! Normally it wouldn't take so long, but why is nothing happening?!

Papi began to panic a little. It was quite embarrassing to do this in front of everyone, but it was fine because he could time leap and everyone would forget about it. But it had been quite sometime that nothing had happened, so he was anxious as to rather he was able to time leap. What if it took too long for him to time leap that, he couldn't time leap to before the kissing started. Bella would have hated him forever then.

Opening his eyes to see what was happening around, Papi was able to see that Bella was red and struggling for breath. He could see that she was doing her best to not push him away as she was closing her eyes very tightly and they were fluttering a little. Looking to the left and right, he could see that everyone in the class were looking at him and Bella. He couldn't see clearly but he was sure that everyone was stunned.

After a little though, people started looking around towards each other and whispering. That was when Papi started to panic even harder.


He was panicking even more because he for a fact knew that things are going to go south if he didn't time leap now. People could start getting ideas, sharing the story around or worst... They might interrupt what he was doing. Doing so, he will then lose the chance to ever redeem himself.

Right then, at the corner of Papi's eyes, he could see Harry walking towards him. Now, he was really fucked. As if time had stopped, Papi's thought process sped up. He was analysing and justifying himself with the plan he had just came up with.

Yes... That plan is the only option I have. I am now facing three different problems that have the same solution so I have no choice. First I need to save Amy so I have to time leap. Second, I have to save Bella's chasity by time leaping. Third I need to stop that evil bastard, Harry from interrupting and destroying Bella's chance to redeem her chasity.

Without further ado, he started following his mother's footstep. The idea he had thought of was an idea he got from his mother. When he was younger, his mother used to do it to him and it was the best solution for this situation. Slowly, Papi's hand started wrapping around Bella's back and waist. Then, both his hands started embracing and feeling her body and he kiss Bella more passionately.

That action instantly solved one of his current problem. His action was so passionate that everyone's eyes and jaws widen another inch. Harry too was shocked and stopped in his track instantly. Bella on the other hand was also no exception as she opened her eyes widely, showing that she was shocked. But of course, that was not the end of it.

Papi's left hand, which was right behind Bella's back started embracing her body as he rub her whole back in an anticlockwise motion. His right hand though, went to her skirt, sneak into her waistline and grabbed her right butt cheek. With that, Bella started to struggle, trying to push Papi away. But as she was about to do so, Papi hold her butt cheek and stretch it out.

Instantly, Bella lose the strength in her hands as she felt her mind being pulled. It was so ticklish when Papi's thumb went through her cracks that her vision started swaying as she lose the strength in her body and mouth. She had stop putting strength into her body and let the wave rush in between her teeth and into her mouth.

Papi didn't missed that chance as he started reaching in deeper and slither his way to her uvula. At the same time, he would coutinue embracing her body with his left, while stretching her orifice wide.... wider and wider. If one could see her butt cheek right now, they would see a red mark of a hand on her smooth white skin.

Time slowed down as the show went on. For a second as he pulled out to catch his breath, a line of saliva connecting both tongue could be seen. Accompanying those steamy breath Bella bellowed, he listened closely to her breathing and heartbeat, catching every second of her breath accurately and when she breathed out once more, Papi went back in again. Trying catch her breath, Bella sucked in the air inside Papi's mouth as he exhaled into her mouth.

It was such a weird feeling that Bella started trembling and gagging. It was too uncomfortable and unnatural to exhale through her nose while inhaling through her mouth at the same time, therefore she ended up gulping in Papi's breath. Withouhout stopping, Papi kept on exhaling into her through her mouth as she gulped in the air, kept on embracing her, and kept on stretching the cheek.

It was such a steamy scene that the male students had a skyscraper erected underneath their pants while the girls had two mountains rising up from their breast. It lasted for a while before Papi put the climax in, as he uses his right thumb, struck it in Bella's anus and stretch it out. Right that instant, an unwelcomed sound resounded.


Bella farted. When she heard that, she trembled even harder, but with a slippery snake sliding and pleasuring her mouth, with a hand embracing her and making her relax, she couldn't stop the unwelcomed sound from resounding again.


Yes, Papi was using his mother's remedy to make him burp and fart when he was a baby... Well of course except the part where he kisses Bella and breathing into her. He was just trying to make ber fart and embarrass herself. But it seemed like he had made Bella relax a little too much as he felt that his right hand was getting wet. Bella had let go of her pelvic floor muscle, opening the dam and creating a river.

Without a shriek or struggle, everything became dark. This made Papi realise that Bella had been so scared that her embarrassment had led her to a mental breakdown. She was just not herself anymore, being embarrassed so much and that was the peak of her fear.

A little while later though, light started seeping into Papi's vision and what was presented to him now was a familiar scene. It was the scene in the early morning where Bella had greeted him. The only difference this time was that Bella was only looking at him, beet red and was sweating like crazy. Papi found it odd as to why this was different but he knew he had no time to waste. He needed to save Amy...

Without doing anything else, papi turned around and dashed straight to the girls' toilet. This time, he was not going to let Amy slip away anymore...