It was hours later when Tony and Melody saw Irwin and Ricky, they came over and asked them to an empty building to talk. Tony was suspicious as well as Melody, but both agreed to it. "So where's Eric and Gary?" "Eric stayed home to watch Gary, to make sure he doesn't do anything crazy or stupid." Little words was said, but it broke out into a full fight, Tony tried to protect Melody even though she could protect herself. In one motion Tony was thrown across the room and hit a five shelved stand that had bars on it. Tony was fine, but one of the bars slid off and hit the table which also had a chair on it, which was flying toward Irwin and Ricky. Melody god bless her soul who is so nice and caring ran over and jumped on top of them to protect Ricky and Irwin from the chair. Melody got hit and wasn't moving, Tony ran over as Ricky and Irwin lifted Melody off of them. Tony picked Melody up and carried her all the way to the hospital. Irwin went back home to tell what happened to Eric and Gary while Ricky went to the hospital to check on Melody. Melody finally woke up to see Tony sleeping in a chair and Ricky in another chair also sleeping, only seconds after waking up that Melody fell back to sleep.
"Melody!" "Tony. Where am I?" "The hospital. Let me get a nurse or doctor."A doctor came into check vitals and such when Ricky returned with some water for him and Tony. "You're awake. How are you?" "Who are you? Tony is he one of your friends?" "Melody don't you recognize him?" "Should I?" "Doctor can we talk outside? Ricky come with us." Tony and Ricky couldn't believe what they heard. "Doctor when can I go home?" "In a few days." "Now that I think about it where do I live, Tony?" "You live with me and some of our friends." "Oh."
As the doctor said Melody checked out of the hospital and went home with Tony and RIcky. Irwin, Gary, and Eric was home waiting. "Welcome home guys." "Melody do you recognize any of these guys?" "Sorry, but no. Maybe I will remember later." "It's ok, the doctor did say it might take some time." As much as Gary disliked and wanted to fight or argue with Melody he couldn't since she wouldn't know what he was talking about.
A few weeks later at the mall everyone was walking around when a teenager bumped into Gary. "I'm sorry please excuse me." Melody had a familiar feeling and a memory come back, although Melody wasn't sure why or what the familiarity was. "Guys lets go eat, I'm hungry and I have a head ache." "You guys go ahead I'll be there after I teach this kid a lesson." "Lesson?" Melody was trying figure what he meant until she saw Gary make a fist. "Don't you dare hit him." Gary of course wasn't going to listen to Melody, so Melody held Gary's collar telling the guy to leave. "Now that's finish lets go eat." "Melody why did you do that?" "Gary has a temper and I saw that he was going to punch that guy. Punching someone for something little is just crazy and dumb. If I lost my temper and did that every time I'd probably have a lot enemies by now, plus I'll feel bad about it." "I see.. How about we eat here." "Okay." As everyone was finishing up their lunch Melody received a text, "I'll see y'all later my friend Cathy is here and wants to meet up." "Wait. Why don't we go with you? I'm sure we all want meet one of your old friends. Right guys?" "Okay, but Gary please remember your temper. Cathy likes to give out opinions." "Fine." Melody approached Cathy with the tiger boys and since Cathy is unaware of Melody's memory loss of the tiger boys and so forth Cathy said "Wade." "Who's Wade?" "Melody Eric needs talk to you about something." "Alright." "Lets go over there." "I'll be back." The moment Melody was out of ear shot Tony explained the situation to Cathy who looked like she wanted to punch those crazy semi-violent boys. In the afternoon everyone was leaving for home, "you guys go ahead I need buy some things for the house." "We can wait for you." "No It's fine. "You might need help."