
The Tickling Torturer

One more mystery to solve and it's probably worth your while... She saw her parents get killed; was always raised with lies and has been planning her revenge for longer than she can remember because she knew the truth. Redhead, ruthless, heartless, beautiful and odious Merida Klein tickles all her father's ex-friends to death as a way of avenging her parents' demise. She hates blood-spill_ it traumatized her. She succeeds in eliminating her parents' murderers; however, her plans start getting mixed up when she gets to her last targets_ The Parkers_ she has yet another journey of revelations awaiting her. She also discovers a few things about herself, like the fact that she's not as strong and smart as she thinks she is, especially if its Parker she wants to take down. She still has a few lessons to learn and a few friends to make before she takes the crown. The million-dollar question is: will she take the crown or go down? She may also end up finding someone to love in the end. Who knows? Follow Merida as she avenges her parents' demise and as she meets barriers she never thought she would and, unfortunately, is unable to overcome. Cover by Shoeshoe Moshoeshoe, I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO THE PICTURE IN THE COVER @NAtOrFRaNcie and @shoeshoemoshoeshoe on wattpad and WebNovel ~Shoeshoe Moshoeshoe

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BREAKING NEWS: "Once again, drama and trauma pay the McGregors a visit. We all know how Peter McGregor became the main suspect in the Greenes' murder. Much to his luck, his innocence was proven a few hours ago through a confession video clip that was shot by now-deceased Lisa Shawn.

Apparently, the vile female had a vindictive plot which was unfortunately a total fiasco.

Owing to her one-sided desire for Peter McGregor, she took malicious pleasure in murdering all that was dear to deceased Merida McNeill_ herself included.

All these, she did in hopes of maneuvering Peter's heart. As she blew herself off, she had hired a hitman to do the same with McGregor who, however, was lucky and shall live to see another day_ hopefully. Peter is currently admitted at St. Mary's Hospital, Los Angeles, as he has lost a great deal of blood from a bullet that forced its way inside his lower abdomen.

Lisa Shawn left the aforementioned video tape locked in a titanium case; a while after the explosion at her great-aunt's mansion, it was discovered. At least now Los Angeles knows that their golden boy is innocent and is, in fact, a victim himself.

There is more to this case that is yet to be revealed. Stay tuned as we collect more information concerning this case.

Reporting live from KTLA is Anna Montgomery. Adios."

My, oh my… who would've thought that the great Joshua Greene would be murdered by some crazed hormonal teenager? Fate has always had i's funny way with things, I tell you.

I have this episode of KTLA and many others recorded and I keep on playing them over and over again. I still can't believe that Greene and his whole family are dead_ it's been a whole year now, but it's still so…surreal.

It'd been a while since I'd seen him; he'd promised that he'd bring his family to come meet my mother and I here in London. He'd even promised to come to the wedding; unfortunately, he died six weeks prior the ceremony, hence I had to postpone it. What breaks my heart even more is the fact that I couldn't go and pay my last respects to my good old friend because my fiancé had been kidnapped; my friends, together with me, had to search under the rocks to find her.

Greene's death doesn't sit well with me, at all. I can't help but feel that all of this has been planned. I remember him telling me about his weird housekeeper; the awkward meetings he'd have to attend, but fail to because they'd always get cancelled ten minutes ere commencing.

My friends and I have made numerous enemies in order to get where we are now, but we've always found a way to pull through_ even when one of us betrayed us, we got out of that mess, unscathed.

I can't help but think that Greene was murdered_ deliberately, that someone was after him and not her. It was probably his politics or something, but he was murdered; not because of that housekeeper of his…

His case wasn't even handled properly. I mean no forensic tests were taken on his remains_ he was the goddamn mayor of California for goodness's sake; he was my best friend, they could've done something… I don't know what, but something.

It's about noon now, my princess should be home. Everything about that woman fascinates me. Her unusual eye colour, her jet-black her, her light-brown skin, her silky-smooth skin and her thick thighs. She's just beautiful.

Her temper is a totally different story. It doesn't fascinate or excite me_ it made me fall in love with her; I adore her hot temper. I admire her confidence.

She's one of those people who live up to their names. When her parents named her Fierce, they knew exactly what they were doing.

She's not even answering her phone. I think that she got caught up with something. She'll give me a call when she's back in town, I hope.

Right now, I feel like having a mean cup of coffee and there's only one place that offers the best coffee in London: Isabella's café.

It's only thirty minutes away from here; I can always have my orders delivered here, but it's the scent of the whole café that I like. That place is a real heaven on earth_ it smells heavenly.

It's raining outside; I love the rain, but my wife-to-be isn't fond the whole idea. She wants us to leave London because of its 'horrible' weather. We fight of miscellaneous things, fortunately, that's what makes us_ us.

Before I met Fierce, I was travelling around the world looking for fashion projects to sponsor. I am a very particular man_ I don't do cheap. I have my own tastes and nothing can alter them. Not even my mother, she's tried before, but failed miserably.

I snatch my car keys from the key rack; grab my black-suede Gucci frockcoat from where it has been hung and gently close the door behind my back after setting foot out of my apartment.

Before opening the door to my most treasured motor vehicle I_ once again_ marvel it. Talk about strategically designed architecture! It cost me fortune, I have no complaints, however. I could spend more than the $18.7 million I spent to get this black Bugatti La Voiture Noire on any given day.

The drive was shorter than I'd anticipated, all thanks to the lack of traffic in London today. Very unusual.

Walking into the café, I'm met by its mesmerizing scent and I walk over to my usual spot_ by a grand chandelier that doesn't really light the place up. To my luck, they aren't even that busy this afternoon. Yes, afternoon. If it's after noon then it's in the afternoon.

I sit down and start checking up my emails from my iPhone 12 Pro Max, "Can I-I uhm get your order, sir?" I'm interrupted by an annoying hoarse voice.

Already, I hate what I see. Where the hell is Isabella anyway, I'm elite of the elite around here, she normally serves me in person.

This_ thing standing in front of me is a brunette; I detest brunettes. There goes my mood. Great! She's even tall…

"Aren't there any waitresses around here?" I eye her, head to toe.


"Sir?" I mimic her, "Tell the owner of this café that Mr. Kenton is here and get your hideous self out of my sight at this instant." I yell, hitting the table with my fist to frighten her.

"Uhm sir, Miss Valdez had to rush to the hospital a few minutes ago, her father had fainted, so only my friend and I are on d-duty, as of n-now." She mumbles, with her head held down.

She's timid too! Wow! This is unbelievable.

"Look Miss-" I lift my eyes to read the name on her tag, only to be met by what seemed more like a surname, "M. Stevens. What the hell is your first name anyway?" I interrogate her.

"I rather not say." She replies and tucks a strand of her ugly hair behind her ear. Now that I'm eying her closely enough, I even notice her eye-colour: brown. Rats! Rats! Rats!!!

"Whatever. Get your repugnant self out of my sight and call that waitress friend of yours over here." One more thing: she's a fucking waitress.

Tears threaten to escape her eyes and she immediately hurries off. Finally.

After a few minutes, I'm graced by, yet another brunette's presence. This must be brownies day. "What can I get for you sir?" a hoarse voice, again.

"Yours and your friends' heads on a silver platter." I tell her before standing up, fixing my coat and leaving. She literally broke into tears; occupied the sit I had taken and sobbed, silently.

What the hell is wrong with these two waitresses? They're disgusting.

My whole day is spoilt by my encounter with the two timids. Even after Fierce's arrival, my mood wasn't lightened.

I apologize for any errors you may have encountered. Take care

shoeshoemoshoeshoecreators' thoughts