
The Throne of Skulls

Heather Slither tried, she truly did..she tried her best to escape the prison The King of Avarla put her in. She got to the wall before they caught her, that was an accomplishment on it's own. That happened years ago though, so why was said King in front of her right now...and how was she to ignore his offer of freedom.

1Simi1 · Fantasía
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Chapter One: The Kings Offer

"Hey, you!" the guard pointed at me, I looked over my dark almost black hair covering my young pale face. "Get over here the King wishes to speak to you, immediately." as I walked towards the guard I made a mental list of all the mischievous things I've done recently, kill a man on 'accident' with my pick-ax, spit in the head guards face, and hmm that's all this week.. he put the shackles on my wrists and my ankles when he stood back up I smiled at him sweetly "The best you could do is take me to dinner first." he pushed me ahead of him rather roughly "Don't flatter yourself, I'd only ever touch a slave like you if I was forced too." How rude, I scowled. Maybe the king had finally come to finish me off, maybe he had finally gotten sick and tired of me taking up space in his salt mines. I started sucking on my teeth, was it a good thing I'd finally be rid of my haunting heritage or maybe it was bad. I looked left then right, if I made a run for it the little faeries would help me I'd just have to reach the edge of the woods and then...I'd be gone. As stone walls enveloped my vision I pouted ever so slightly, too bad. I turned my head back towards the guard walking me to the King, his face was too slick..too readable he'd touch any female slave weak enough to have for himself in a heartbeat. His pudgy cheeks and receding hair line said enough about his love life, scoffing ever so slightly I look ahead of me as huge doors open up to reveal the King on his throne. His son was by his side, I squinted looking over the both of them. The King was rough looking, he had beady little eyes that seemed to see the murky depths of your soul, I Heather Slither was NOT easily scared but looking at this man was the first time I've ever felt real fear. My eyes slide over to his son and I stop dead my breathing hitches. He was absolutely gorgeous, his dark hair was a bit too long it covered his eyes ever so slightly, his eyes that were a ocean blue that you'd want to swim in, his cheeks sweetly freckled and some very kissable lips. Suddenly I felt incredibly self-conscious about my position, my hair was caked in gross my face was basically a layer of grime and dirt and I smelled absolutely horrendous. The King cleared his throat and my eyes shot back to him "Ms. Slither, we meet again." He sneered "I'd like to offer you a position..."

My freedom (or lack thereof) is what he offered, but with a price...always with a price. I'd have to become his personal assassin, someone to clean up his dirty work. I closed my eyes considering his offer. "And when would I earn my freedom?" I asked avoiding eye contact, "After 4 years of serving me." 4 years wasn't a long time, long enough for me to get paid, do my job, and have enough to live off of until I travel to my original home. "Deal," I finally look him in the eye, "Wonderful," a cat-like smile slowly spreads across his face and I reel in a shiver. "We leave at high noon, get her to the guest quarters and instruct the maids to clean her." the guard nods and pulls me outside the room. He practically drags me to the guest quarters where the maids roughly wash me, and clothe me in 'proper lady clothing' as they called it, they cut my split ends and put my hair up to where it looked like a waterfall with bat-winged clips holding it all together. I guess the King and Prince cannot afford to be caught dead with a woman in riding clothes, oh HOW barbaric! I scowled as a different guard came to take me to the King and Princes carriage, he wouldn't stop eye balling me. I'm honestly surprised I made it to the carriage without him making a marriage proposal. I smiled at myself and sat down in the carriage, "You clean up rather nicely, Ms. Slither." the King politely smiled at me, I smiled back surprised at my joy in the compliment. One hard tug on the horses reigns and we we're off. Towards the Avarla castle, where I'd earn my freedom in due time.