
The Throne Is Mine

“All I desire is a husband who can sit pretty on the throne beside me and keep his mouth shut while I rule. You don’t fit the criteria, Killian. I am not looking for a warrior.” “When the men at court point their swords at your neck princess, you’ll need a warrior by your side instead of a puppet. You won’t be able to get rid of me so easily Amelia. Not when I have made up my mind to have you.” “I am not something for you to simply have Killian.” “Aren’t you? The men out there seem to be putting a good price on your future. Become my wife and I will become your weapon. I will make sure this throne belongs to you.” … Fancy tiaras and dresses never interested Amelia Blackwell, current princess of the Backwell castle. It had always been the throne in the middle of the court that caught her eyes. The throne was the only thing she ever desired but the men in her life reminded her of how it would never belong to a princess. When talks of her marriage flood the castle and news that her father wishes to make her cousin Fraser Adams his heir, Amelia takes matters into her own hands. She sets off to find her own husband and plots to take the throne. Meeting the king of the north Killian Bune doesn’t make her life any easier. Along her way she finds love, betrayal, death, envy, and more as she tries to become queen. “I promise you, this throne will belong to me.” ... The cover was done by IG r.voh.k

Violet_167 · Fantasía
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356 Chs

Chapter 42

"Grandmother, I think it would have been better if we took a simple carriage and disguised ourselves," Amelia said as she looked out the window at the many people gathering around the carriage. She wanted to meet everyone but before that, she also wanted to enjoy a few games without being watched and eat food without being judged.

"Do not worry dear. After a quick hello, everyone will give us space to enjoy ourselves. I've been out many times. Hello!" Margaret waved to the people as she passed by. "Relax your shoulders a bit."

"I can't help it. I do not get the chance to go out like this these days. It's terrible how royals could be so far away from their people," Amelia sadly spoke. She couldn't leave the castle too much because of danger and the only way she got to mingle with her people daily was through the temple.

"It cannot be helped, Amelia. I am able to do it because I no longer live in the castle and I have no responsibilities keeping me from visiting our people."

"What responsibilities does a princess have? To sit and look pretty? To marry a prince from a foreign land to help build truce and end wars? I have nothing to do but look forward to a future someone has planned for me," Amelia muttered.

"Your anger is the fuel you need to change your future, Amelia. Isn't that what you have been trying to do for the last couple of years? You are fighting for your future more than I did when I was chosen to marry the king. Your efforts will not be all for nothing, Amelia. Listen well, it is not only the king you need to prove as a worthy ruler. It's the people," said Margaret.

"What had Fraser ever done for the people in this kingdom?" Margaret asked.

"Nothing," Amelia honestly replied. Fraser was only good at spending money to look good. "He'll cry if he learns you don't think he would make a good ruler. You shouldn't play favorites with your grandchildren. That's part of why he hates me."

"That boy is hardly my grandchild. His mother is not my child. You have what Fraser doesn't. A connection to the people. They nearly stormed the castle when they heard rumors your mother was actually murdered and the truth was being buried. Continue to be a royal who deeply cares for your people and you'd be surprised how much they will shake the castle until you are named queen."

"That is lovely but I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt while trying to make me queen. It is hard to swallow that I will not be on the throne with Fraser and now Annabelle's child. I can only marry someone with influence in the castle and help the kingdom. Either that or kill other heirs," said Amelia. She was seriously starting to consider killing her three problems. Her father, Fraser, and Annabelle.

"I can always help you if needed," Margaret smiled even though they were talking about killing her own child. "I love my son but as a former queen, I love the people more. If I was able to have another son, I would have long killed your father and placed my other son on the throne."

Amelia couldn't fathom how Margaret could easily consider killing her only child. It was different for her considering she did not have a good relationship with her father so seeing him die wouldn't hurt her. Margaret on the other hand at least had a relationship with her son. The way her father treated her was what created the biggest issue between her grandmother and father.

"About time that the carriage stopped. Remember this place, Amelia? You loved the pastries from here so much that I had to send someone to ring some for all your birthdays. The baker must think you have fallen out of love with his bread because we have not sent for it in a while. We will visit here first. Thank you," Margaret thanked the coachman for opening her door.

"It is Margaret Blackwell and the princess," Amelia heard the people start to whisper.

"Princess," one of Margaret's guards offered his hand for Amelia to carefully step out of the carriage.

"Thank you," she accepted his hand and stepped out of the carriage. Amelia was immediately greeted by happy expressions from everyone who was excited to see the princess. "It is nice to see everyone again," she greeted the crowd.

Now that she was on the outside, Amelia forgot about everything she was previously talking about with Margaret. It felt good to be around people who genuinely cared for her unlike everyone in the castle who ignored her because her father showed her no interest.

"You have gotten so tall, princess."

"She looks just like her mother."

"Come try what my family is selling. It'll be better than the food in the castle."

Amelia didn't know which way to look as everyone spoke at the same time. Each way she turned there was someone offering her kind words and it became so crowded that Margaret's guards had to surround the two royals in case anyone tried anything stupid.

"One at a time, please. I wish to greet all of you and have fun together," Amelia spoke loudly, hoping everyone would be able to hear what she said.

"Alright now," Margaret clapped her hands to gain everyone's attention. The crowd went silent as they wanted to hear what the former queen had to say. "Let's make some room for Amelia to visit all the stalls and buy some of what everyone has to offer. We need some room to make sure she isn't harmed."

Amelia was in awe of how Margaret easily commanded the crowd and gained their attention by just clapping her hands. As Margaret requested, the crowd stepped back a little bit to give them some space to visit the baker first. "How much cooler can you get, grandmother?"

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