
The Three Sisters called Furies

The Furies, the vengeance deities of classic mythology, are back in business again.

GryphonMistake · Fantasía
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6 Chs

The Three Sisters…Are Trapped

The clanging of the chains echoes through the air, creating a haunting melody that tells tales of an ancient land hidden deep beneath the void. The mournful cries of the undead can be heard in the distance as they wail in despair and regret. A thick fog blankets the area, keeping the lurking monsters at bay. The walls around you are cracked and worn, as if they could crumble to dust at any moment. Flickering torches cast an eerie glow, providing a small measure of comfort in this desolate place.

Sinister eyes peer out from between the floorboards, their mesmerizing gaze seeming to pierce your very soul and lay bare your deepest secrets

The monsters that have been imprisoned here for an eternity stare blankly into the thick fog that surrounds them. They are trapped behind rusted bars that seem to emit a mysterious aura. The air is thick with the scent of rust and blood, and the desperate cries and pleas of sinners echo hauntingly in the ears. Amidst this sound, three creatures lie motionless. Their sins have manifested as chains that cover every inch of their grotesque bodies. The stench they emit is overpowering - a sickening reminder of the countless victims they have devoured and the many lives they have destroyed.

**Bang** Servers you right you foul creature! A man says while banging on the rustic bars

The three creatures simultaneously raise their heads and point their fingers at the man. With a tone of bloodlust dripping

off every word, they declare, YOU are nothing but an insignificant bug who feeds off our scraps. We are the rightful rulers of this world. Our power will surpass anything you could even imagine. We will escape and we will exact revenge on those who dare betray us. The creatures glare at the man with eyes filled with hatred. They know that one day they will have their revenge for his actions against them and its sisters The creatures belong in the skies, the oceans, and the mountains. It is those who have trapped them in the pits of the underworld that deserve a gruesome end. The man looks at the creatures with distaste and turns away. He knows that if these three sisters, known as furies, were to escape there would be nothing to stop them. He can only hope that they never find a way out. Their sole purpose is to torture sinners who have been cast into the deepest pits of the underworld.

Decades Later…

**Click.** The sound of the lock disengaging echoes through the prison. A man steps forward and slowly pushes open the heavy door. One of the sisters raises its head and looks up at the imposing figure of God. What have you done! yells Hades, his voice booming with anger. One of the creature's smirks and says in a hoarse voice, I've let us free, free from this prison and free from your wrath. Hades looks at the creature with disgust and roars back, You will never get out! This is your fate! The creature looks down and smiles to itself. Hades stares at the wretched beast with contempt. These things were only meant to deal with sinners, but they have gone too far wanting more and more power. They have traveled off their path into this place where all can enter but none can leave - The underworld - Hade's domain as he is the god of death.

The creature looks up again, as if warding death says, Even if I must sacrifice everything, I know my sisters will never falter. We are bound by blood and oath, goddesses of vengeance who will hunt down all who stray from the righteous path.

Beware our wrath.

Hades then looks at the creatures with a furious gaze and says: Your determination is relentless. But know this, I will not allow you to escape my realm. Your quest for vengeance will end here. Then walks away without turning back. As he thought he had nothing to fear as these creatures were once feared even amongst the gods, but now they are nothing, but bugs trapped by soul binding chains with no way to escape. Once Hades left,

the creature turns around and says: First sister Tisiphone second sister Megaera. I the third sister Alecto swear on are sacred bond that we shall get out of this prison and sin those who have done us wrong. One way or another...